The skin of infants is very soft and delicate, as if velvet. Unfortunately, it is overly susceptible to various environmental influences, even harmless for an adult. Often on the skin of the baby there are all kinds of irritations: acne, a small rash, local redness or pink spots. The most common reaction of the baby's skin to external factors is sweating. It represents the "response" of the skin to overheating: at high temperature in the room or an excessive amount of clothing on the child, sweat secretion increases.
This mechanism is necessary in order to prevent overheating of the internal organs. But
sweat glands can not cope with the increased load and do not have time to allocate the entire amount of sweat. As a result, a stagnant phenomenon develops, which manifests itself as inflammation and irritation of the skin. The most common are shingles in newborns. The treatment of this disease is not particularly difficult, the main thing is the timely response of the parents. In this article, we will look at ways to deal with skin irritation in babies.
Treatment of sweating in newborns. How is this disease manifested?
Potnichka in infants may look like hyperemic, that is, reddened areas of the skin or as a pink (red) small rash.
Most often, sweating occurs in areas of
increased sweating: on the neck, nape, in the axillary and inguinal areas, as well as on the back, chest and skin folds. The foci of sweating can be either small or large, and with the progression of the disease, they merge into a vast area of irritation. With a prolonged course of the disease, weeping may appear in the folds of the skin. Seeing your baby’s prickly heat, do not panic and get very nervous: as a rule, it does not cause serious inconvenience to the child. Sometimes the affected area can cause itching, but in general the condition of the baby does not worsen. Nevertheless, it is worth taking all the necessary measures for treatment, because any affected area of the skin can miss the infection. Proper treatment of sweating in newborns will contribute to the drying of the vesicles and the formation of peeling. And then the rash will finally disappear.
What is the treatment of sweating in newborns?
The main rule that all parents should know is that you should not overheat the baby. Overheating can cause heat stroke and dehydration. Do not overly confuse the baby and heat the living room, raising the air temperature above + 24 ° C. Remember that the ideal temperature in the children's room is + 20 ° C. It is advisable to ventilate the room and regularly allow your child to lie naked. Treatment of sweating in newborns is the use of external methods. Well help baths with decoctions of a string, chamomile, celandine. You can also
bathe the child in a weak solution of potassium permanganate: it dries the skin and disinfects. Affected areas of the skin can be gently wiped with a swab dipped in a weak broth of oak bark, celandine, calendula or chamomile. After wiping, a
baby powder or talcum
powder should be applied to the site of inflammation. You can also use olive or sea buckthorn oil.
You can not drink the child without decoctions of the child with decoctions or infusions of herbs, and also do not apply a fat cream to the rash. If you see that self-treatment of sweating in newborns does not bring results, or the course of the disease worsens, be sure to consult a doctor! He may prescribe special medicines for your baby. It is highly undesirable to self-medicate, as this can lead to the addition of a secondary infection.