The central processor for a laptop that perfectly combines a high level of performance and energy efficiency is the Intel Core i5-3317U. Although it was released a long time ago by the standards of computer technology - in 2012, but its technical specifications still remain relevant, and it can still run the most demanding transcriptions and the most demanding toys of the latest generation.
, Intel Core i5-3317U — FCBGA 1023. . . , . . , .
Ivi Bridge Intel Core i5-3317U. 2- , «» 4 . , 3- :
- 1- — 128 . 64 . , 64 2 . , — . 64 .
2- — 512 . 256 . , , 2- . 256 .
3- 3 . , 2- , . , .
. DDR3 ( 1333 1666 ) . — 32 .
, ,
Intel Core i5-3317U 17 . , . - 105 0. TurboBust. , . 1,7 , — 2,6 . 22 , — TriGate.
Intel Core i5-3317U . — HD Graphics 4000. - 350 , — 1,05 . , . , .
Intel Core i5-3317U . . .