Description of Pinocchio dolls. Materials for the school essay

"Pinocchio" literally translated from Italian means "wooden doll". Such dolls were used in traveling theaters as actors playing the main roles. This character turned into the protagonist of the fairy tale through the efforts of A. Tolstoy, who told the children about the adventures of the boy. Pinocchio's wooden doll has come to life and continues to delight young readers to this day. The Russian writer originally retold, remade in his own way the tale of another author, Carlo Collodi, which is called Pinocchio.

Pinocchio doll description

Description of Pinocchio dolls

As you know, the boy's father was Carlo, elderly and lonely. An old friend Giuseppe gives him a log, advising him to make him a talking son, so that Carlo would not be so alone. He carves a doll from logs. Carlo masters clothes for his creation from paper (due to poverty). The cap on the head is made from its own sock. Such is the external description of the Pinocchio doll given by the writer in the work. Yes, and how did we forget? The first thing that catches your eye is the nose of a wooden boy! It is very long, disproportionate to the general proportions of the body. As dad Carlo did not try to make it shorter, all in vain. He grew again and again, made long. As a result, Pinocchio remains with his famous nose, which the boy pokes everywhere, because everything is interesting and curious to him!

How to name?

A character carved from wood immediately receives a name from his father. Carlo says that this name will bring happiness, that he supposedly knew the family where everyone was called Pinocchio. And they all lived well and fun. Therefore, the old man calls the son of Pinocchio.

wooden pinocchio doll


The description of the Pinocchio doll can be continued by listing the main character traits of the character of the Tolstoy fairy tale. Firstly, of course, he is simple-hearted and straightforward, with "short thoughts." But, despite this, decisive, funny and mischievous - let’s recall at least a sketch when a wooden boy first gets into a puppet theater and is not afraid to go on stage. He is very curious and loves all kinds of adventures. And they are not long in coming! And Pinocchio appreciates friendship, mutual assistance in difficult times. In his travels for a golden key, he meets Tortilla, makes friends. His companions are Malvina, a doll with blue hair, Pierrot, Artemon. Even the enemies (fox Alice, cat Basilio, Carabas, Duremar) the wooden boy is cheerful and fighting.

Golden Key

The description of the Pinocchio doll is impossible to imagine without the Golden Key. This is one of the main attributes, a symbol of a happy future, prospects that open beyond the horizon. In pursuit of this subject, Karabas-Barabas is trying to fool Pinocchio, but he is unlikely to succeed. This mischievous person can fool anyone, even the cunning fox Alice.

Differences from Pinocchio

Pinocchio is significantly different from the character of another fairy tale familiar to children (most likely from the American cartoon). Pinocchio grows his nose all the time, as he tells a lie. At the end of the tale, Pinocchio is re-educated and turns into an exemplary boy. Pinocchio remains wooden to the end, without heeding the attempts to reeducate by Pope Carlo and Malvina. But with all this, the domestic image of the protagonist is much kinder and funnier than the Italian. In addition, Koloddy lacks the talking tortoise Tortilla, the Golden Key himself, and the boy’s dreams of a theater and jackets for old Carlo.

how children play with a pinocchio doll

How do children play a Pinocchio doll?

Most likely, children using a Pinocchio doll will play scenes from a fairy tale book or actions from a famous Soviet film (provided that you show it to them beforehand). Parents can help them, play along in roles. Someone will be Malvina, and someone will get the role of Karabas-Barabas. You can also arrange a small home puppet theater, but for this you will have to purchase figures and other characters of the fairy tale.

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