At the present stage, most children begin to sit, talk, read much earlier than their peers in past centuries. Such children are called accelerates and consider their appearance the result of improved medical care, early childhood care, improved product quality, improved public awareness and awareness, as well as improved living standards in general.
It's important to know
All children have different speeds of development, that is, their own, during which their abilities and inclinations are revealed, as well as new skills are acquired. As a result of the studies, it was found that it is impossible to influence the process of development, individual for each child, towards acceleration, but it is possible to slow it down. The development of the child is slowed down due to the worsening conditions in which it grows — insufficient nutrition, lack of parental love and attention, lack of developmental activities, and so on.
There are four aspects that determine the development of an infant:
- The communicative aspect.
A very significant role is played by the way the child makes contact with people around him - the manifestation of emotions, smiles, reactions to people and their voices.
- The speech aspect.
At this stage, how the child understands the words addressed to him, as well as the speech of the people around him, is more important than the way he speaks.
- Large motor skills.
This is an aspect related to when a child begins to independently hold his head, sit down, crawl, get up and take the first steps .
- Fine motor skills.
The focus of this aspect is the coordination of the baby's movements - how he grabs and holds objects and controls his arms and legs.
During the first year of a child’s life, it is impossible to determine his intellectual level, creativity, logic, and sense of humor. But this does not mean that this time for the development of the listed qualities is useless - through the efforts of the parents, the child can get a wonderful base for their appearance and active development.
It is important to know that both jumps and small stagnations in the process of child development are permissible, that is, this process is uneven.
Three patterns are observed in it:
Development goes from top to bottom, that is, from head to toes - first of all, the baby learns to lift and hold his head, then hold his back, then he sits down and only then gets on his feet and starts walking. Development proceeds from the trunk to the limbs - first the baby learns to control the handles, then the palms of his hands and, lastly, he learns to use his fingers. Development in terms of movements goes from simple to complex.
The role of parents in the development of the baby in the first year of his life
Existing standards of growth and body weight of the child, corresponding to a specific age, will be reviewed in the near future, according to experts. This is due to jumps in growth, characteristic of modern babies. These standards must be constantly monitored, and, therefore, regularly monitored by a pediatrician.
1 month. In the first month of life, the baby still does not know how to focus his eyes, and parents need to do special exercises with him, aimed at developing the eye muscles and visual functions of the child. This should be done, trying to somehow attract his gaze and, thus, motivating him to try to concentrate. To do this, large pictures depicting simple shapes are suitable
2 month. At this time and in the future, a significant role will be played by exercises aimed at the development of muscles, the vestibular apparatus and the establishment of bodily contact with the baby, expressed in stroking and gentle touching him.
3 month. It is characterized by the fact that the child begins to show initiative. At this stage, it is very important that parents support this initiative, creating conditions for the activity of the baby.
4 month. This month of baby's life is full of discoveries. Basically, at this age, children already have time to master motor and speech skills, so you need to give them the opportunity to actively use them and with the help of them gain more knowledge about the world around them.
5 month - the time when the child tries to sit down, already knows how to roll over, grabs the toy with the handles. Children at this age are interested in their legs and try to reach them. If the baby does not cope with this yet, he can be helped - put socks with bells or bright patterns on the legs so that the child does not lose interest in trying to touch them. Help the child grab the leg and touch the socks.
6 month. At this time, the child is already sitting, his teeth are erupting. Now the child is learning to crawl. They start with teaching a child to stand on all fours. It is also important to monitor how the child maintains balance in a sitting position. You can contribute to the development of balance with the help of a toy, moving it in different directions from a sitting child, but not jerking sharply so that the baby does not fall.
7 month. The kid already knows a lot! Sits independently, plays, crawls, gets up, holding on to furniture. Classes involving objects, not only improve the coordination of movements of the baby, but also develop his hearing, vision, touch and thinking. This is the most suitable time for active games .
8 month of development - a child, thanks to the skills that he has already mastered, can move around the house. He actively moves and explores space and interesting objects. Therefore, it is important that he does not come across objects that could harm him. Let all his toys lie in places accessible to him.
9 month. The kid begins to copy the behavior of people around him, is interested in books with colorful pictures, likes to turn pages, consider details. Parents need to support these interests of the baby. The child begins to play not only with his toys, but also with household items in the home of the family.
10 month. The child’s speech has developed noticeably, the baby is actively moving, movements are becoming more accurate, attempts to take the first steps. Parents need to try so that the child repeats the words behind them, seeks to learn more about the world around him.
11 month. The child can stand without leaning on anything and takes the first steps. The kid is interested in the results of his actions, remembers the location of things in the house and empathizes with the emotions of mom and dad. Now you can enter classes related to paints and modeling.
12 month . The kid himself walks, actively uses a dozen words. Among the toys, the baby highlights the most beloved. With the first year comes a new level of development of the baby.
No matter how fast your baby develops, he learns a lot in his first year of life. This time is very pleasant for parents - enjoy communication with a curious baby, hug him, guide and praise him. Your support and love are very important for the proper development of the baby.