When the abdomen becomes visible during pregnancy: the development of the fetus by weeks, changes in the appearance of a woman, photo

The most obvious sign of pregnancy is a large belly. At what week of pregnancy, the stomach becomes visible, a very important question for any woman who is going to become a mother for the first time.

It grows not only due to an increase in the size of the fetus, but due to the increase in the size of the uterus, there is more amniotic fluid. It is important for a woman carrying a child to know when she became pregnant, but there is no absolutely correct methodology for determining the term.

How is the term determined?

The obstetric period is determined on the basis of the day after the end of the last menstruation. Doctors expect pregnancy in weeks. The period during which the fetus is fully formed is 40 weeks or 280 days. If we talk about months, then it is 9 months and 7 days.

There is still a true or fetal period. But it is quite difficult to determine, since it is very difficult to say at what point the connection between the sperm and the egg occurred. This period can be indicated on the ultrasound protocol, but it should not be confused with obstetric.

It is possible to independently determine when the birth will be, adding 38 weeks to the conception date. And you can count in the reverse order: subtract the conception dates of 3 months and 7 days.

First weeks of pregnancy

Naturally, the woman is concerned about the question of when the stomach becomes visible during pregnancy. Moreover, it is relevant if this is the first pregnancy. It is clear that there is no question of any increase in the abdomen in the first week, especially if it is the so-called obstetric week, that is, the first 7 days after the last menstrual cycle. Women usually say "first week of pregnancy", referring to the fifth week after the delay.

In the first two obstetric weeks that she is pregnant, the woman may not even suspect. There are no obvious signs. In the third week after conception, the girl can feel drowsiness or even a slight weakness, there may already be changes in mood and even a slight increase in temperature. Perhaps the appearance of implantation bleeding on the days when there should be a menstruation. This is not at all scary.

In the third week after conception , nausea, intolerance to certain foods, increased sense of smell, enlargement, and even slight chest pain may already appear. Perhaps the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, slight pain. However, it should be understood that the body of every woman reacts differently to the development of a new life, so the symptoms can vary greatly.

What is happening to the body these days? In the third obstetric week, the fertilized cell already moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus to be implanted into the walls of the organ. During this period, the placenta and umbilical cord are formed.

The biggest risk that a miscarriage occurs is precisely in the first week after conception, because the female body fights with a “foreign” body, and therefore the temperature rises.

If a woman already knows about her situation, then one should not give up sexual activity, but nevertheless one should not be very “active”. Smoking should be excluded from your life, just like alcohol. You can adjust your diet by focusing on vitamins.

sperm in the uterus

Fourth week

At this time, many women do not even suspect that they have already begun a new life inside. However, the zygote is already starting to turn into an embryo. Its dimensions already reach 0.36 mm, with a width of 1 mm. Right now, the placenta and amniotic fluid are forming, the head is forming.

The woman most likely this week will suspect that something is wrong. Mood may change several times a day, nipples swell, and in the morning you may experience a malaise. Basal temperature can tell that pregnancy has come, it exceeds 37 degrees. There are no external changes in the woman.

4 week

Fifth to sixth week

This is also not the time when the abdomen becomes visible during pregnancy, however, we can already say that changes in the state of the body are still observed.

A woman may be bothered by morning sickness. Yellowish or white discharge sometimes appears from the chest. There is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness disturbs. The chest of many becomes too sensitive, some women can not even sleep on it. In the psycho-emotional state, serious changes are also taking place, many women are not just annoyed, they are worried about something, others do not feel joy from their position.

The baby has already formed a heart that beats, although he himself looks like a tadpole. This week, you should abandon all medicines except those prescribed by your doctor, it is recommended to drink folic acid.

Seventh to ninth week

This is a very important period, further maturation of the placental tissue occurs. In the child all the most important organs are formed, the ridge is stiff, its height is 20 mm. By the ninth week, the baby is already moving from the embryo stage to the fetal stage.

For a woman, the second month of pregnancy is the most difficult, it is at this stage that nausea worries, torments anxiety and heartburn, hormonal changes occur. There are no cardinal changes in appearance.

