Hearthstone: map making game

The genre of collectible card games has its own incomparable circle of fans. Tactical battles, the opportunity to win against a stronger opponent, despite his clear superiority, excitement and luck - all this makes each game different from the previous one. Unfortunately, the process of obtaining cards is highly dependent on randomness, but even in such cases, luck can be taken into your own hands.

hearthstone card making


The main way to replenish the collection in Hearthstone is to create cards in sets. Such a service costs 100 units of game gold. In this case, you immediately get five random cards from the specified set.

Currently, the player can purchase three types of sets:

  • "Classic" - contains the main cards for the game. This kit is active from the very beginning of the project and has not changed for all the time (with the exception of minor edits).
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hearthstone card making simulator

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making hearthstone cards

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Excessive cards can be disassembled into Arcane Dust. It turns out a little, but over time, from it you can directly craft the cards you need. Unfortunately, this method is not applicable to new collections, and allows you to create only old designs. So in Hearthstone, creating maps is a long and difficult task that will require a lot of endurance and nerves from the player, when over and over again he will create a useless Wandering Light.

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