Teip tape - what is it? Such a convenient tool is a tape made of a special elastic tissue resembling a wide, durable adhesive plaster, which is used to fix joints and support muscles.
What is teip tape for?
Teips are used, first of all, to effectively support risk areas that are prone to injury. The use of elastic teips during sports contributes to a faster recovery of muscles after serious exertion. Certain types of sports teips, when used correctly, improve the circulation of fluids in the body, and make it possible to remove the pain syndrome that invariably accompanies certain exercises.
Due to its excellent adhesive property, the teip tape remains on the body even in contact with moisture and water. The tape is easily cut with scissors and can be easily removed after training due to the application of special glue solvents.
Features of the use of sports tapes
One of the main reasons for the low popularity of sports teips is the high probability of injury if they are applied incorrectly. Moreover, improper use can cause a decrease in athletic performance.
Fastening the tape to the desired areas of the body hundreds of times reduces the likelihood of injury. However, in order for the teip application to benefit, you need to understand physiology at least at a minimum level, have information about various teiping techniques, be friends with your own body, and consult with specialists who are versed in the effective application of such reinforcing tapes.
You can understand how to use the teip tape yourself, thanks to testing individual options and their regular use. However, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, do not resort to too complicated taping.
Types of tapes
The most affordable for most active people is an inelastic teip tape. What it is? This option refers to the classic type of adhesives. Usually the use of such a tape is limited to the simplest fixation of ligaments and individual muscles. In addition, an inelastic tape can be used as the basis for more complex taping, which requires the sequential application of other types of tapes.
A more professional type of sports teips include elastic bands. The excellent ability of such tapes to stretch allows you to securely fasten the ligaments in the right position and at the same time does not hamper the movements. A high level of elasticity allows the athlete to significantly increase the taping area and significantly increase fixation.
The most innovative, highly effective type of reinforcing sports tape is the kinesio tape tape. What is this Kinesio tapes are products of a special shape designed to fix specific areas of the body. Recently, it is this type of tape that is widely used by athletes, since it does not require special knowledge in the field of professional taping.
Taping techniques
In order to effectively use the taping techniques with elastic bands, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the basics of anatomy, get basic knowledge about the structure and functioning of the musculoskeletal system. A prerequisite for professional athletes is to receive training from a specialist in the taping of muscles and ligaments.
Currently, there are the following ways to apply sports teips:
- Standard taping - the tape for athletes is tightly applied to the ligaments, wrapped around the necessary areas or glued to the necessary zones.
- Combined taping technique - involves the use of several types of sports tapes that allow you to create effective protection with special properties. Fastening is carried out exclusively by experienced professionals who are versed in the size of the tapes, choosing a place for gluing and know a clear sequence of necessary operations.
How to choose what you need?
The standard tape tape, the price of which is now available to absolutely all athletes, is sold not only in specialized sports stores, but also in most pharmacies. If you need to purchase several types of tapes to perform complex taping, it is easiest to take advantage of the most affordable offers on the Internet.
The choice of a particular manufacturer often depends on personal experience with the use of certain tapes. You can rely on this issue both on the opinion of specialists, and on your own positive or bitter experience. Going through individual options, it is not difficult to find one, the most suitable manufacturer. Naturally, initially it is better to focus on well-known Western brands.
Putting sports tapes into practice
Suppose the load on the hands in the gym began to bring discomfort. At the same time, training on a bicycle or treadmill does not reduce pain, as it requires the implementation of active body movements. It is in this case that applying a teip tape can help fix muscles and joints in the required position. Thus, you can quickly get rid of pain without stopping classes.
Sports teip can also be useful when playing football, when you have to play on an uneven ground. Even professional fields contain a large number of pits and humps. And if a leg gets bumped while running, it often makes you say goodbye to your favorite game for months. Taping problem areas reduces the likelihood of injury and gives added confidence.
It is difficult to imagine a set of forms without running training, because it is in this way that you can give the necessary load on the muscles, joints and spine. Taping before running gives protection against excessive loads on an unprepared musculoskeletal system. Having run one time with teip, many people wonder why they did not resort to a similar method of fixing earlier.
How to shoot a sports tape
To learn how to remove adhesive fixing tapes, it is enough to use them in practice several times. Removing sports tape, experts recommend using scissors, as well as special fluids for dissolving glue. This approach to removing teips will avoid their painful ripping off along with the hairs, will protect against discomfort and unpleasant consequences.
Benefits of Using Sports Tapes
The use of teips for fixing muscles and joints during sports has a lot of advantages. Among them, first of all, it is worth noting:
- improvement of muscle contraction, normalization of muscle tone, motor functions and obtaining complete freedom of movement;
- relieving muscle fatigue, reducing the likelihood of muscle clamping, overstrain, and excessive contraction;
- reduction of pain during fixation of already damaged muscles and joints, almost painless rehabilitation after injuries;
- elimination of fluid congestion in the body, improving the circulation of lymph and blood;
- decreased sensation of heat in the body, inflammation, active removal of harmful substances from body tissues;
- general improvement in well-being with serious physical exertion.
To summarize
Tap tape - what is it? First of all, sports tapes are an excellent tool for relieving pain syndromes, protecting muscles from overstrain, improving metabolic processes and blood circulation.
Numerous studies in the field of application of sports teip in practice prove their high efficiency, especially when it is necessary to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system and to eliminate the consequences of previous injuries. That is why fixing teips are now widely used by professional athletes in almost all disciplines.