International left-hander day: a holiday with meaning

International left-hander day is celebrated annually on August 13. On this date, as the confederation of left-handed people decided in 1976, a day will be celebrated that marks the struggle for the dignity and freedom of all left-handed people in the world. Such a loud statement was supported by the Bill of Lefties and the beginning of mass movements of people writing with their left hand. In 1980, U.S. citizens rallied in support of police officer Franklin Winborg, who was fired because he wore a holster on the wrong side, as required by the charter.

left-handed day

Left-handed people first celebrated in 1992. The British club, uniting like-minded people, contributed to this event. First of all, this is not a superficial holiday, created in order to have more reasons to take a walk, but an important day, thanks to which society remembers the problem of the psychological mood of children different from their peers. The British club tells the world that in no case should you retrain babies born left-handed, this can lead to serious injuries of the nervous system. Club members also draw the attention of stationery and household appliance manufacturers to produce more goods for left-handed people.

There are many theories about why some people, and today they are about 10% in the world, are different from most. Doctors and scientists are inclined to the theory that left-handedness is formed due to violations of the intrauterine development of the brain of the baby, but this fact is not a deviation from the norm. Others complain about the genetic disposition. Be that as it may, Left-handed Day once again reminds society that we are all different in this world, and this is wonderful.

international lefty day

Despite the fact that people who are accustomed to using their right hand as an auxiliary one, work along with the rest in production, drive a car with a manual gearbox, use a computer mouse, cutlery, they often experience discomfort in everyday life. For example, many girls are completely incapable of knitting and sewing. But these are purely individual features.

international left-hander day

Left-handed Day is an unusual holiday, and if in honor of this event you want to give your “special” friend a present, pick up what he will surely need in everyday life, for example, stationery for left-handed people.

As psychologists say, people with this physiological feature are prone to creativity and non-standard, creative activities. They live on emotions and are not inclined to think spatially. International left-handed day is a celebration of people who are different from the masses. Although this is considered a physiological (or psychological) deviation among scientists, we all know that left-handed people are no different from the others, and once again congratulating your loved one on the occasion is also a pleasure.

If you want Lefthanders Day to become a more popular event in our country - collect left-handed buddies and create a flash mob! It is not only fun, but also useful. Having shown activity, you will pay attention to yourself and challenge the society.

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