Physiotherapeutic procedures are of great benefit to the body as a whole and are often used in cosmetology. An impulse massager will help improve skin condition. The method itself is called darsonvalization. Let us consider in more detail the features of the use of a medical electric massager and its effect on the skin.
Darsonvalization - what is it?
More than a century ago, the French physiologist revealed that pulsed alternating currents of high frequency positively affect the human body. They began to be used for medicinal purposes, constantly improving the technology. Over time, the method quickly spread due to its high efficiency and availability. The current name for the technique is darsonvalization. The device itself is called darsonval (in honor of the founder).
Currently, treatment with high-frequency currents of low power is used in neurology, surgery, dentistry, gynecology, urology and other fields of medicine. A well-established pulsed massager in cosmetology. Recently, the device is increasingly being used not only in beauty salons, but also at home.
How does it work?
Darsonvalization is based on the healing effects of alternating current on the body through a glass electrode filled with gas. Sine-wave high-frequency currents (110-400 kHz) have a high voltage (approximately 20 kV) and low power (100-200 mA). They do not lead to an increase in temperature, ionic shifts in the membranes and contraction of muscle tissue. The therapeutic effect can be achieved due to the outflow of lymph and venous blood, due to which metabolic processes in tissues are accelerated.
The technique allows to improve trophic tissue, supply them with oxygen, improve cell nutrition. Against the background of exposure to alternating high-frequency current, leukocytes begin to actively absorb pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation on the skin. Using a pulse facial massager, you can significantly improve the appearance of the skin and regulate the work of the sebaceous glands.
Darsonval in cosmetology
A few decades ago, the device was used only for medical purposes. Now, when the positive effect of darsonvalization has been established and the benefits of small currents for the body as a whole have been proved, the technique is also actively used in the field of cosmetology services. Experts say that the technique allows you to remove fine wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face, normalize the sebaceous glands, and eliminate acne. The device will bring great benefits for dermatological problems.
In cosmetology practice, an electronic pulse massager recommends the use in the following cases:
- with a decrease in skin tone;
- age-related changes;
- acne;
- the presence of pustules and inflammation;
- excessive production of sebum;
- herpetic eruptions;
- psoriasis, eczema and erythema;
- keloid, postoperative scars;
- itching of the skin of an allergic nature;
- neurodermatitis.
In addition, darsonval is able to cope with cellulite. High-frequency electric shocks increase blood flow in problem areas of the skin, remove harmful substances, break down subcutaneous fat and tighten the skin.
The device will have a positive effect in case of hair loss, seborrhea, increased fat content of the scalp. Electrotherapy helps to enhance hair growth and strengthen hair follicles.
Medical use
A pulsed massager (darsonval) is used in physiotherapy as an additional method of treating various diseases. High frequency currents contribute to better drug penetration.
The technique can be applied at the local or general level. In the first case, the current from the device to the patient is carried out using glass vacuum electrodes. With the contact movement of the electrode, the effect occurs on a specific area of the skin. Non-contact technique is used to enhance blood microcirculation, venous outflow and strengthen the immune system.
In general darsonvalization, the patient is placed in a "darsonval cell" (sitting or lying down). The coil creates a high-frequency pulsed electromagnetic field that affects the entire body. Darsonvalization is indicated for neurological disorders, neurosis, migraine, vascular diseases, pathologies of ENT organs, inflammatory processes in gynecology.
Pulse Massager Models
Currently, the device is often used at home. Manufacturers of darsonval offer models with various technical characteristics, a variety of equipment and functionality.
Some of the available devices are as follows:
- Gezatone BT-101.
- Gezatone BT-118.
- Us Medica Darsonval.
- Darsonval The Crown.
- Gezatone Family Doctor.
The electric pulse massager is quite simple to use. At the same time, its effectiveness will be no less than when visiting a cosmetology office. It is important to follow the recommendations for using the device specified by the manufacturer in the instructions. Before using darsonvalization, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.
Gezatone BT-101 (pulse massager): instruction
The French company Gezanne launches a device for cosmetic procedures. The device is a compact case in which a high-frequency generator is integrated . Darsonval receives power from the mains.
High-frequency wave currents enter a glass gas-discharge electrode filled with neon under vacuum. Darsonval currents are formed at the end of the electrode, and the intensity of the pulses regulates the disk rotating on the device.
This pulse massager is equipped with several nozzles, which allows you to use the device for various purposes. A drop-shaped nozzle is used in the treatment of acne, inflammation on the skin of the face. Eliminate problems with hair and scalp using a special “comb”. A fungal nozzle is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve blood flow.
The cost of such an apparatus is 3500-4200 rubles.
Should I use a pulsed massager?
The reviews suggest that the darsonval method almost always lives up to expectations, provided that all safety measures for the use of high-frequency currents are observed. Judging the result of physiotherapy is necessary only after completing the full course. In most cases, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the skin, eliminate inflammation and small wrinkles, increase elasticity.
You should be aware that the method is forbidden to use for blood diseases, rosacea, thrombophlebitis, severe hypertension, individual intolerance to electrotherapy, cardiovascular failure and arrhythmia. Darsonvalization is not prescribed for pregnant women, children under 6 years old, people with benign tumors, hypertrichosis and serious mental disorders.