Pregnancy without toxicosis: normal or dangerous pathology? Why is sick during pregnancy in the early stages?

Pregnancy has its own nuances, it is often accompanied by a phenomenon such as toxicosis. It can be one of the signs indicating the presence of pregnancy, because it appears very early. In general, its duration is rather difficult to predict, because it can occur only in the first trimester, and can accompany the whole term before delivery. In practice, pregnancy without toxicosis is not uncommon. In this case, the question arises: "Is this the norm or, on the contrary, evidence of a disease or deviation?"

What is toxicosis?

Morning toxicosis

In 9 out of 10 cases, toxicosis manifests itself in the early stages of pregnancy. This feeling of nausea, vomiting, and profuse saliva. The danger is that the expectant mother may confuse this sign of pregnancy with the manifestations of a disease. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your condition and register with the gynecologist, visiting him regularly.

If the above symptoms accompany a pregnant woman 2 or 3 times a day, then this is normal, often such attacks occur in the morning before eating. It happens when the appetite begins to decline sharply, taste preferences change greatly, and nausea is observed throughout the day. In this case, the question arises of when toxicosis begins during pregnancy in the early stages. From the moment of conception and implantation of the egg, the woman’s body is rebuilt and begins to change. Therefore, about a week after conception, toxicosis begins, and ends, as a general rule, closer to week 20. These dates may vary from case to case.

Why does he appear?

Dizziness and nausea

From a medical point of view, toxicosis is the reaction of the future mother's body to a new body - a fertilized egg. Scientists can not answer the question of why sick in pregnancy in the early stages, and what is its duration. Consider the probable basis, in the presence of which ailments appear.

  • In general terms, the reason is the reaction of the body and its attempt to tear the fetus off and get rid of it, because for the body it is a foreign body that can be harmful. In fact, this is not so, and the body will soon “realize” it.
  • Hormonal failure is closely related to the previous reason, because from the moment of conception the body changes, and therefore the hormonal background undergoes changes. This can cause toxicosis.
  • Diseases of the digestive system or other organ systems. Toxicosis can indicate malfunctioning of some organs, it is only necessary to detect and cure it in time. Therefore, the answer to the question of when is it best to register for pregnancy is the following. Detecting the disease in the early stages is safer, it can be cured, and it is easier to do than later.
  • The lack of vitamins and minerals is an important reason. After all, at the first examinations by a gynecologist it is necessary to choose a complex of vitamins necessary for a woman in a particular case.
  • Lifestyle. The main recommendation for the expectant mother is a healthy lifestyle - giving up alcohol and smoking. If a woman neglected these rules before pregnancy, then toxicosis manifests itself more strongly and lasts longer.
  • The psychological attitude has a serious effect on the body of the expectant mother. If there are negative emotions, fear or unwillingness of the baby, then severe bouts of malaise can be observed. Also, when a girl constantly thinks why there is no toxicosis during pregnancy, is it normal or not, the body tunes in to it, and the first manifestations will not take long. Such conclusions are drawn from numerous studies.

If the expectant mother asks about how a normal pregnancy proceeds, then in the theory of medicine all scientists will say that toxicosis is not an obligatory component of the process. Even, on the contrary, during normal pregnancy, the body should not perceive the unborn baby as a danger and include rejection mechanisms.

Forms of toxicosis. Easy stage

Toxicosis Nausea

In the theory of medicine, there are three main forms of ailments, they are divided according to the severity and effect on the girl’s body.

Mild malaise does not greatly affect the condition of the pregnant woman, in general, she feels great. Vomiting and bouts of nausea appear no more than 5 times a day, usually after eating. It does not last long, until about 13 weeks of fetal development. This stage is close to the state of pregnancy without toxicosis, because if the seizures are less frequent and the condition is without ailments, we can talk about the absence of toxicosis.

Middle stage of toxicosis

Toxicosis of moderate severity - the frequency of attacks varies up to 12 times a day, they are not associated with food intake. That is, they can occur without them, appetite decreases sharply, it becomes impossible to eat. There is a strong weight loss, urination is becoming increasingly rare, and the skin is dry. In addition, the girl quickly gets tired, tired, weakness appears and is dizzy.

Heavy form

Severe toxicosis - the number of seizures increases to 20 times or more. Nausea can occur not only during the day, but also in the evening, and, accordingly, also does not depend on food intake. A severe breakdown is observed, as well as the girl is losing weight, there is a process of dehydration and hunger. A taste of acetone may be observed in the mouth, the pressure begins to decrease gradually, and the temperature rises.

