Porridge "Baby": an overview of the range, reviews

It is well known that the ideal food for the baby in the first months of life is breast milk or adapted milk formula. But time goes on, the baby grows, and when he reaches 4-6 months, an important task arises for mother and pediatrician - to introduce the first feeding in time.

Where to begin?

The first meal of complementary foods can be cereals that contain nutrients - the most valuable sources of energy for younger crumbs. Porridge, which includes the necessary vitamins and minerals, is useful for the prevention of nutritional-related ailments (rickets, anemia, malnutrition) that can occur in children of the second half of life.

milkless porridge baby

What kind of porridge to choose?

For the nutrition of the child, it is preferable to use special children's cereals of industrial production, which have tangible advantages in comparison with cereals prepared independently at home:

  • guaranteed quality indicators;
  • safety (chemical and microbiological) of raw materials and finished food product;
  • the optimal degree of grinding of cereals, which makes it possible to take into account age-related features of the functional activity of the digestive system of children;
  • taste diversity, which is achieved through the inclusion of cereal in berry, fruit and vegetable additives;
  • cooking instant (instant) cereal is not required, one portion of the product is prepared immediately before feeding, so the risk of infection is significantly reduced.

baby porridge baby

Porridge "Baby"

The Malyutka trademark (Istra-Nutricia OJSC) produces a wide range of cereals for children. Product prepared on the basis of a milk mixture. Considering that, according to the instructions of nutritionists, it is not recommended to introduce whole cow's milk into the diet for babies of the first year of life, this direction is the most promising. Thanks to this, the Baby porridge is easier to digest, reduces the burden on the digestive tract, and facilitates the transition from mother’s milk or adapted mixture to a new type of nutrition. According to reviews, such cereals have an amazing rich taste that kids really like.

Kashi "Baby": assortment

The assortment is represented by 17 dairy and 5 dairy-free cereals, which contain one or more varieties of cereals, which makes it possible for the pediatrician to individually select grain feeding for the child, taking into account his health and individual development. Porridge “Baby” can be introduced into the diet from 4 months or, according to the doctor’s recommendations, from 5-6 months. Vitamin B, A, C, E, niacin, and trace elements (iron, calcium, etc.) are present in large quantities in this cereal product, which provides 20-50% of the child's daily need for these substances.

Parents who gave their children a product such as Baby porridge leave only positive reviews:

  • all positions of a fairly wide range have a bright, rich taste;
  • for a long time they satisfy the feeling of hunger;
  • easy to prepare;
  • do not contain dyes, salts, preservatives, genetically modified organisms, artificial additives.

porridge baby assortment

Varieties of Milk Porridge

Milk porridge milk is produced in the following types:

  • Wheat with fruits, from 12 months. Contains wheat cereal, partially adapted milk mixture (skimmed milk powder, vegetable oil mixture: palm, coconut, rapeseed, sunflower), soya lecithin, complex nutritional supplement, sugar, minerals, maltodextrin, vitamins, rice flour, natural pear supplement, bananas, peaches. Maltodextrin is a carbohydrate component that has a prebiotic effect, is easily digested in the digestive tract, promotes better absorption of vitamins and minerals, has a pleasant sweetish taste.
  • Rice corn with fruits, from 8 months. Porridge is a good source of energy for a child. Corn and rice contribute to the proper functioning of the baby's intestines.
  • Multigrain with cookies, from 6 months. Such porridge "Baby" is an ideal source of energy for a growing child. The whole grains that make up the product contain more vitamins and fiber than ordinary cereals. The composition of the porridge also contains a special children's cookie, which not only gives the baby pleasant moments, but also introduces a new taste.
  • 7 cereals with lemon balm, from 6 months. Contains wheat, hydrolyzed wheat, rye, millet, barley, oats, corn, rice, minerals, sugar, vitamins. Porridge provides the children's body with energy and helps the normal functioning of the intestines.

