What kind of experiences parents do not cover for a newborn child. Many of them are completely unfounded, while others, on the contrary, require close attention. The most common problem that causes mothers and fathers a lot of questions is when the child's eyes turn sour. This condition requires a special approach. We will talk about what to do to parents when they turn a sour eyes on a child in this article.
Symptoms of souring in a child
Mostly parents find the problem in the morning. While the baby is sleeping, during the night in his eyes there are a lot of processes that in the morning pour into the following symptoms:
- the baby cannot (with difficulty) open his eyes due to the fact that his eyelids are stuck together;
- after washing, the mucus appears again after a while;
- a newborn child is constantly naughty, hard falling asleep and crying;
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In any case, if your baby was touched by the problem of souring the eyes, then do not hesitate, you should immediately consult a doctor. The doctor will find out the main cause of this condition and prescribe the correct therapy. It should be noted that self-treatment is not recommended, otherwise, eye disease can go into a chronic form.