Based on the descriptions of all forms of toxicosis, we can talk about its importance and, in some cases, danger to the body. Therefore, if you have a question about when it is better to register for pregnancy, we recommend that you do this as soon as possible. As soon as you know or notice the likelihood of pregnancy, consult your doctor. It is the gynecologist who, through research, will be able to determine whether conception has occurred or not, and what vitamins, treatment the pregnant woman needs.

Is it worth the cure?

Dizziness in pregnant

As already mentioned more than once, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, it will be he who will identify the cause of the onset and development of toxicosis, and, therefore, will help get rid of it or minimize manifestations. It is on time that the treatment started will allow a pregnancy without toxicosis. When registering, there is a need to pass all tests - both gynecological and general. Do not pull - do it. Also go through all the specialists and tell the gynecologist about all your past and current diseases.

What helps with toxicosis? Long and not very tiring walks in the fresh air. Nutrition adjustment - it’s better to eat a little, but more often, in order not to provoke nausea, it is not worth eating much hotter. It is important to carry out weighing regularly. If the symptoms of toxicosis are strong, then weigh yourself every day. Observation of weight in dynamics is important - if there is a tendency to decrease in body weight, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

How to treat?

Treatment of severe toxicosis

A mild form of toxicosis can be cured at home with the help of folk remedies or drugs prescribed by a gynecologist. But taking the pills can harm the developing embryo, which turns into a baby. Therefore, a girl may be prescribed walking for aromatherapy or physiotherapeutic procedures.

What helps with toxicosis? Folk remedies - mint infusion - 2 teaspoons, or valerian, namely the root - 1 teaspoon. Marigold flowers also help - 2 tablespoons are small, and it is worth adding 2 tablespoons of yarrow. Mix all this and fill with hot water (approximately 400 ml). Leave the tincture for 30 minutes, then strain to remove garbage. Drink some water about 50 ml about 4-6 times a day. This course lasts 25 days, then a break is taken for 15 days, and treatment begins again. Do not forget that in any case there is a need to consult a doctor.

A severe form is treated in a hospital.

Is toxicosis normal? And who does he appear with?

To begin with, it is worth noting that all future mothers have toxicosis. If the girl is healthy, she planned pregnancy in advance, for this she was examined, drank a complex of vitamins or underwent treatment, she does not have chronic and pathological deviations, then there is a high probability of the absence of toxicosis.

Pregnant women who, prior to conception, suffered from chronic diseases involving the gastrointestinal tract, liver, or thyroid gland, will probably have toxicosis, so they should not be surprised why they feel sick during pregnancy in the early stages. At risk are girls who lead the wrong lifestyle, who get enough sleep and worry a lot. In such cases, toxicosis may accompany long weeks.

Summing up, it is worth noting that if there is no toxicosis during pregnancy, this is normal, no need to worry. And even on the contrary - you have to be happy, it says that you are healthy, and your baby is in excellent condition.

What are the benefits of toxicosis?

Balanced diet

The process of carrying a baby is individual, it differs in features and characteristics of each girl, depending on many factors. Pregnancy without toxicosis is an extremely rare phenomenon that is almost never found in practice. If all the symptoms of toxicosis suddenly stopped, this is bad, such a symptom can mean a frozen pregnancy. It is much better when a woman feels a slight and rare feeling of nausea, does not tolerate the smell of some products. This means that everything is fine, but at the same time, there is no question of full toxicosis. Please note that if a pregnant woman does not tolerate the smell of a product, then the baby does not need it now, it is better to exclude it from the diet, even if the product is useful. In the early stages, you need to eat as your body dictates.


Sleep is the best medicine

So, in this article, answers were given to questions about why there is no toxicosis during pregnancy, whether it is dangerous, how long it starts, how long it takes, how to treat it. Summing up, it is worth noting that it is advisable for a future mother to familiarize herself with the forms of toxicosis, compare them with her condition. If you feel unwell, but they do not reach a mild form, this indicates that you and your baby are healthy, there is no risk of a missed pregnancy. The appearance of signs of toxicosis of any form is an occasion to consult a doctor. If the pregnancy proceeds unnoticed, there are no signs at all - again, you need to see a doctor to prevent a miscarriage.

Be healthy and happy, sleep and relax more!

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