milk porridge

  • "Rainbow of tastes" - a set of cereals in bags, from 6 months. Contains 5 packets of milk porridges: “Wheat milk porridge with banana”, “Buckwheat milk porridge with apple and carrots”, “Multigrain cereal milk porridge with fruits”, “Wheat milk porridge with pumpkin”, “Oat milk porridge with fruits”.
  • Buckwheat, rice, apricot, from 4 months. Porridge with buckwheat and rice with the addition of apricot diversifies the baby’s diet, provides a balance of trace elements and vitamins. Buckwheat will saturate the child with B vitamins, valuable amino acids and minerals, and rice and apricot will provide comfortable digestion.
  • Buckwheat, from 4 months. Such porridge “Baby” is a perfectly balanced first lure. It is rich in essential trace elements and does not contain gluten. And B vitamins, valuable amino acids and minerals are necessary for the children's body for full development and growth.
  • Buckwheat with prunes, from 4 months. Prunes stimulate the intestines and have antioxidants that are involved in the proper functioning of the immune system.

porridge baby

  • Corn, from 5 months. Porridge has an ideal balance of minerals and vitamins, which provides good nutrition for the child. It is easily absorbed, has a high nutritional value and regulates the work of the children's intestines.
  • Multigrain, from 6 months. Porridge is an ideal source of carbohydrates that provide the baby with energy. Rice, buckwheat, and maize included in the composition are easily digested and give the child valuable minerals and amino acids needed by the growing body.
  • Oatmeal, from 5 months. Such porridge has a positive effect on the work of the heart. Croup is rich in potassium, magnesium, and B vitamins, helps the intestines and facilitates the digestion process.
  • Wheat with a banana, from 6 months. Wheat and banana provide the crumbs with the necessary energy. Nourishing bananas will improve your mood, and your baby will get proteins, easily digestible carbohydrates and potassium from wheat.
  • Multigrain with a mixture of fruits, from 6 months. Such a product will help develop a child's taste sensations. Cereals will give strength for new achievements, and fruits are a real pleasure.
  • Wheat with pumpkin, from 5 months. Wheat will provide the fast-growing organism with energy, and the beta-carotene contained in the pumpkin will contribute to the normal development of the organs of vision.
  • Oatmeal with fruits, from 5 months. Such porridge “Baby” contains a whole complex of important minerals and vitamins, without which the correct development of the child is impossible.
  • Rice, from 4 months. Rice is 97% carbohydrate, which is pure energy . Porridge does not contain gluten, but it is very nutritious. Useful for mild digestive upsets.
  • Multigrain with fruits, honey, puffed rice and corn flakes, from 15 months. Porridge has a rich rich taste, introduces the baby to new foods.

porridge baby from 4 months

Types of milkless cereals

Dairy-free porridge "Baby" is of the following types:

  • Corn, from 4 months. This porridge is highly nutritious, easy to digest, normalizes digestion, does not contain gluten. The baby will be provided with energy for a long time.
  • Rice, from 4 months. Rice is a low allergenic easily digestible cereal. The porridge contains nutritious carbohydrates necessary for the proper development of the child.
  • Oat and wheat with an apple. The useful substances of such cereals are absorbed much more slowly than other cereals, which means that the baby will be full and energetic for a longer time. In addition, this product contains substances important for the body: magnesium, potassium, pectin, vitamin C, iron, and B vitamins.
  • Buckwheat, from 4 months. Buckwheat is a dietary safe product that contains B vitamins, valuable amino acids and minerals necessary for the full development and growth of the child.
  • 7 cereals, from 6 months. Porridge is an excellent source of energy for the baby. Wheat, barley, rye, oats, millet, corn and rice ensure the proper functioning of the children's intestines.

As you can see, porridge "Baby" assortment have a wide enough that makes it possible to satisfy the taste of even the most capricious little gourmet.

porridge baby reviews

Cooking recommendations

  1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Pour 150 ml of boiled water cooled to 60 ° C into clean dishes.
  3. Process a tablespoon with boiling water. Gradually, continuously stirring, pour 6-7 tablespoons of dry product (50 g).
  4. Stir the porridge with a fork.
  5. When the temperature of the finished product reaches 36-37 ° C, you can feed the baby.

Storage conditions

Baby porridge "Baby" should be stored in places inaccessible to children, at a temperature of 1-25 ° C and humidity not higher than 75%. After opening the package, keep the product tightly closed in a cool, dry place (not in the refrigerator). An opened bag is stored for no more than 3 weeks. Do not use after expiration date.

Porridge "Baby" will be not only an ideal option for the first feeding, but also a favorite dish of all babies.

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