A birthday is a holiday that a child especially expects, because this is not only an occasion to receive many gifts, but also an expectation of a miracle. And, of course, parents want to arrange such a fabulous and unforgettable day for their baby. But an ordinary feast is difficult to consider a fabulous adventure. Therefore, the organization of a birthday in a certain topic will be an excellent opportunity to show imagination and plunge the whole family into the world of entertainment, games and creativity. For example, a child’s birthday in the Hawaiian party style will delight not only himself, but all the guests. After all, the Hawaiian festivals are known for their noisy fun, provocative music, many contests and the colorful surroundings.
Holiday Venue
When it comes to the Hawaiian Islands, beautiful landscapes immediately pop up before your eyes. Colorful sunsets, vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean, beaches with white sand, palm groves and mountains covered with greenery and flowers. Therefore, the choice of venue for a Hawaiian party-style holiday event is very important. A child’s birthday in the warm season can be arranged on the seashore, river, any other reservoir or pool, this will be relevant. If the baby was born in the cold season and organize a holiday symbolizing the summer, it turns out only in an ordinary city apartment, you have to turn on the imagination.
On the beach or pool special stylization is not required. Improvised torches, a bonfire or fire in the grill, fruit vases and drinks with umbrellas will create the necessary mood. You can try and further decorate the venue with colored paper lanterns, flowers and a stylized arch decorated with reeds or fishing nets. If you use your imagination, the party for children in the Hawaiian style will be perfectly held in the apartment, which can also be turned into a corner of the exotic coast. For example, in the room where the action will take place, hang out posters with the image of Hawaiian nature. Decorate the walls with garlands of flowers, colored lanterns, masks and palm leaves. Decor can be done on your own using colored paper for garlands, lanterns and leaves. Masks are perfect for making cardboard, especially if they are decorated with paints or felt-tip pens. Arrange vases with fruits and flowers. Merry music corresponding to the spirit of the holiday will add to the mood of summer colors.
Outfits & Accessories
Of course, when you organize a Hawaiian party for children with your own hands, you will have to do a lot, including outfits, since they do not differ in complexity. Girls will need a skirt that resembles a Hawaiian national pau skirt. Make it simple: you should take an elastic band, measure a little more than the volume of the hips, and tie tight threads or ribbons on it. The more threads, the more magnificent the skirt. You also need to make wreaths and bracelets from flowers.
Boys find it easier to put on shorts and a colorful Hawaiian shirt. A very important accessory is a necklace of flowers. In the summer, it can be made from fresh flowers by stringing inflorescences, separated from the stems, on a long thread, the ends of which must then be tied. In the cold season, such an ornament for all guests may not be affordable for the owners, so the necklace can be made from pre-made paper flowers. It is better if the Hawaiian party for the child will be prepared with his participation. This will make it more interesting and expected for the baby, so the production of floral decorations can be entrusted to the hero of the occasion.
Festive table
The menu of the Hawaiian party must include a variety of fruits and seafood. But since this is a children's option and some of the products can cause allergies, it is better to discuss the contents of the table with the parents of the guests. In any case, acceptable fruits, desserts, drinks, decorated with umbrellas, and cake decorated in the theme of the event.
As for adults, a Hawaiian party for a child has its own characteristics and is called luau. The traditional Hawaiian greeting “Aloha” should sound for each guest, the hero of the occasion needs to remember him. Greeting a friend, the birthday man, as a sign of respect and joy about his visit, puts on a necklace of flowers made of flowers - lei that enters his neck. Since the hero of the occasion is in the spotlight, it will be appropriate to dress him in the costume of the leader - kahuna, which includes a multi-colored crown decorated with feathers, and the same bright cape of feathers - akhuula. It is clear that it will be difficult to make a cloak from feathers, so you can do with a red cloth, this color is also considered festive among Hawaiians. The traditional Hawaiian dance - hula - in movements conveys everything that the dancer wants to say.
Hawaiian party for children: a scenario for outdoor recreation
A lot of fun contests, outdoor games and dances are the key to a fun party. Below are examples that can be included in the holiday program, but first you need to properly meet the guests using the Hawaiian traditions described above.
After all the guests were met, the host addresses those present:
- Aloha! Are you ready to plunge headlong into our holiday and have fun on luau? Then let's congratulate the birthday man according to the old Hawaiian custom, but for this you need to know how old he is.
When the answer is received, the host offers to clap his hands together and shout “Congratulations” in chorus as many times as the hero of the occasion was.
Now we can assume that the Hawaiian party for the child has begun, and before moving on to games and competitions, it will be very interesting to conduct a fun informative quiz called "What do we know about Hawaii?" or "What words in Hawaiian do we know?" Kids will be asked multiple-choice questions. Anyone who picks up a large number of correct ones will receive a prize. Prizes for contests and all those present must be prepared in advance.
Quiz "What do we know about Hawaii?"
- Which ocean waters wash Hawaii? (Answer options: Violent, Noisy, Quiet.)
- What are the inhabitants called? (Answer options: Malays, Chinese, Hawaiians.)
- Which city is the capital? (Answer options: Astana, Oslo, Honolulu.)
- What is the name of the traditional Hawaiian skirt? (Answer options: meow, gau, pau.)
The list can be continued, but not delayed so that the kids do not get bored. After the quiz, it's time to move on to the games.
Hawaiian fun
So what will the guys play at the party?
Coconut Bowling
First, children should be divided into teams. Pineapples and coconuts are used as original equipment, but in the absence of such, plastic bottles with sand and balls are suitable. The team that quickly knocks down all the pins is declared the winner and deserves a prize.
Hawaiian Volleyball
You will need a volleyball net, a large beach ball, chairs or deck chairs for players. The rules are the same as in ordinary volleyball, except that the ball must be repulsed without getting up. The one who gets up is eliminated, and the team with more players left wins.
What could be a real Hawaiian party without this game? For a child, participating in it will be very fun and unusual. You can do it better by dancing to fun music in the hula style. The essence of the game is simple: two hold the bar or a stretched tape, and the players pass under it. With each subsequent pass, the bar lowers a little, and participants have to bend their knees and bend the body back. The one who will be able to go under the maximum lowered bar will win.
Canoe Racing
Inflatable circles are required, preferably for all children. On a circle you need to sit and row to the finish line with your hands. The first finishers are awarded gold, silver and bronze medals.
Hawaiian party at home
The above greetings, costumes, the Limbo game and quizzes are also suitable for holding an event such as a Hawaiian party for children in a city apartment. The scenario can be supplemented with less mobile thematic games than in the fresh air. It is known that Hawaiians are excellent anglers, so the children's game "Fishing", equipped with magnets, is very useful. Fishing out for a while will be quite fun.
"Unlucky tourist"
Children are divided into two teams. On the stool are placed different things for relaxation: slates, mask, hat, shorts, tunic, backpack, sunglasses and so on. The first players running to the stool grab one thing, come back and pass it on to the next player of their team. He must put on or take this thing and run after another. The next player will get two things, and so on, until the stool is empty. The team whose final player dresses faster will win.
Using all these tips, your imagination, and most importantly, tuning in for fun, you will organize such a wonderful event as a Hawaiian party for children. Photos, of course, will not be able to convey the atmosphere of children's happiness. Therefore, it is better to organize a holiday and see for yourself how fun it is.