It is difficult to keep track of young children, they like to touch new things and put them in their mouths, explore mysterious places (such as an attic), and so on, and therefore parents often encounter various kinds of consequences of their kids' adventures.
General condition of the child
Sometimes the palms and feet of a child itch without seemingly any apparent reason. The prerequisites for this can be the multitude, and the parent should pay attention to the condition of the child. First of all, you need to consider:
- baby's temperature;
- localization of irritation, i.e., does it spread throughout the body;
- whether combing is sharp;
- swelling;
- the appearance of ulcers and the type of blisters.
Diagnostic Methods
At the moment, the diagnostic methods for finding out the reasons why the child’s hands are itching, there are a lot of doctors. In the age of current technology, these procedures are absolutely (or almost) painless.
In order for the doctor to be able to determine the type of disease in the child and find out the cause, he needs indicators such as:
- blood test results (for hormones and general);
- urinalysis (for hormones and general);
- microflora analysis indicators (scraping);
- results of a thyroid gland study (to check the hormonal background in a child);
- indicators of fecal analysis (detect worms and internal problems, which can also be associated with itching).
Also, the child must be checked for allergens. Occasionally, a baby is tested for HIV or syphilis. In order to exclude the likelihood of pathologies, an ultrasound is done in the chest area.
The most common and easiest way to get rid of allergies is vaccination. Usually vaccinated for six months or a year once. The effectiveness of such procedures is very high. A vaccine is used in case of acute allergies.
Causes of itchy palms in a child
Several signs in the aggregate, if the child's hands and red spots itch, can indicate a particular disease. The most common among them:
- enterovirus infection;
- allergic reaction;
- scabies;
- fungus;
- vitamin deficiency;
- dyshidrotic eczema;
- insect bites;
- measles;
- chickenpox.
Enterovirus infection
It is characterized by the fact that itching can be on any part of the body, including can affect the internal organs. With an infection in a child, the chest, arms, shoulders redden. Simply put, the upper torso is affected. The rash looks like watery vesicles that disappear after a couple of days, and after them ugly pigment spots appear, which also disappear after a couple of weeks.
The cause of itching is scabies
Scabies occurs due to parasites, or more simply, ticks known to all. This type of tick is subcutaneous, they settle in places where thin skin, most often between the fingers, so that itching first appears on the palms and hands. The rash on the palms of the child itches more and more in the evening. At night, the baby is hard to sleep, he constantly wants to scratch the painful area. His temperature may rise, he will eat less or refuse food altogether, his usual activity will decrease.
The hands will itch so that after scratching there will be long red stripes, this shows the “channels” along which the tick moves. Between the fingers in the skin, tiny holes can be detected. It is also possible the appearance of the same signs in other family members, so for the sake of prevention it is worth treating at home for everyone at home.
The cause of itching is a fungus or lack of vitamins.
The fungus can appear only if the baby is in contact with another sick person. If this is not possible, there is nothing to worry about. And in any case, the fungus is diagnosed and treated quite simply and painlessly. It is expressed in the darkening of nails and skin, and in advanced cases, the skin on the heels may crack, bringing the child pain.
Irritation may occur with vitamin B2 deficiency. With its lack, psoriasis and convulsions can develop. At the slightest suspicion of a lack of vitamin B2, you need to go to the doctor who will prescribe the child a diet.
Dyshidrotic eczema
It appears as a rash in the form of vesicles. They can appear on such parts of the body as:
- Hands (between fingers).
- Soles of the feet.
With this disease, the child’s palms and soles of the feet itch more strongly at night. With this disease, weight decreases, the temperature rises by night, the child sweats, sleeps poorly and becomes less active.
If any of the listed symptoms occurs, it should be immediately taken to a doctor.
Possible causes of allergies
An allergic reaction may be due to the following reasons:
- food products;
- pet hair;
- plants;
- dust
- household chemicals;
- cosmetics, etc.
