How to put a child on a twine, stretching

Twine is one of the complex elements in gymnastics, which is characterized by stretching both legs in different directions or forward and backward. You can learn how to do the twine yourself at home. The main thing in this business is patience and desire.

Preparing stretch marks for twine

If it so happens that your child is burning with a desire to sit on the twine, then you must do everything to help him in this. Perhaps the future gymnastics champion is in your hands. Therefore, in no case should you be lazy or discourage a child from this venture. So, before you begin to exercise, you need to warm up the muscles, then stretch them. Putting a child on the twine, as it turns out, is not an easy task, and it requires a lot of time.

curly girl

Help your child massage the whole body with massage movements. When he feels a slight warmth, you can begin to stretch.

Twine longitudinal, in contrast to the transverse, practically has no contraindications. Therefore, stretching muscle mass should begin with it. Over time, the muscles will become more elastic and supple. We put the child on his knees, take his legs in turn and stretch forward in front of him. The pelvis at this time should lower as much as possible to the floor. This exercise is perfect as a stretch for twine for beginners. The leg that extends forward should be completely flat.

Transverse twine

Twine, in which the legs need to be spread across, is considered more complicated, and it takes a long time to prepare for it. Such twine helps the child to develop hip joints and improves blood circulation in the abdominal cavity. Of course, it is possible to plant both a child and an adult. But this task is much easier for children. Their body is more supple and obedient.

Cross twine is also able to strengthen the muscles of the abs and legs. When stretching before this type of twine, the child needs to spread his legs as wide as possible, gradually spreading them further apart. During leg breeding, you need to help the young athlete lean on his hands on the floor. They should be gradually bent at the elbows until they are completely on the floor.

Elementary exercises for muscle stretching

To properly prepare the body for twine, you need to learn how to perform elementary exercises. For instance:

  1. Mahi's foot. A high-backed chair should be placed in front of the child. The kid takes his hands with her and begins to perform leg swings to the side, then back and forth. Gradually, the swing should be stronger. Socks should be pulled out. How to teach a child to sit on a twine? It is important to give him the basics for preparation. In the future, perhaps he can do the preparation without your help.
  2. Torso forward.
    the child is warming up

    This exercise stretches the muscles well, so it is necessary in the preparation for the twine without fail. The child should bend forward, palms reaching the floor. You can help him fix in this position for a few seconds. Further, he himself must be able to remain in a bent position.
  3. Leg lift. The child needs to stand on one leg, and take the other in his hands and lift it up, as close as possible to the buttocks. Repeat this exercise 2-3 times. Then change the leg.
  4. Now more difficult - the bends over the chair. We put a chair in front of the child. He puts one leg on it and bends the body to the knee of a raised leg. Then, if it turned out to get the forehead to the knee, you need to lower yourself to the chair past your legs. In this case, the muscles of both legs are stretched, which is very important.

The question "How to put a child on a twine" after such a stretch will be gradually resolved. Over time, your child will become more independent in performing all the techniques, and it will be much easier for him to sit on a twine, and then on a twine.

twine girl

Recommendations for the correct stretching of muscles

Preparing the child should take place in a room where the air temperature is not lower than 20 degrees. First you need to stretch every other day. Then you can increase the strength of the loads and perform them daily.

Baby clothes should be loose and light. It is very important during physical activity to give the baby a lot of water to drink. This is necessary so that there is no dehydration of a small organism.

little girl

During forward bends, you need to watch the baby’s back, it should be perfectly flat. In order to maximize blood oxygenation, when stretching, children are advised to breathe correctly: inhale through the mouth, exhale through the mouth at the most intense load. For example, when tilting sideways. This breathing rhythm is also able to facilitate the exercise.

Who to consult about self-study

Before the child takes possession of the twine completely, a professional consultation is needed to evaluate his physical abilities. An experienced person will be able to give practical advice on the correctness of training and performing the necessary exercises. This will further help to put the child on the twine. This usually takes 4 to 6 months. Also, specialist advice can prevent unwanted injuries that are common during homework.

We hope that our Twine Stretch Tips for beginners have been helpful to you.

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