Nursery Rhymes for Kids: The Wise Pedagogy of Ancestors

Nursery rhymes for kids is not only folk art, but also a powerful tool in the mental development of the child. The first thing a newborn sees in his life is parents who are trying to introduce him to the outside world. That is why mothers study children's nurseries, nurseries, songs, lullabies, rhymes to attract the attention of their little one.

What role did ancient nursery rhymes play in ancient times?

Let's plunge into the story. From ancient times, babies were spoken in the "language" of cattery and nursery rhymes. This is due to the laws of nature. It was believed that every word and sound carries a certain rhythm and energy mood. Therefore, each nursery tune mom and child to a certain rhythm of the universe. That is why nursery rhymes and jokes were sung in chant.

nursery rhymes

Not all rhymes were suitable for certain rituals. Nursery rhymes for babies during bathing, for growth, good appetite, walking, sleep were accompanied by certain actions. For example, in order for the child to start walking faster, invisible bonds were cut between the legs with a knife, and so that the baby was not afraid, they read nursery rhymes. During awakening, the mother woke the baby with a rhyme and appropriate strokes, which are harmonious with the laws of nature.

Few people realize that the usual game-nursery rhymes “Ladushka” or “Magpie-raven” are based on acupuncture gymnastics. Each point on the body has a connection with the internal organs. So, playing magpie, massage improves the work of the small and large intestines, fights constipation (the point between the middle and ring fingers), and also activates the function of the cardiovascular, nervous system, stomach, liver, brain, massaging the fingertips.

Role of nursery rhymes now

In our time, the true meaning of nursery rhymes and their connection with nature and the body have been forgotten. But then scientists scientifically substantiated the important role of folk art in the development of children.

nursery rhymes for toddlers

  • Speech development. Songs, nursery rhymes for kids carry a rich vocabulary. Their melodiousness, melodiousness forces the baby to "engage in dialogue" with agugany, jerking of legs, arms. The same poems are easily remembered by two-year-olds.
  • Acquaintance with the outside world. Any nursery rhyme reveals to a child a certain range of actions: how to wash correctly, how to wake up, how to eat ... The kid gets acquainted with parts of his body, with surrounding objects.
  • The development of the emotional sphere. Parents should expressively pronounce nursery rhymes, only in this case the baby learns to imitate emotions. In addition, the peanut eagerly awaits interesting melodic exercises with her mother, during which there is eye and tactile contact.
  • Massage and physical development. Special nursery rhymes for kids allow you to develop all parts of the body: arms, legs, stretch your tummy, back, learn to roll over from side to side and coordinate your actions.

Nurseries in the educational process

Not only in the family resort to folk art. In preschool, in younger groups, educators also use nursery rhymes. Firstly, children hear familiar words and quickly adapt to kindergarten. Secondly, special nursery rhymes help the child master hygienic, aesthetic, physical, everyday skills. Thirdly, melodic and short poems help children memorize educational material in a playful way.

nursery rhymes songs for toddlers

Most often, nursery rhymes are the basis of classes. For example, you need to teach children to wash their face properly. Then the dirty doll comes to the lesson, which the children begin to wash, and the nursery rhyme “Vodichka-vodichka” helps not to forget the sequence of actions.

This type of creativity is included not only in the work of educators, but also in the activities of narrow specialists (music teacher, psychologist, speech therapist, choreographer, gymnastics and logo rhythmic teacher). As you can see, nursery rhymes for kids remain relevant today!

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