To increase the drawing range in GTA San Andreas, they usually use a special graphic mode that allows you to see objects at a great distance. Such a plug-in significantly improves the quality of the game’s visualization, especially if you use HD vegetation or landscape in addition to it. However, quite often beginner gamers are faced with the problem of partial rendering of textures due to the installation of such mods. How to avoid this and not lose precious FPS? With pleasure we will tell about it.
What is the drawing range?
Each 3D game has a certain number of textures inscribed in the program code - models of the landscape, water, vegetation, cars, roads and even people. If the range of their drawing is minimal, the player will see only those objects that are in close proximity to his character. At low graphics settings, textures are simply not drawn, but painted over with a special veil that can be compared with fog. If the drawing range is at the maximum level, the player will see mountains, bridges, rivers and trees that are very far from him.
As for GTA San Andreas, things are extremely bad with drawing objects. Of course, in 2006, this level of graphics was considered simply prohibitive, but if you compare the game with the current masterpieces, the difference will be enormous. It will be enough to take off in a helicopter or fighter, and the situation will become clear. Even at maximum height, the player will not see the village located near the city. In addition, having developed great speed on an aircraft, a gamer always has a chance to crash into some tree, the textures of which will be drawn 20 meters from the flying plane.
How to fix the situation?
To change the drawing range in GTA San Andreas, you can use the game settings or install a third-party modification that will significantly improve the graphics. To increase the settings, it will be enough to enter the main menu, and then open the "Options" section. Even for top-end cars, GTA sets the average rendering range by standard. You can change the parameter using a special strip by dragging it to the maximum to the right. After that, objects will begin to appear at a much greater distance.
However, no standard settings can be compared with what the modification does, which increases the basic indicator of texture visibility by 10 times (see screenshot a little higher). You can download such a modification for free on the Internet, after which you will need to follow the instructions that come with the mod. After installing the script, the game will begin to draw the landscape, trees, cars and other objects at a great distance, so that the player can fully penetrate the atmosphere of San Andreas.
Where to download the modification?
Decided to install several mods on the schedule for "GTA: San Andreas"? We strongly recommend downloading plugins only from trusted sites, as fraudsters can add various viruses to some files that transfer personal information about users to third parties. Here are three verified sites where files are thoroughly tested before being posted:
The first resource deserves the greatest attention of gamers, since all files downloaded from this site can be installed automatically using a special launcher. The same applies to removing mods - just click one button, after which the script will completely disappear from the game.
Manual installation of files
Mod on the graphics for GTA San Andreas can be installed in manual mode. Of course, for such actions there is practically no sense (only if you have not decided to change the modification for yourself), however, some users do not trust the automatic installation, preferring it to manual. Be prepared that you will have to follow a certain algorithm of actions.
- Download the modification from any of the above sites.
- Unpack the contents of the archive to any place on the computer.
- Move the cs file to the CLEO folder with the game.
- We start the game and enjoy the graphics.
If you do not have a CLEO folder in the folder with GTA San Andreas, then you will need to install the library of the latest version of the same name. You can find it on any site with modifications. This library is necessary in order to expand the capabilities of the game. The best modifications that enhance gameplay or graphics usually require the latest CLEO installed.
Are the textures not completely loaded?
Increased the rendering range in GTA San Andreas, but textures at a large distance are not completely loaded? This problem usually occurs after the installation of large modifications that replace the standard view of the landscape, vegetation of roads and so on. For example, if a gamer puts a winter mod at the same time and increases the range of drawing, the snow will be visible only at a short distance, and a few kilometers away the desert or grass will be visible.
A small plugin called Stream Memory Fix helps to solve this problem. The fact is that in the standard GTA San Andreas there is a limit on the consumption of RAM in the amount of 1024 megabytes. Even if your computer has 16 gigabytes of RAM - the game will still not consume it in the required amount. Stream Memory Fix removes this limitation, so the gamer has the opportunity to install hundreds of different mods.
Does FPS drop due to increased rendering?
Also, after increasing the rendering range in GTA San Andreas, many users faced the problem of frame loss (FPS), especially if they went up to a great height. In this case, the fault is with the standard GTA settings set by default.
To forget about the loss of FPS forever, go to the game’s settings and turn off the mode called “Frame Limiter”. Standard GTA SA limits this figure to 20 frames. Because of this, after installing the mods, strong lags arise.
If the frames fall in SAMP (San Andreas Multiplayer), then you can open the chat (F6) and write the command / fpslimit 90 in it. After that, you will increase the base frame rate by 70 units and you will be able to fully enjoy the graphic modifications in the network game.
What does drawing range work well with?
As mentioned earlier, the maximum rendering mod for GTA San Andreas is perfectly combined with other graphic plugins provided that Stream Memory Fix is installed. But what kind of textures should be replaced in the game so that the picture becomes as beautiful as on the screenshots?
A very good option would be to change the standard water, since the entire state of San Andreas is surrounded by the ocean and is replete with inland waters. It will also be possible to install several mods on clouds and sunlight to create a glare effect. Well, HD vegetation will show up pretty well, which will replace standard square Christmas trees with more beautiful ones.
We hope that now you better understand how to set a large drawing range for GTA San Andreas. Despite the fact that the game was released almost 13 years ago, it can still be played comfortably thanks to various modifications created by fans. Want all of San Andreas to snow? Tired of standard cars like scrap metal? Want to see Mount Chiliad from anywhere in the state? All this can be implemented using graphical mods. However, do not forget that they increase the consumption of computer resources, so it is best to carry out the installation on powerful machines.