10 weeks pregnant

The belly is already visible at this time, but it is still quite small, the uterus is already about grapefruit. At this time, you should choose a more comfortable underwear and clothing. Symptoms are the same as those at 8–9 weeks, but abdominal and back pain may join. The baby is already 30 mm or more.

10 week

11-15 weeks

What month of pregnancy is the stomach visible? At week 11, the stomach is already visible quite well, but still neat. The woman’s favorite position during this period is sitting and lying, she is constantly tired. At 11 weeks, the placenta is formed, there is a big risk of miscarriage. At the twelfth week, it is already possible to observe how the abdomen grows, since the embryo gradually moves into the abdominal cavity, due to the fact that it does not already fit in the pelvic area. At 13 weeks, the waist lines are smoothed. By 14 weeks, an increase in total body weight of 2 kilograms has already been observed. From 15 weeks begins the rapid growth of the baby.

16 week

If the abdomen is not visible at 16 weeks of gestation, some women are a little worried. In fact, this is not a big deal, for every woman everything happens differently. But already at this time, you can determine the gender of the baby. On ultrasound, you can already see the arms and legs, the face and body of the baby is covered with a light fluff or lanugo through which the vessels are visible.

When does the stomach become visible during the second pregnancy? In many women, when carrying a second child, active growth of the abdomen falls precisely for this period, mothers can already feel the baby beating. Young mothers who are born for the first time, usually feel it by 18-20 weeks.

During this period, weight should be controlled, it is a very erroneous opinion that a woman should get much better, in fact this can be a symptom of preeclampsia.

16 week

17-20 weeks

What time is the stomach visible during pregnancy? Of course, at this time he should already be clearly visible. This is the fifth month of pregnancy, when a woman can feel heat in her whole body, a feeling of heaviness in her legs. Due to changes in the hormonal system, the hair can become silky and shiny, even if you appear in commercials. However, back pain is increasingly worrying. By week 20, there is already a strong activity of the baby, not only the mother can know that the baby is moving, his movements are well felt. During this period, the baby has a sucking reflex, which is seen on an ultrasound scan.

20 week

21-30 weeks

From 21 weeks, a planned ultrasound should already be taken. The question, when the stomach becomes visible during pregnancy, no longer arises, it is clearly visible. This week, the baby's taste preferences are formed, so it is not recommended to get involved in certain types of products. Remember: if now you will eat a lot of sweets, then at the first feeding it is unlikely to be able to feed the child with fresh cereals.

At week 27, shortness of breath can already be felt, this is due to the fact that the uterus is growing rapidly and puts pressure on the chest. From this moment you should control the weight, avoid pickles, so as not to provoke puffiness.

From 29 weeks, the baby will increase in size until the time of birth by about 2-3 times. Already, its weight is about 1.5 kilograms.

At week 30, a woman feels great activity of the baby, she is tormented by flatulence, dizziness, there may be many stretch marks on the body. Some women are concerned about bleeding in the gums, but this will go away immediately after delivery.

30 week

31-39 weeks

When does the stomach become visible during pregnancy? At this time it is no longer possible to hide that a child will soon be. A woman can develop varicose veins during this period, because there is tremendous pressure on the blood vessels. The expectant mother is worried about frequent urination, nasal congestion and there may be problems with sleep.

By week 39, a woman is gaining from 11 to 16 kilograms. The gradual opening of the cervix begins, constantly tormenting heartburn. This week, there may be a separation of the mucous plug, which is manifested in the form of secretions with red veins. Do not worry - this is a normal condition.

after childbirth

40 week

Active preparation for childbirth is already beginning. The abdomen gradually descends, there may be diarrhea. Pelvic ligaments are stretched, false contractions can disturb, not abundant discharge (white or yellow) appears. If the woman is not yet in the hospital, then at the first sign of amniotic fluid, you should immediately go to the hospital.

At what stage of pregnancy does the stomach become visible? This is a rather complicated question, with normal development, the first signs should be visible from 4 months, and for someone, the tummy is visible already in the second month, it all depends on the anatomical features of the woman.

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