The riddle about the hedgehog for children should not carry distorted information!

It’s easiest for a little man to get acquainted with the world around him through fairy tales, puzzles, cartoons, stories, toys and pictures. After all, the child’s world is filled with fantasy and fiction. Therefore, a funny riddle about a hedgehog for children is more accessible to them than material from a textbook or encyclopedia.

With kids, serious things can and should be said allegorically

Do not be surprised and resist this. It’s best to “follow the lead” of this whim of childish psychology and present knowledge through children's riddles. For children, this process will be interesting, fun and exciting. In addition, the kids, picking up a clue, learn to see the main thing in detail, analyze, compare, look for common in different subjects, highlight the distinguishing features in appearance, occupation, size. Mystery in verse form is invaluable. Children easily remember simple rhythmic lines, train their memory. Some themselves begin to try their hand at composing riddles and short quatrains.

riddle about a hedgehog for children

The riddle must carry information

It is very important to select materials that contain true facts. For example, a riddle about a hedgehog for children might sound like this:

All studded with needles

Hiding in the grass under the trees.

He loves apples, mushrooms -

He drags them to the hole.

And at first glance, everything is right here. The most common riddle about a hedgehog for children. Here, the baby, as it were, immediately sees several important signs of the animal: its external feature is a prickly fur coat; his taste preferences are apples and mushrooms; place of residence - burrow. By the way, no one has a question why the hedgehog drags all this into a hole. After all, it’s clear that he stocks up supplies for the winter!

riddles about a hedgehog with answers

It is impossible to make children “wrong” riddles!

Actually, that’s precisely why adults don’t get disturbed when they see a picture of a hedgehog whose rods are pinned on the needles because these adults grew up on distorted information about a lot that surrounds us. And this riddle about a hedgehog for children is full of absurdity.

Firstly, these animals feed on insects, worms and small rodents, and fruits and vegetables can be eaten, but only in captivity.

Secondly, hedgehogs do not make any supplies for the winter, except for the fat layer. After all, in winter, these animals sleep like bears, frogs, badgers and snakes.

Thirdly, apples are pricked on the needles of hedgehogs in order to get rid of the parasites that abundantly inhabit its prickly fur coat. And the truth here is only one - the hedgehog has thorns instead of soft fluffy fur. So, while making such a riddle, an adult, deliberately or through his own ignorance, misleads the little man.

The riddle of knowledge gives

So, before choosing material for kids about the world around, it’s worth the adult himself to thoroughly, thoroughly study the subject that will be discussed. For example, riddles about a hedgehog with answers may contain information about what these animals like to eat worms and frogs, do not disdain chickens, sometimes ruin hives, scaring bees at night and eating them. But how to present these facts in such a way that the children do not conclude that hedgehogs are the main pests in the forests, so that they would not go to war on them?

children's riddles for children

This little animal

Not a fox, not a ferret,

He likes to eat mice,

Worms and frogs.

Every year in its hole

He goes to bed in November.

He can defeat the snake!

He is in thorns ... This is - ( hedgehog )!

There is already more truth in this riddle, and the most striking distinguishing feature is specially placed at the end of the rhyme so that children can not guess the answer right away. Giving out information in parts, the adult should pause, giving the children time to comprehend it and “guess” a little, picking up a guess. If you decided to use the riddle as material in a lesson about getting to know the outside world, it is recommended that, after the answer becomes known, repeat the signs that were listed in rhymes.

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