How to print two pages on one sheet: three ways

When working with documents, there is often a need to print them on a printer. However, to save sheets of paper, many would like to print two pages of a document on one sheet. Fortunately, there are several, or more precisely, three ways to print two pages on one sheet. The algorithm of actions is proposed in the article.

Method 1: duplex printing

The first method, which involves printing two pages, is to use a special printer with duplex printing. Of course, such a function is not available in all devices, so if you don’t have one, go straight to the next methods. Well, we offer an immediate course of action. So how to print two pages on one sheet?

  1. Launch the Word program.
  2. Open the document you want to print in it. To do this, click on the "File" button, select "Open" and in the "Explorer" that appears, select the file itself.
  3. Launch the print window. To do this, click on the “File” button and select “Print”. By the way, the same action can be performed by pressing the hot keys Ctrl + P.
  4. In the window, determine the printer that you will use for printing. If only one device is connected to the computer, it will be selected automatically.
  5. Set the print options and be sure to check the box next to “Duplex Printing”.
  6. Click “OK” to start printing.
how to print two pages on one sheet

You just have to wait until all the sheets are printed. This was the simplest answer to the question of how to print two pages on one sheet in Word. If it doesn't suit you, move on to the next one.

Method 2: how to print two pages on one sheet

As already mentioned, not everyone has a printer with duplex printing, but do not despair. You can use another method, which also involves printing two pages. And it is as follows.

  1. Start the word processor Word.
  2. Open the document you want to print in it.
  3. Launch the print menu by pressing Ctrl + P.
  4. In the window that opens, specify the printer that you want to use.
  5. Set all the options you need for printing.
  6. In the "Scale" section, specify the value "2 pages" in the "Number of pages per sheet" parameter.
  7. Click OK.
how to print two pages on one sheet in Word

Immediately after this, the printing process starts. As a result, you will see that the text from two pages of the document is applied to one side of the sheet. By the way, if you were thinking about how to print two pages on one sheet in "PDF", then this method is also suitable for such cases.

Method 3: print on both sides

If you do not have a printer with duplex printing and you need to print two pages of text from a document on two sides of the paper, then the previous two methods will definitely not work for you. But there is a third that will do for such cases. Here is the action algorithm:

  1. Complete all prerequisites in Word.
  2. Insert print sheets into the printer.
  3. Print the first page on one sheet.
  4. Turn over the printed sheet and reinsert it into the printer.
  5. Print the second page of the document.
  6. Repeat these steps until you finish printing the entire document.
how to print two pages on one sheet in pdf

This was the third way for those interested in how to print two pages on one sheet. The minus of this method immediately becomes obvious - printing must be done one page at a time, turning the sheets in the printer each time. But if your document has few pages, then it is optimal.

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