What is statistics, and what is its importance in modern society?

To obtain data on the state of society, a whole complex of sciences is used. One of them is statistics. What is she like?

What is statistics?

This is the name of the branch of knowledge, where they pose general questions on the collection, measurement and analysis of mass (quantitative or qualitative) data. Statistics also studies the quantitative side of social mass phenomena in terms of their numerical form. This word comes from the Latin status, which means "state of affairs." Initially, this science was called "State Studies."

what is statistics

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As you can see, statistics allow you to structure significant amounts of data that are necessary for the possibility of providing information about the situation in certain areas. So, it plays an important role for investors, as it provides an opportunity to monitor the dynamics of growth of state economies. Of interest is statistics for citizens and authorities, telling them about the processes in the country: demographic growth or crisis, increasing wealth or falling, and so on.

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