Dota 2: Newbie Juggernaut Guide

As everyone knows perfectly well, in Dota 2 there are no imbs - characters that are clearly stronger than the rest. This is definitely a positive feature of this game, since everything will depend on the skill of gamers, and not on which hero they chose. Therefore, you will have to prepare for serious training, as well as to develop your own strategy and tactics of warfare.The guide can help with this, and if you like the character of the Juggernaut, then you can familiarize yourself with this brief instruction, which pays special attention to the skills of the hero, since they are the most important key to success in any battle in Dota 2. Juggernaut-guide , of course, will include other information, for example, an overview of the roles for which this character is most suitable, and the main pros and cons of this hero. It’s worth starting with the advantages and disadvantages, so that you immediately understand whether you want to take this character and learn to play for it, or you better look for another hero for yourself.

Pros and Cons of the Juggernaut

dota 2 juggernaut guide

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