Wi-Fi network technologies, which today are used on almost all computers and mobile devices, are becoming more and more common, while the most popular among all standards is IEEE 802.11n. True, it provides for the possibility of limiting the speed of the Internet. However, given the fact that most people surf the net in search of multimedia files, an additional Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) standard has been developed. What it is and why it is needed, and will be described in this article. Internet users should be aware of this standard and make sure that in the modem settings there is a checkmark next to the "WMM Enable" function.
Connection and data transfer speeds
What does it mean to enable WMM? Let's deal with this issue.
, – , , /. . , , .
, , . . , 802.11n, , , "WMM ". , , .
, :
- , , . , Windows 7 , .
- NetMeter NetStress, . WMM. .
- , lperf Jperf.
802.11n , WMM. , . , , , 802.11n.
, WMM, - , , . , 802.11n, . , 802.11n . 802.11n 50 % 80 % , .
, .
54 /
WMM, , WPA/TKIP WEP, 80 %. 802.11n , 54 / , , 802.11n.
, , WPA2 AES, , , .
, 802.11n, 802.11g, WMM Zyxel. ? , WPA2 TKIP-. , WPA2 AES TKIP, .
WMM APSD , . , - 802.11n , .
Wi-Fi Multimedia 4 :
- WMM- ( ). VoIP- .
- WMM- . .
- WMM- . QoS
- WMM . , .
54 /, Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM). 802.11n 802.11e, .
WMM , 802.11n. , Wi-Fi . , , WMM , , .
, , .
, , , . . " WMM", . , .
802.11n 40 , . 20 40 , .
40 10 20 /, . , . , 40 , 80 %.
, , 20 . , .
Zyxel , . , .
, , Zyxel , Wi-Fi. , , Wi-Fi:
- Wi-Fi , .
- Bluetooth-, - Wi-Fi .
- Wi-Fi .
- , , , .
- , .
- , USB 3.0.
, , USB 3.0 Wi-Fi 2.4 .
, , . , , .