The dog has a red ear inside: causes, diagnosis and treatment

The ears for the dog are a very important organ. Along with the sense of smell, excellent hearing allows you to navigate the surrounding reality, to hunt and escape from pursuit. Animals living at home are not so dependent on the development of sensory organs, but still their hearing is much sharper than ours.

Each loving owner should carefully monitor the condition of the eyes and ears of his pet. And if many notice watery and sore eyes at once, then they often just forget about the ears. Meanwhile, you need to regularly inspect the ears, and if necessary, carefully clean them. If during processing you see that the dog has a red ear inside, then immediate action is required.

the dog has a red ear inside and smells

Norm Option

If the animal is healthy, then it does not need any special manipulations to clean the ears. In veterinary pharmacies you can see a large selection of drugs that are recommended for the treatment of the auricle. But each doctor will say that for ordinary treatment a normal wet towel is quite enough. No cotton buds, lotions and creams are needed. Only the use of a special lotion for the ears will be reasonable.

If the dog has a red ear inside, then the inflammatory process is on. This is a serious symptom of the disease that cannot be ignored.

the dog has red ears inside what to do

How is otitis media manifested?

According to statistics of veterinarians, about 1/5 of all shaggy patients suffer from a variety of diseases of the hearing organs. Moreover, you need to be able to distinguish the symptoms of other ailments that need systemic treatment and only at first glance are localized in the auricle. This is the job of a veterinarian. Usually the primary diagnosis is to examine the animal.

The external condition of the auricle is evaluated. After that, the ear turns around. Inside, you need to evaluate the presence of redness, swelling, fluid, or pus. Indicative will be the behavior of the animal. If, at the slightest touch, the dog begins to shake its ear, snuggle against the surface or scratch it, then the disease is quite serious.

the red ear of the dog inside and squishes

Animal behavior

Even if you don’t notice that the dog has a red ear inside, be sure to note that its behavior has changed a lot. The animal can keep its head bowed to one side. One of the ears can be pressed to the head. If you feel the muscle on the neck, in the direction of a sore ear, then you can feel its excessive tension.

If the animal constantly shakes its ear, but at the same time it is visually noticeable that there is clearly no relief, that is, there is every reason to suspect otitis media. Expand the auricle and check its condition. If the dog has a red ear inside, then it may have hyperemia. It happens that a liquid fetid secretion flows from her ear. The animal can stop eating, its body temperature rises. At night, the dog cannot sleep, constantly moving from place to place.

By the way, the owners note. If you smell from the ears of your pet, then it must be urgently taken to the veterinarian. Only a specialist can reliably determine the cause of this condition.

the dog has a red ear inside

Allergic reactions

This is one of the most common causes of this problem. If the dog's ears are red and itchy inside, then you need to pay attention to what you feed your pet. Allergic reactions to feed, drugs, vitamin supplements are not at all uncommon. