With the onset of pregnancy, women's well-being and rhythm of life change dramatically. Any unusual sensations cause a panic, because the most important thing is not to harm the child. There is a whole list of recommendations and prohibitions that every expectant mother should know by heart. Among them there are quite strange tips. We’ll try to figure out whether pregnant women can squat, and if not, why.
Folk wisdom or another myth?
Most expectant mothers learn that you can’t squat during pregnancy, from older women. Why, no one can explain exactly, but such a ban exists. In the days of our grandmothers, horror stories were widespread that in such a pose it is possible to “crush a child” or provoke premature birth.
Over the years, science has taken a significant step forward. What they say today, is it possible for pregnant women to squat? In fact, there is no single answer to this question. Even if you ask a specialist, he will only voice his personal opinion. Nevertheless, we will try to understand and understand whether this pose is harmful to the unborn child and the mother’s body.
Doctors say: can pregnant women squat?
If the process of bearing a child proceeds without any complications, in the first months of pregnancy a woman can take any posture that does not cause discomfort. You can also squat.
Everything changes as the baby grows. From the fifth month of pregnancy, a woman should be more attentive to her own well-being and to reconsider many everyday habits. Many expectant mothers do not even ask if pregnant women can squat. The thing is that taking a rounded belly to take this pose, and even more so for a long time to be in it is quite inconvenient. Squatting is not recommended from mid-pregnancy. The thing is that in this position, a sufficiently large fetus already presses on the cervix. The result of such exposure can be even premature birth.
Another reason why pregnant women should not be squatting is a violation of blood circulation and lymph flow. Women who love to take this position are threatened with edema, the development of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. An innocuous at first glance, the pose can cause hemorrhoids in the expectant mother and intrauterine hypoxia in the fetus.
When to squat is not only possible, but also necessary
Every expectant mother should understand that pregnancy is not a disease. During the bearing of a child, one can and should lead a familiar lifestyle, only with some limitations. For example, if a woman regularly went in for sports before pregnancy, you should not quit training. It is important to choose a program suitable for the expectant mother. An interesting fact - squats during pregnancy are included in many complexes of special gymnastics. Sports activities for expectant mothers are not only not prohibited, but also recommended by doctors, provided that there are no individual contraindications. Training is best under the supervision of an instructor. If you are more comfortable at home, be sure to visit a couple of introductory classes and try to learn all the exercises.
Squatting is possible and necessary in those cases when you need to lift some thing from the floor. It is especially important to observe this rule in the last months of pregnancy. As the abdomen grows, the back of the future mother is subjected to more and more serious stresses. In order not to overstrain already tired muscles, it is recommended in all possible situations to replace the slopes with squats. But what about the harm of the squatting pose? If the expectant mother carefully performs the squat and after a couple of seconds returns to its original position, this movement will not do any harm to her. It is dangerous to linger in this position during pregnancy.
Prohibited Pregnant Poses
While carrying a child, it is recommended to avoid squatting only. Sitting postures that are familiar to many can also harm a future mother and baby: “in Turkish”, “foot to foot”, “tucking your legs under yourself”. We have already found out why pregnant women cannot squat. For all other unnatural postures, the root cause of contraindications is the same - a high probability of impaired lymph flow and blood circulation. Do not forget about the pressure of the fetus on the cervix. The consequences can be very different. Pregnancy itself is a serious test for the body, so why expose your body to extra stress?
The right poses for expectant mothers
During pregnancy, special attention should be paid to proper posture. It is not recommended to stoop or arch your back. It is most useful for expectant mothers to sit on a chair with their feet on the floor. It is desirable that the back of the selected piece of furniture was straight and high enough. Two options for landing are considered natural. In the first case, the back rests on the back, and the hands on the armrests or table. In the second - you should sit closer to the edge of the seat, but so that the buttocks lie on it completely and are relaxed.
How to sit pregnant in a car or on a soft sofa? Expectant mothers are not recommended to spend a lot of time on uncomfortable, hard seats or too soft chairs. But if necessary, in both cases, the fit can be adjusted using a small cushion for the lower back. If you do not have such a device at hand, it can be replaced with a rolled-up terry towel or decorative pillow.