Border Collie - energetic, graceful animals, endowed with high intelligence and amazing performance. Natural ingenuity, attractive appearance and relatively small size make them incredibly popular among residents of megalopolises who dream of acquiring a faithful and tireless companion for long walks that can adapt to life in a modern city. Today’s publication will provide a brief description of the border collie and owner reviews of such pets.
A bit of history
Unfortunately, experts do not have accurate information about the origin of these animals. The first mention of similar dogs dates back to 1570. It is known that they were owned by the Vikings, who lived on the border of Scotland and Great Britain.
Serious work aimed at breeding a new breed began in 1881. It coincided with the creation of a shepherd dog rating system. In 1884, among the winners of these competitions was a small courtyard dog named Old Hamp, who later became the ancestor of modern border collie.
The reviews of the owners, praising the unpretentiousness and high performance of these dogs, contributed to their popularization among farmers. And the interest shown by Queen Victoria, helped their distribution among ordinary citizens. The breed received official recognition in 1915. And the adoption of its standard took another six decades.
Breed description
Border collies, reviews of which praise not only their working qualities, but also the beautiful exterior, are medium in size. Depending on gender, the height of an adult varies from 47-53 cm, and the weight does not exceed 20 kg.
On a proportional head with a smooth nape, a pronounced stop and a slightly narrowed muzzle, there are small oval eyes and triangular, wide-spaced ears. Under a harmoniously developed body with a deep ribcage, sloping croup and oval ribs, there are straight strong limbs with oval paws collected in a lump.
Wool and color
In the reviews of the owners and the description of the Border Collie breed, the existence of two varieties of these dogs is mentioned. They can be short and long-haired. The first group includes animals with a dense dense awn without decorating hair. The second species includes dogs with long hair, forming a mane, "pants" and a luxurious suspension on the tail.
As for the color, it can be almost anything. But sable, marble, tricolor, red and chocolate-white animals are especially popular.
Representatives of this breed have gained fame as active cheerful dogs with high intelligence. Scientists have found that in terms of development they are comparable to three-year-olds. Reviews of border collies confirm that they easily remember different words.
These animals are endowed with a receptive and vulnerable disposition. They are very patient and easily find a common language with children. However, practice has shown that their owners can only be balanced and sensible people, leading an active lifestyle. After all, a clever and cunning dog will quickly find a way to manipulate a soft and weak character.
Maintenance and care
If you believe the reviews, border collies are unpretentious and highly adaptive dogs that can live in city apartments and private cottages. Caring for them does not take much time and boils down to regular combing of hair, cutting nails, brushing your teeth and ears.
Since border collies are naturally endowed with an active temperament, they should be able to splash out the accumulated energy. To do this, they must be trained and regularly walked in parks or on special sites. The lack of mental and physical stress leaves an imprint on the psyche of the dog and negatively affects its behavior. A poorly walked border becomes nervous, uncontrollable and even aggressive. He can begin to spoil furniture and bark constantly.
Feeding recommendations
As befits working dogs, border collies are unpretentious in everything when it comes to food. They with the same appetite will consume both dry and natural food. Owners who opted for ready-made industrial diets should buy premium or superpremium products that do not contain preservatives, dyes or cereals.
Those who plan to give their boarder natural food need to remember that the basis of such nutrition should be raw frozen meat. In addition, vegetables, cereals, offal, low-fat sea fish, eggs and sour milk should be added to the dog’s menu. It is strictly forbidden to feed the dog chocolate, tubular bones, smoked meats, pickles, sweets and buns. Also, their diet should be removed forever river fish, exotic fruits, legumes and sausages.
Health and Life Expectancy
Despite good genetics, there is a list of diseases that Border Collie are predisposed to. According to veterinarians, representatives of this breed are often diagnosed with retinal atrophy and lens displacement. They also have problems with the back and joints, obesity, hypothyroidism, congenital deafness and Batten's disease.
With proper care, these dogs can live 10-17 years. To extend the relatively short century of his four-legged pet, you need to provide him with proper nutrition, as well as dosed physical and mental stress. For the same reasons, annual vaccination, regular antiparasitic treatments and routine examinations by the veterinarian should not be neglected.
Border collie: reviews
People whose houses live representatives of this breed, argue that these are very intelligent and hardy dogs, suitable for the role of companion. They are incredibly affectionate, contact and completely non-aggressive. If you wish, you can not only walk with them in city parks, but also engage in agility or dog-frisbee.
At the same time, experienced owners draw the attention of beginners that these dogs are endowed with pronounced working qualities and can begin to "graze" others. Therefore, they need to be weaned from an early age from such a habit.