Pregnancy is a difficult test for a woman’s body. A growing fetus requires a huge amount of nutrients and trace elements. A high load on the mother's body leads to a decrease in immunity, which increases the risk of developing infectious diseases. To prevent this, both medicinal and folk remedies are used. Aloe during pregnancy is recommended by obstetrician-gynecologists who work directly with expectant mothers.
Green assistant
Traditional medicine offers a large number of applications for the fleshy leaves of the plant. Aloe, or agave, is a medicinal plant that has been used for many centuries to treat various diseases. But the effect of the agave on the body of the future mother is not fully understood. Aloe during pregnancy is best not to use in its pure form. It is best to mix it with honey, with oil, with decoctions of herbs. Therefore, you must consult with your doctor.
To understand whether aloe vera is possible during pregnancy, you need to get acquainted with the substances contained in it. The list is very impressive, so we will limit ourselves to only part of it. The juice contains about 30 minerals. These are calcium and phosphorus, iron and copper, magnesium and manganese, potassium and sodium. Additionally, the body receives almost all B vitamins, retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol. This list is supplemented by 17 amino acids, among which are essential.
A separate group of the following can be distinguished:
- Anthraquinones - their laxative and analgesic properties have long been known. Modern research has confirmed that these substances can act as antibiotics, but without any harm to the body. Women during pregnancy are susceptible to various diseases, so such support is very important.
- Enzymes are specific proteins that help digestion and thus contribute to a more complete absorption of nutrients.
Effects on the body
Traditional medicine preparations are good in that they gently affect the body and most often do not cause side effects. But the difficulties lie in the fact that a medicinal plant usually has several dozen compounds in its composition, each of which can affect the mother and fetus in a certain way. At the same time, to say exactly what effect they will have, even the most experienced doctor will not undertake it.
The composition of the agave contains anthraquinones. These are complex biologically active substances that are irritating to smooth muscles. If there is a risk of miscarriage, then taking aloe without the supervision of a doctor is completely excluded.
Outdoor use
Aloe during pregnancy can be used as an alternative to cream for stretch marks. Agave extract helps to increase the production of collagen and elastin, which allows you to save problem areas in excellent shape. But the expectant mother needs to be careful when applying aloe juice externally. It is best to consult with a specialist beforehand.
During pregnancy, aloe is used to relieve swelling of the nose with a runny nose. But it is very important in this case to carefully adhere to the dosage. This remedy can penetrate the blood through the mucous membranes and cross the placental barrier.
What you can count on
Aloe juice during pregnancy is not a panacea. But in some cases, it can make this difficult period a little easier. It provides a complex of nutrients to your body. In addition, it eliminates the occurrence of constipation. The body is gently cleansed, which is very important for expectant mothers.
Aloe helps fight apathy, drowsiness and fatigue. Very often, such symptoms accompany women in the first trimester. Is aloe vera possible during pregnancy? There is no single answer to this question. If you feel good and pregnancy proceeds without complications, then the doctor in most cases allows the woman to resort to traditional medicine. But if there were bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, the risk of miscarriage, then it is better not to risk it.
Beneficial features
The rich composition of aloe provides a healing effect on the body of the expectant mother. Freshly squeezed juice helps to cope with a number of problems. Among his actions:
- Strengthening the immune system.
- Strong and healthy sleep.
- Wound healing and stop external bleeding.
- Aloe quickly relieves swelling.
- With the help of this plant, you can treat sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
Pregnant women can regularly use diluted aloe extract as a means of home cosmetology. This tool helps to cope with hair loss, eliminates dandruff, relieves itching. It is no less useful for facial skin. Regular use of masks helps get rid of acne and oily sheen, normalize color, and hide fine wrinkles. That is, aloe during pregnancy can be used to maintain the beauty of a woman.
Possible harm
As mentioned above, the agave can not be assigned to yourself. It can lead to disruption of the intestines and provoke contractions. This may result in a miscarriage or premature birth. Of course, everything must be done to avoid this.
It is especially dangerous to take aloe inside the first trimester. In the first weeks after conception, active substances may interfere with the implantation process. Until 6 weeks, the placenta is not formed, that is, the fetus receives everything that its mother takes. It is difficult to say how such a complex connection will affect its growth and development. Therefore, aloe vera during pregnancy should be prescribed only by a doctor.
From 10 weeks, the placenta is already included in the work, but taking unacceptable substances can provoke a fading of pregnancy. Of course, the agave is not a potent drug, but caution will not hurt. Finally, after 28 weeks, the use of aloe can lead to premature birth.
That is, the most favorable period for the use of aloe is the second trimester. But even in this case, you need to remember that it is advisable to use aloe during pregnancy only externally, unless otherwise regulated by the recommendations of your doctor.
Absolute contraindications
Each pregnancy is unique, therefore no doctor will undertake to give recommendations that are suitable for everyone. But there are a number of absolute contraindications to the use of the agave. These include exacerbation of chronic diseases, internal bleeding, kidney and liver diseases, and high blood pressure.
In the body of the expectant mother enormous changes occur. They affect the immune system as well. In its functioning, failures occur and the risk of developing allergic reactions increases. Even if you have not seen such before, you should be careful.