Why do kids love fairy tales about chickens so much? Because the little yellow chicks are not only very cute, but also surprisingly bold. We bring to your attention two mini-tales about chickens for children. Sit back, sit on the lap of your cute crumbs and start reading.
Mom's birthday
This tale of chickens teaches children to be caring and to be able not only to receive, but also to give gifts.
“In the early autumn morning, the Chicks Peak, Tsyp and their little sister Klu did not want to wake up at all. Papa-cock woke them when the sun was just showing from the horizon. The fact is that the chicken mom was having a birthday. Dad- the rooster asked if the chickens were ready to have a present for their mother, but the chickens really wanted to sleep, but they did not want to make a surprise at all.
Then the cock dad suggested they play one very interesting game. Well, who will refuse the game, even if it is early morning outside the window?
The chickens quickly got out of their beds and tiptoed, so as not to wake their mother, and went after the father to the kitchen.
On the table was a bowl of flour, milk, sugar and multi-colored grains. Dad said that today all the chickens will be cooks.
Tsyp and Peak added milk and sugar to the flour and began to interfere with the dough, and dad and baby Klyu prepared a cream of butter and condensed milk. When the dough was ready, the chickens, along with dad, placed it in a mold and sent it to the oven. The cooked cake was smeared with cream and sprinkled with colored seeds.
When the chicken mother woke up, a delicious and beautiful surprise was waiting for her in the kitchen. The chickens and dad sang a fun song to mom and presented a cake. Mom was very happy, and the chickens realized that preparing and giving presents was very pleasant and fun. "
The Tale of the Fox and Chicken
This tale teaches children to choose friends not by appearance, but by inner qualities.
“There lived one little chicken. He was so tiny that he was even afraid to leave the house - what if he wouldn’t be noticed and crushed by a bear or by chance a bunny would jump right on his head? But the worst thing that awaited the chicken outside the gates of the house was a meeting with a tricky red cheat fox.
But to sit at home all day was so boring that one day the chicken decided to go out into the woods for a walk.
How beautiful it was in the forest! Everywhere there are green leaves, on the branches nightingales sing their beautiful songs, the sun shines in the sky, yellow, like the chicken himself. While the baby was admiring the sun, behind someone imperceptibly crept. The chicken turned its head. A fox stood in front of him. No sooner had the chick opened his mouth and called for help, as the fox laid his paw on his head and ... screamed loudly: "What a pretty one! Let's be friends!"
This ended the tale about the chicken and the fox, but their friendship has just begun, and many new and interesting things await their friends. "
Why read fairy tales to children?
Fairy tales are a great opportunity to tell kids just about the complex. It is from them that the baby learns about friendship, love and care, learns to distinguish good from bad and good from evil.
Do not be lazy, read the fairy tale to the baby before going to bed. Believe me, even the best cartoon or audio recording will not replace your mother’s mother’s voice, which lulls you into a sound sleep.
Let's play a fairy tale together
The most interesting way to read a fairy tale is by roles. But if your baby is still very small and cannot read, then you can play a fairy tale with him. Make dolls that are put on fingers and create your own puppet theater. You can’t imagine a better time together!
Cultivate a love of diaper reading. Read the baby. It doesn’t matter who the fairy tale is about: chickens, kitties or dogs. The main thing is that she be kind and instructive.