What does a child need in kindergarten? We make a list of necessary things

Admission to kindergarten is the beginning of a completely new stage in the life of a child. There are many aspects of the psychological and physical preparation of babies for this event. But, among other things, you should also find out what a child needs in kindergarten.

what a child needs in kindergarten

Modern kindergartens already have everything they need for children: dishes, bedding, hygiene products, etc., so the main emphasis should be on the purchase of necessary clothes. All the things you buy for your child must meet several requirements. First of all, pay attention to how easily they can be unfastened and fastened, removed and put on. For example, if tying shoelaces for a baby is still a difficult task, it is better to opt for shoes with Velcro. And instead of clothes with a zipper, you can buy one that fastens with convenient buttons. Having thought over these moments, you will ease the task for both the child and his carers.

Thinking about what a child needs in kindergarten, be sure to make sure that it is convenient for him in the purchased things. No item of clothing should cause the baby discomfort, rub, interfere, restrict movement.

Also note that, being in the kindergarten, the child is likely to often dirty his things. Stains of paint, food, street dirt are not easily washed off from all fabrics, not to mention the fact that after repeated washing, almost all wardrobe items lose their original appearance. Therefore, it is preferable that all clothing be made from fabrics that are easy to wash. And, of course, it should always be clean and ironed - let your child look neat.

Let's move on to the list of what a child needs in kindergarten:

  • Does the child need a kindergarten

    several T-shirts and panties per shift (especially during the period of accustoming to the pot);
  • 2-3 pairs of tights (if it is hot in the kindergarten, you can take socks instead);
  • for boys: T-shirt or t-shirt, sweater, turtleneck, breeches or shorts with an elastic band;
  • for girls: 2-3 skirts and blouses or dresses;
  • shoes (as already mentioned, Velcro models are best);
  • sports uniform for physical education;
  • mittens with elastic bands (in the cold season).

clothes of children in kindergarten

All children's clothing in kindergarten must meet the above requirements.

Also, speaking about what a child needs in kindergarten, it is worth mentioning the need to purchase personal hygiene items: a comb, gum and hair clips for girls, packaging of wet and dry wipes, etc. In addition, you will most likely have to buy a notebook , which will act as a child’s medical card, two notebooks for payment and visiting magazines, as well as an album for drawing. If you wish, you can also buy your child colored pencils and felt-tip pens - stationery provided in kindergartens are rarely of particularly high quality.

If you answered yes to the question of whether the child needs a kindergarten, you should make sure that your baby is ready to go to a preschool in all respects. It is best to ask educators in advance what your child will need. For each specific kindergarten, this list may be different.

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