How a cat behaves after mating: norm and possible problems. How to understand that a cat is pregnant

At about the age of 1.5, a young cat has completely grown and formed, has passed the first exhibitions and is ready to become a mother. At this place, every breeder needs to stop and take a sober look at things. Is your cat a valuable, breeding representative of the breed? Will kittens be in demand? If not, forget about knitting. There are too many discarded animals on the streets right now. But of course, this does not apply to purebred, pedigree cats. After all, the titles acquired at the exhibition allow you to choose the same thoroughbred partner and get excellent offspring.

the cat does not eat after mating

Knitting: before and after

The decision has been made, now we need to wait for a favorable moment. In young females, sex drive is often mild. But each time the desire to become a mother will become stronger, and the pet will demonstrate it more often. Under optimal conditions, a cat can give birth twice a year, but it can only be knitted if she is in good physical shape.

Young animals often behave timidly with partners or refuse to mate at all. In this case, it is best to choose an experienced partner, then the process is likely to complete successfully. Moreover, you need to introduce the pets in advance, leaving them together for 15 or more minutes.

how should a cat behave after mating


The female during estrus makes special sounds, purrs and falls to the floor. When it is located to the partner, it takes a special pose, arches its back and draws its tail. The male holds her teeth at the withers and covers. Sexual intercourse lasts a few seconds. If this is the first mating for you, it will be important to know in advance how the cat behaves after mating. She pushes the cat away, emits characteristic piercing screams, starts licking herself violently and demonstrates her unwillingness to continue communication. In some cases, it can be aggressive, attack. In others, it is simply secluded. Sometimes the owners are interested in why the cat somersaults after mating. There is no exact answer, perhaps the male bit her bite too hard.

This behavior does not need to be scared. This is how a cat behaves after mating, not because it hurts. It's just that nature very wisely doses the sex drive of females. In this case, it fulfilled its function, and repeated sexual intercourse will become possible only after some time. Usually, in order for the pregnancy to take place with a probability of 99%, cats are knitted three times, on the second or third day of ovulation. Another option is to allow the animals to mate during the three most favorable days of estrus.

First days after

Sometimes the owners rush to the veterinarian to show their pet. And here the specialist’s task is to tell how the cat behaves after mating. For several days, she will look tired, spend time in her house. This does not mean that she is sick. Just knitting is an extremely energy-intensive process. The pet must now sleep off and regain her strength.

But it is also impossible to completely lose vigilance. If the animal simply falls asleep, then leave it alone. Worse if fever, vomiting, or diarrhea is added to this. This already suggests that the mating proceeded against the backdrop of a progressive disease. Normally, after a few days you can notice a change. The cat wakes up a wonderful appetite. However, only by the way the cat behaves after mating, it is impossible to say for sure whether she is pregnant.

the cat sleeps after mating

Cause for concern

Let us dwell on this point a little more, since the question is related to the life and health of your pet. If, after mating, the animal behaves as if it became sick, up to vomiting, diarrhea, fever, there are several reasons:

  • Reaction to stress. The presence of a male, moving.
  • Digestion disorder due to eating habits, if the animal was given for mating in another house.
  • The option of toxicoinfection is not excluded. It has nothing to do with viscous.
  • Before mating, check whether the male is vaccinated against the most dangerous diseases. There are a number of bacterial or viral infections that can be sexually transmitted.

If the cat does not eat for more than two days after breeding, then the reason is more serious than it seemed at first glance. It is especially important to see a veterinarian as soon as possible if the cat refuses water.

why the cat somersaults after mating

Behavior features

There are no exact frames. On the one hand, the behavior of an animal depends on its individual characteristics. Some will meow uneasily, others will sleep peacefully. But sometimes the behavior of a cat after mating is simply surprising. She continues to ask the cat and behaves very restlessly. It depends on what day the estrus mated. That is, the same animal will exhibit different behaviors, depending on when the mating occurred. The reason is simple - the hormonal background, which changes throughout the estrus.

cat sleeps after mating

The beginning of estrus

Quite rarely, mating occurs during this period. The estrus lasts an average of 7-14 days. If in the first days there was a productive mating, the cat will behave as if it were not. In this case, estrus will continue until the end of the set period.

What will the owner observe? The cat behaves as if pregnancy has not mopped up. She constantly requires a cat. But in this case, you need to be very careful. If the period of the first 4 days of estrus has been selected for mating, contact can be allowed for three days. After this, it is impossible to admit a partner to the nursery, since a cat can conceive offspring from different cats, and in one uterus, fruits with different (a week or more) periods can develop. This often leads to the birth of dead kittens, as well as the depletion of the pet.

Mid estrus (estrus)

Here again we are faced with the question of the average duration of estrus. For it, you can take 10 days, then the middle falls on 5-7 days. If mating occurs at this time, the animal calms down almost immediately. The cat sleeps after mating, becomes very affectionate, eats well.

What happens if your pet has a longer cycle? As in the first case, she may continue to be anxious. But such an active search for the cat is no longer observed.

The end of estrus

If mating is planned by professionals, they usually choose the middle or end of the cycle. In the last 3-4 days, a gradual stabilization of the hormonal background occurs. The only risk is that if you have calculated incorrectly, then there may no longer be additional time for repeated knitting. The tide will end, and you will need to wait for the next event.

How should a cat behave after mating during this period? Usually she calms down almost immediately. But you need to make a discount on the individual characteristics of the animal.

how to understand that the cat is pregnant

How to understand that a cat is pregnant

Learn about this will not work until the 21st day, when the first signs become noticeable. If the male is experienced and qualifies as a cat-producer, there is nothing to worry about, even if the cat continues to worry for a few more days. To guarantee this, experienced owners take photos and videos that confirm the fact of mating. In this case, you can be 90% confident in a successful outcome.

There are several methods that help you understand that the cat is pregnant. The first is observation. Swelling of the nipples, growth of the abdomen and good appetite - all this indirectly indicates conception. But the most reliable way is an ultrasound, which is carried out on the 21-23 day of the alleged pregnancy.

It also happens that after a sterile sexual intercourse, cats behave as if the development of the fetus was taking its course. They are slow, drowsy and very affectionate. At the same time, the nipples swell, the stomach grows, and after the end of the period necessary for bearing the offspring, milk begins to stand out. But the pregnancy is false. This condition causes mental stress, severe hormonal disruption and poor health.

cat behavior after breeding

The presence of secretions

If estrus has not completed, then a few more days (sometimes a week), you can observe the release of transparent mucus from the genitals of the cat. This is normal and should not be a concern. But abundant brown, reddish, yellow or green discharge should be the reason for immediate medical attention. This may be a symptom of an infection, miscarriage or pathology of the genitals.

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