Can I use Tamiflu for children? Effective flu treatment

The drug "Tamiflu" for children is effective in the treatment of influenza (types A, B) in babies older than 1 year.

Tamiflu for children instruction

Features of the course of influenza in babies

As a rule, the first signs of the disease appear after 2-3 days after the virus enters the body. The child feels weak, he is falling asleep. In response to the infection, the body temperature rises, the throat begins to hurt, the nose is blocked. After a day, a dry cough may appear, as well as a runny nose. In babies, flu sometimes begins with stomach pain and nausea.

With influenza, the temperature lasts from 3 to 5 days. If she did not sleep after this period, she should again call a doctor at home, as there is a likelihood of developing complications (bronchitis, pneumonia). Sometimes an infection causes complications in the middle ear, resulting in persistent hearing loss.

Is Tamiflu effective for influenza?

tamiflu for children

Pediatricians recommend Tamiflu for children with severe flu. The neutral active substance of the drug (oseltamivir) first enters the bloodstream, and from there into the liver. In the liver, under the influence of various enzymes, it decomposes, forming oseltamivir carboxylate - a substance that inhibits the activity of enzymes of the virus itself, and thereby stops its spread and reproduction.

As a result, the use of Tamiflu medication for children can quickly improve the well-being of the child: lower the temperature, get rid of the symptoms of intoxication, and reduce the risk of complications of bacterial and viral origin. At the age of 1 year to 12 years, it is recommended to take the drug "Tamiflu" in the form of a suspension.

Sometimes it is used to prevent disease. However, you need to give Tamiflu medicine only on the recommendation of a pediatrician, and only if there really is a need. For example, if one of the family members has the flu, and the baby is constantly in contact with a sick person.

Who can take the drug?

Suspension "Tamiflu" for children has virtually no contraindications. However, in rare cases, there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug. It should not be given to babies whose age is less than 12 months. It is also not recommended for use by children suffering from severe renal failure.

However, it should be remembered that the use of the drug can cause many unpleasant side effects (nausea, dizziness, weakness, sleep disturbances, abdominal and headache, bronchitis, diarrhea and others). Therefore, one should strictly adhere to the instructions or recommendations of the doctor.


In what quantities is it necessary to give Tamiflu suspension for children? The instruction for the drug says that it is necessary to rely on this, first of all, on the body weight of the baby.

Body weight

The optimal single dose, mg

Frequency of admission, once a day

up to 15









40 and more



For accurate dosing, manufacturers place a special measuring syringe in the package, with which you can take the right amount of medicine from the bottle.

tamiflu for kids reviews


There is one more point that you should pay attention to when speaking about the Tamiflu drug for children. Reviews of specialists about it come down to the fact that it is an effective, but quite powerful tool, dispensed only by prescription. Therefore, you should be very careful about its use, observing all the requirements. If the child’s flu is quite easy, as a rule, the pediatrician prescribes other, lighter and safer drugs.

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