At what age can lentils be given to children? Lentil dishes: simple and tasty recipes

At what age can lentils be given to children? Lentils, which belong to the legume family, are a very useful product. First of all, lentils are a natural, rich source of natural protein. In addition, this bean contains a lot of iron. Lentils contain a large proportion of tryptophan. Moreover, this substance in this cereal is more than in meat and other types of legumes. But unlike the latter, it takes much less time to cook lentils. Even for the preparation of red lentils, which is also sometimes called Egyptian, it takes only twenty to thirty minutes.

Lentils Benefits for kids

red lentils for children

To understand at what age lentils can be given to children, it is important to consider the following beneficial properties of the product:

  1. A large amount of folic acid in lentils increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  2. A significant fiber content stimulates the intestines and helps to cope with constipation.
  3. Serves as a stimulator of lipid metabolism in the body.
  4. The benefits of lentils for children is that it helps strengthen the immune system.
  5. Lentils contains a large number of useful trace elements: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, etc. Thanks to this composition, intensive growth of the child's body is ensured.
  6. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  7. Lentils is one of the most useful foods for children prone to nervous disorders, depression, and moods. Since it contains a large amount of a special amino acid - tryptophan, which is necessary for the production of the hormone of happiness.
  8. Lentils are an environmentally friendly and safe product, regardless of the region in which it grows. It does not have the ability to absorb toxins and radionuclides from the environment.
  9. It is a low-calorie product, and in combination with other useful and valuable substances serves as an excellent food product for obesity.
  10. The cereal contains a very large amount of vitamin C, which makes it considered a particularly valuable product for children in winter and spring, when many babies tend to lack vitamins.
boiled lentils

From all of the above, it can be said with confidence that lentils are useful for children. This is one of those products that will undoubtedly become a favorite in the diet of a child. It is only necessary to deal with the question of the age at which lentils can be given to children. After all, it is important that the baby’s body is already ready to digest such porridge. It is also worth understanding how to prepare different types of cereals for a certain age category of children.

When to introduce lentils into a baby’s diet?

In general, lentils taste very good. From this cereal, you can cook many different variations of dishes for both the smallest and for older children. Moreover, the types of dishes and varieties of lentils, as well as their combination with secondary products, change with the age of the child.

Doctors have a fairly similar point of view regarding the age at which lentils can be given to children. This opinion boils down to the fact that it is best for children to start eating this cereal after two years of age. Only very few kids are able to digest this product as much as possible in a year or a half. Since, despite all its advantages, lentils are still somewhat difficult to digest with the fragile body of the child.

Thus, in order to understand at what age lentils can be given to children, it is necessary to understand the peculiarities of the introduction of complementary foods for babies of various age categories.

It must be remembered that the consumption of lentils by a child under the age of one year can cause colic in the abdomen and the formation of gases. Of course, in this state, the body cannot get any benefit from lentils.

Some babies may show an allergic reaction in response to their use at a very young age. Although this is quite rare. But still, the smaller the age of the child, the greater the likelihood of a similar situation.

The most optimal age when boiled lentils can begin to diversify a child’s diet in combination with any other product is 2 years of age. And already starting with three, this cereal can already be offered to children as a full-fledged side dish.

How to introduce lentils in the diet correctly?

the benefits of lentils to children

For the first test, the child must be given cereal in a carefully boiled form, up to a puree, somewhat liquid state. After the first teaspoon of the dish, you should observe the behavior of the child for some time. If he does not notice any allergic reactions, the temperature does not rise, and if everything is in order with the work of the intestines, then we can safely conclude that the dish was successfully absorbed by the baby's body. After this, lentil dishes should be introduced into the baby's food with a regularity of twice a week.

Eating lentils after two years

For children aged 1.5-2 years at a time, you can give 30-50 grams of legumes, including lentils. And already at the age of 2-3 years, this amount and regularity of use in food increases to 100 grams, two to three times a week. To minimize the negative impact of the product on the child's body, it should be properly prepared. About it further.

Lentil Cooking Tips

red lentils

Before considering simple recipes for delicious lentil dishes, which every housewife can cook, we will give some useful recommendations. Lentils are different. Brown, green, red, French, black lentils - all these types are prepared in different ways, and also have different properties. So, for example, for the first feeding of children it is best to cook brown lentils, which quickly boil. It requires the shortest possible time for cooking, has a pleasant taste and unique aroma. It is most suitable for making mashed soup and other food options for the smallest. Green lentils are suitable for older children. It goes well in salads and casseroles in the form of both the main and secondary dishes. When cooking, green lentils do not break up and retain their shape well. But for its preparation requires a little more time than for the rest of the species.

Many parents wonder at what age red lentils are allowed for children. It is worth noting that the latter can be used to prepare fragrant and healthy mashed soups for children from a 2-year period.

Soup for children

how to cook lentil soup

How to make lentil soup for kids? For cooking, you need to take a glass of red lentils, 300 grams of cauliflower, one each onion and carrot. The ingredients must be washed, peeled and finely chopped vegetables, sautéed in vegetable oil for several minutes, add lentils to them and, after 5 minutes of frying, add vegetable broth or plain water (one and a half liters) to the resulting mass. After it, pour salt to taste and leave to cook. Boil cauliflower for several minutes in water, cut into small pieces and add them to the lentil mass. Leave on low heat until cooked. Fresh chopped herbs should be added to the prepared soup.

Mashed potatoes

at what age can lentils be given to children

How to cook lentil puree? You need to take one glass of red lentils, 2 tbsp. l rice, 1 onion. Rinse all the ingredients, peel the onion and cut into small cubes, fry in vegetable oil, add rice and lentils. After frying for several minutes, add one and a half liters of broth to the resulting mixture. Add salt to taste and leave on fire until grits are cooked. In the finished state, pour the resulting mixture into a blender and beat until puree. Then put on low heat for another 10 minutes.

Lentil cutlets

lentil dishes

To prepare, take ¾ cup red lentils, half an onion, 50 g flour. Peel the onion, chop and fry in vegetable oil. Then add the washed cereal to the onion and after 5 minutes frying, add water to boil, salt, add chopped herbs, leave over low heat until cooked. Form small cutlets from the resulting mixture, roll in flour. After they need to be fried in oil in a pan on both sides (each for two minutes).


Now you know when and how to give lentils to a child and how useful it is for children. The article also discusses recipes for lentil dishes. Each mommy can cook them simply and tasty, even without culinary skills.

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