Among users of both desktop computers and laptops quite often the question arises of cluttering up the space on the device’s hard drives. The material will focus on how to clean the memory of the MacBook and return it to its normal speed.
Cleaning Auto Download Lists
One of the most popular reasons why an apple laptop might stop working as fast as it was at launch (besides its extremely weak hardware). In this case, the problem is that almost all the applications that you install on your computer are automatically added to the automatic launch section when the operating system starts.
At first, the slowdown effect will not be so noticeable. But with the accumulation of various utilities, as well as the wear of components, you will increasingly notice very strong braking during operation. Let's figure out how to clean a macbook in this way:
- Run the system settings of the device.
- There, follow the subsection titled "Users and Groups."
- In the list on the left, select the current account.
- Click the tab called Entities.
- Next, you need to carefully study the list of submitted programs. Choose among them those that should not turn on when the operating system starts.
Upgrading to the latest version of the operating system
Quite often, users disable the ability to update on computers, laptops and mobile devices in order to avoid deterioration in the quality of the device (if it is old enough) or not to lose the functions and features that are present at the moment and will be deleted after the update. Nevertheless, if you were wondering about how to clear the memory of a macbook and increase its speed, you should take a chance and install the latest update on your apple technology. This requires the following:
- First check the current version number of the operating system. To do this, proceed to an app called the Mac App Store.
- Go to the updates tab.
- A “sticker” with an available number of updates will be displayed on the application icon. They can be downloaded one at a time or all together.
- Next, just install them - and you can get to work.
ATTENTION! If your "apple" laptop is not too old, then you can run the automatic download and then install each update. In such cases, resorting to clearing the memory will be less likely.
Working with Disk Cleanup
Many users rarely pay attention to the place that remains on the hard drive of a computer or laptop. The problem becomes relevant in the following cases:
- downloading or installing files and applications is not possible due to the fact that there is too little space;
- due to the large amount of data stored on the device, the computer began to work too slowly due to the heavy load.
In order to avoid such problems in the future, we will figure out how to clean the macbook from unnecessary files. The algorithm of actions is presented below:
- Run the pre-installed application or the disk utility.
- Follow the tab called First Aid.
- There, click on the check button, and then repeat the action with the repair key.
- After that, the system will start scanning and then correct errors (if they are detected).
- Once the procedure is completed, check your home folder and other directories that are located on the disk. You should be interested in temporary files and a cache that you have not used for a long time.
- In the absence of a desire to perform such painstaking work, use the free program to delete unnecessary files.
Elimination of too "gluttonous" processes
Quite often, the reason for the slow operation of the computer's operating system or its individual components is too demanding processes that "eat" an unacceptably large amount of resources. To correct the situation, they must be turned off. To do this, follow these steps:
- Go to the folder called "Programs", then "Utilities".
- From here, start system monitoring.
- Next, switch between the "CPU" and "Memory" folders. You are interested in the currently running processes and applications, the operation of which requires an extremely large number of resources.
- Now just shut down those processes that use more than 90% of the memory.
ATTENTION! When closing programs that are too gluttonous, do not touch root processes. Termination of their work can lead to malfunctions in the operating system and the occurrence of various errors.
Consider the next step in how to clean your macbook.
Disabling widgets
These miniature applications are quite useful helpers in everyday work. Among them are quite relevant utilities that display the current time and date, weather conditions or the condition of computer components. They are placed on the desktop and can be there in unlimited quantities. However, very many of them not only do not bring proper benefits, but also consume a fairly large amount of resources. As a result, the performance of your laptop starts to decline steadily.
How to clean a macbook in such a situation? Everything is quite simple. Walk around your Dashboard and disable all those widgets that are not very necessary or do not bring any benefit at all, except for aesthetic.
Workspace analysis
Keeping program shortcuts or various documents and files on the desktop is a standard practice for almost all users. However, not many people think that this way of working with information slowly but surely leads to the fact that the computer starts to work more slowly and slowly. The situation is corrected quite simply:
- Review and remove all shortcuts that you don’t use.
- Place all documents and files in the appropriate folders. This will help reduce the number of links that the system processes.
Enable CleanMyMac 3
The program is one of the most common utilities for cleaning the disk space of apple laptops. And here it is important to note why it is necessary to use only the third edition. Among the main reasons:
- use of an improved algorithm for clearing space;
- the emergence of a sufficiently large number of new useful features.
It can easily remove various files and documents from the computer that have not been used for a long time and simply clogged up the space. It can also clean the garbage that was on the laptop from the very beginning and was not involved in any way.
In general, CleanMyMac 3 is a good alternative to the Revo Uninstaller program running on Windows.