Stretch Marks During Pregnancy - How To Fight Them

Unfortunately, not every woman is given the chance to experience the happiness of pregnancy. But if you are already the owner of two strips on the test, you need to think in advance about such a thing as stretch marks during pregnancy. Sometimes they overshadow the joyful state of the expectant mother with their unexpected appearance. Their appearance is promoted by considerable growth of the tummy, excess weight gain and changes in hormonal levels. In the latter case, the amount of collagen produced is reduced in the body, therefore microcracks easily form on the skin - stretch marks during pregnancy, declaring their presence in red lines.

Do not get upset and worry - these unpleasant strips will brighten over time and become almost invisible to the eyes of others. Moreover, now there are many tools that help prevent the appearance of such troubles as stretch marks during pregnancy. And not necessarily expensive creams help to achieve this, the methods of traditional medicine are also very effective. Using a variety of methods to combat stretch marks, you need to pay attention to the skin reaction, because during pregnancy the body can unusually respond to new skin care products.

So what remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy to choose?

Creams and lotions containing vitamin E, natural vegetable oils and substances that contribute to the production of collagen by the skin will be best friends. Vitamin E can also be eaten, a lot of it in fruits and vegetables, as well as in direct-pressed oil. Well-known special products of the brand "Vichi", "Lierac", as well as Russian manufacturers - "Me and Mom".

How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

In order for stretch marks during pregnancy not to upset their appearance, you should eat properly. Vegetables, fruits, vitamin C, foods with a lot of protein should be constantly present in the diet of a pregnant woman. You canโ€™t get carried away with sweets, it only contributes to the rapid weight gain, thereby increasing the risk of stretch marks.

Massage of the abdomen also perfectly tightens the skin, eliminating stretch marks. 15 minutes daily before bedtime will give results. But remember that in the very bottom of the abdomen, above the pubis, the skin cannot be massaged! Such actions can trigger the onset of labor or miscarriage. You canโ€™t risk your babyโ€™s health!

In order for the fight against stretch marks to have results, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The skin should be moist. Immediately after the shower, you need to slightly dampen the body with a towel and apply a nourishing cream.
  2. Systematic care. Accidental use of special tools makes no sense. You need to take care of the skin daily, especially with the last trimester of pregnancy.
  3. If stretch marks during pregnancy have appeared, aloe and honey will help. Take honey and aloe juice, 100 g each. Hold the aloe in the freezer the day before making the mixture. Melt the honey to a liquid consistency, and chop the aloe and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Mix everything and rub the mixture into the skin every day after a shower. Such miraculous solution should be stored in a refrigerator in a glass container.

Of course, all sorts of reassurance that you can get rid of any stretch marks will not be consoled by any future mom, but you donโ€™t need to worry about such a trifle and think for days on end about what to do so that they do not appear. Calm down and enjoy your current situation, communicate with the baby growing inside you, and take care of your body. Even if stretch marks appear, they should be a source of pride for what you were able to bear and helped to give birth to this long-awaited little man! Think more about good and smile! Have a good pregnancy and easy delivery!

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