Lion-headed cichlid: description with photo, conditions of detention and care

Many aquarists keep lion-headed cichlids at home. These fish are also called steocranus. They are distinguished by a peculiar appearance and an unusual way of moving in water. A steep and high forehead with a fat growth makes cichlids unlike other inhabitants of the aquarium. At the same time, they get along well with many other species of fish and are quite unpretentious. How to contain steocranuses? And what type of food do these unusual fish prefer? We will answer these questions in the article.

general description

The lion-headed cichlid is a small fish up to 11 cm in size. Some individuals can grow up to 15 cm at home. Usually males are larger than females by about 3-4 cm.

A distinctive feature of steocranus is the presence of a large fat cone on the forehead. This gives the stigma of the fish an original look. Such a growth on the head is present only in males. As for the females, they have only a small ledge on their forehead. On this basis, you can distinguish fish of different sexes. However, a fat cone appears only during the growth and maturation of a young individual. In fry, sexual differences are not expressed.

Male and female steocranus

The color of steocranus is rather modest. The body of the fish has a greenish color, and brown, bluish or gray specks may also be present on the scales. Nowadays, individuals of blue color were bred.

The body has an elongated shape. Eyes are blue. In Latin, this type of cichlid is called Steatocranus Casuarius. They got this name because of the similarity of the cones on the forehead with the growth on the head of a cassowary bird.

Behavior features

Steocranus live in the bottom layers of the aquarium. Their way of moving through water is unusual. Fish do not move smoothly, but in jerks. At the same time, they are repelled from the bottom and layers of water by the lower fins. Most of the time the fish spend near the ground, but can rise to the surface of the water for food.

At first glance, it seems that the lion-headed cichlids are somewhat slow. In fact, these fish are mobile and agile. They are very curious, they like to explore every corner of the bottom. Steococranus loves to hide in shelters, so it is quite difficult to catch it from the aquarium.

Steocranus in the aquarium

Life in the wild

Fast-flowing African ponds are the natural habitat of steocranus. Lion-headed cichlids are heat-loving species of fish. All their unusual features are associated with living conditions in the wild.

The swim bladder in steocranus is significantly reduced. Therefore, it can only be moved in jerks. However, this feature helps fish survive in vivo. Due to the small size of the bladder, the body becomes heavier, and cichlids can withstand the rapid flow.

Lion-headed cichlid at the bottom of the aquarium

Features of keeping in the aquarium

These fish are easy to maintain and maintain. Lion-headed cichlids are unpretentious and suitable even for a beginner aquarist. To create comfortable living conditions for them, the following recommendations should be observed:

  1. You need to buy an aquarium with a volume of at least 80 liters. This is necessary for good growth and free movement of lion-headed cichlids. Fish of this species spend their time at the bottom, but they do not tolerate crowding.
  2. Steocranus is not sensitive to the composition of water. But this fish does not tolerate contaminated conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly replace the water. It is also required to clean the soil more often with a siphon hose.
  3. It is very important to purchase a powerful filter for the aquarium. The device must create a strong current. Such conditions will remind fish of their natural habitat. It is also necessary to ensure high-quality aeration of water.
  4. This type of cichlid does not show interest in algae. But steocranus like to rummage through the ground. Therefore, it is best to plant potted plants in the aquarium.
  5. Shelter must be equipped in the aquarium. This fish loves to hide. It is very difficult to observe the movements of steocrancuses, since most of the time they lead a secretive lifestyle.
Steocranus in the shelter


The lion-headed cichlid coexists well with most monasteries in the home reservoir. They are ideally compatible with fish living in the upper and middle layers of water.

Together with steocranus it is not recommended to keep the following species of fish:

  1. The inhabitants of the bottom of the aquarium. Cichlids perceive such fish as competitors.
  2. Small fish. Steocranus can swallow small inhabitants of the aquarium. Therefore, all other fish should be no less in size than cichlids.

Steocranus can be kept together with other types of small cichlids. But at the same time, the fish should be in a fairly spacious tank.


Steocranuses belong to omnivorous aquarium fish. Lion-headed cichlids in the natural environment feed on small animals that live on the bottom, as well as insects. At home, it is recommended that fish give frozen species of live food.

You can also purchase ready-made feeds for cichlids at the pet store . These include:

  • Tetra Cichlid Granules.
  • Tetra Cichlid XL Flakes.
  • Tetra Cichlid Pro.
  • Tetra Cichlid Sticks.
Ready-made food for cichlids

These foods are produced in the form of granules, sticks and flakes. They are developed taking into account the characteristics of the organism and the lifestyle of cichlids. The composition of the finished meal includes only natural substances, as well as the necessary vitamins and minerals. Eating prepared feeds reduces the amount of natural fish secretions, which contributes to less water pollution.


When the body length of a young fish increases to 6 - 7 cm, the individual is considered sexually mature and ready for reproduction. For breeding, it is recommended to purchase at least 10-12 fry. It is very important that juveniles grow together in the same aquarium.

Lion-headed cichlid fish is characterized by constancy. Females and males create very stable pairs that last throughout life. There are times when, after the death of a partner, the steocranus refuses to spawn with other individuals.

It is quite difficult to notice the process of spawning, as these fish breed in shelters. For throwing eggs, the female makes a special depression in the ground. The fish lays about 20-60 eggs. A week later, fry hatch from them. After 7 days, small fish are able to swim on their own.

Young steocranus

Steocranuses are very caring parents. They take care of their cubs until the next spawning. Adult fish specially grind the fry food, if it turns out to be too large.

Fry content

Some aquarists recommend spawning a pair for spawning in a separate tank. However, fish often experience stress in a new place, they immediately hide in a shelter and never leave it. Therefore, it is better to leave a pair of steocrancuses in the usual conditions, this will favorably affect spawning behavior.

After spawning, the female is constantly in the shelter, protecting eggs from other fish. At this time, the male protects the surrounding area. At first, fry do not leave the cave. They constantly lie at the bottom and merge in color with the ground. After about 2-3 weeks, the cubs begin to move throughout the aquarium.

For safety reasons, caviar should be placed in a separate aquarium. Steocrancuses do not attack their cubs, the female can eat only non-viable eggs. However, other fish species can be dangerous to fry.

Care should be taken to monitor the behavior of the male. It can behave aggressively towards the female, as it wishes to continue spawning. In such cases, the male should be transplanted into a separate tank.

Steatocranus fry are as unpretentious in food as adult fish. They can be fed with small cyclops, nauplii, artemia. Ready-made feeds for cichlid fry are also suitable. It is very important to ensure that food sinks to the bottom, as juveniles are not yet able to rise to the surface of the water. Under good conditions of keeping and feeding, fry quickly grow up.

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