The microphone is not listed in the list of necessary components of the average computer. At least for today. If, for example, the printer still managed to take its rightful place on the table near the monitor, then the microphone cannot boast of such.
It is possible that after the purchase of Skype by Microsoft, the software giant will begin to pursue an active policy of popularizing this program. Then the microphone will become mandatory not only in laptops, but also as part of personal computers. Well, now such a device is a dark horse: due to insufficient distribution, many owners do not even know what to do if the microphone does not work. In this article we will try to fill this gap and point out some of the main reasons leading to malfunctions.Divide and rule
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So, if the microphone does not work on Windows 7, then you need to make sure that the device does not work in any of the known applications. This is a very important point that cannot be ignored. It often happens that errors in the configuration of a program lead to the fact that the microphone does not work. If the reason is precisely in one of the applications, it is necessary to properly configure it - increase the sensitivity level of the recording, indicate the device (it happens that there are several), reset the settings to the initial state.There is another way. It consists in verifying the health of a system-wide record. For versions of Windows released before Vista, you can use the phonogram program. To do this, press the combination Win + R, in the line that appears, type sndrec32. Next, you need to click the start recording button and check the operation of the device.
Newer versions are deprived of such an opportunity, so you need to type the word "sound recording" in the "Find Files" line of the "Start" menu. In the list, select “Microphone” and through the properties indicate the use of it by default. There is also a green indicator showing the sound level recorded by the device. He must respond accordingly (the famous "one time ... one time ... check ...").. , . , ( ), .
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The next reason is a broken conductor. The most painful place is the plug. It is here that the cord sags, bends, and may be accidentally damaged. Alternatively: remove the plug and plug it back in.