Sometimes, to eliminate allergies, it is enough to change bedding or remove pets. But it is best to visit a doctor, because a child may be faced with the root cause of an allergy outside the home, such as at school or at a party. In case of exacerbation, a fatal outcome is possible.
Also, allergies can be caused by new foods that the child has not tried before, such as exotic fruits. The parent should remember if the baby has not tried something new in the last day. Perhaps some product was eaten by the baby in large quantities, which could also cause an allergic reaction. In this case, the child should either be taken to the hospital, or immediately stop feeding this food.
Also, allergies can occur in case of poor personal hygiene, smell of powder, place of residence (for example, which is located near chemical or industrial plants). Allergies are expressed in nausea and weakness. The head can also hurt, swollen throat, watery eyes and nose. The child will sneeze, cough and suffocate. Sometimes elementary general cleaning in the house helps. An allergic reaction to a new rinse or powder is also possible.
Other causes of allergies:
- sweating too much (for example, due to heat in the house, inappropriate clothing, etc.);
- burns of the skin due to touching the plant;
- strong and prolonged psychological stress;
- domestic insect pests.
The cause of itching is measles or chickenpox
Measles most often passes extremely difficult and painful, but there is one plus in this disease. She can get sick only once, then the body produces antibodies. Only other people get measles, so it's worth taking a closer look at the environment. The disease is transmitted through saliva and by airborne droplets, for example by sneezing. Most often, measles affects children up to 5 years old.
If the child's hands are reddened and itchy, then chickenpox may be the cause. Every child is ill with her, and usually at a young age she is easily tolerated.
Treatment and prevention
In order for the therapy to have an effect, it must first be prescribed by a doctor. After all, treatment at home is a very dangerous occupation, especially without an accurate diagnosis.
There are several folk remedies that are unlikely to make things worse. In the treatment will help a bath with tincture of chamomile.
In order to prepare the infusion, you will need a dried chamomile, which is sold in a pharmacy. It must be brewed in a teapot (2-3 tbsp. L. Per 1 liter of water), allowed to stand, pour into a bowl and wipe infected areas in warm water. This tincture can be combined with oak bark or a succession of grass.
They will remove the inflammation of lotions or baths from celandine and St. John's wort.
You can also use coconut oil as a disinfectant and sedative against inflammation and discomfort. It is sometimes used after treatment to relieve residual symptoms.
Lotions from soda are considered bad, because they can cause an even more acute response of the body.
If the place of itching is slightly swollen, you can make a few quick compresses with ice or wipe it with a damp, cold cloth. But you can’t get carried away with such a procedure all the time, the child may get sick.
Temporary help to the child can be provided using Sinaflan ointment. It is not only very economical, but also effective. In case of foot disease, the baby is most often prescribed drugs such as Nizoral or Mykozolon. In other cases, doctors use one or two of the following drugs: Lokoim, Celederm, Akriderm, Flucinar.
If the cause of inflammation in the child is stress, you need to try to calm him down, buy your favorite sweets, give him a drink of tea or valerian, talk and provide psychological help.
During treatment, doctors forbid children to eat sweets in large quantities, especially with honey and chocolate. Also prohibited are spicy meat, eggs, various seafood.
General recommendations
If there are spots on the palms of the child and itch, and this is not associated with serious diseases, then try to follow these recommendations:
- Do not use air fresheners and sprays in large quantities, watch what the baby does, what he eats. And if he is taken to help you around the house, be sure to accustom him to gloves.
- Shoes and clothing should be made of natural materials, monitor the baby's body temperature so that he does not have excessive sweating.
- You should pay attention to the shoes, they should not crush or rub.
- Observe the hygiene of the child and clean the room twice a week in the most thorough manner.
- Prolonged sun exposure for the youngest children is undesirable.
- The baby's diet should be balanced, and new foods carefully checked. Let the baby first try in small portions.
- Check with your doctor periodically.