How often, forgetting to switch the keyboard layout, many users type a large amount of text, despite the monitor screen. After all, the eyes are busy with a more important thing. They search for the necessary keys on the keyboard, trying to type the necessary words as quickly as possible. The result seen on the screen will force any user to think about installing software that is able to control text input and, in case of incorrect input, produce visual and audible alerts, and ideally, independently fix the error and switch between languages. The topic of this article is the keyboard switch, as well as an overview of decent installation programs that can solve user tasks.
On top of fame
Punto Switcher . . , , «», . Punto Switcher – . .
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Punto Switcher
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Punto Switcher Keyboard Ninja XXI , , , 2003 . . , , Punto Switcher . .
, , Windows 8, , , . .
Keyboard Ninja, -, . . .
– , , , Punto Switcher. . . , , Keyboard Ninja.
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. Orfo Switcher , . .
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. Orfo Switcher , . VirtAssist .
«Anetto » , «Caps Lock». , . , . , .
, , . , . 64- , .
Windows 7 Arum Switcher. - , - -. , , .
Arum Switcher . , , , . . USB-.
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Mac OS X
Apple . RuSwitcher. . . , .
, , Windows Punto Switcher. , , . . «Fn» , .
, Linux Unix. X Neural Switcher. , . , Xneur.
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«X Window», . , , «demon» .
Windows 7, , Punto Switcher, . – Android. , , , . , .
, . , . SmartKeyboard, , , .
External Keyboard Helper Pro - Windows. , Android .
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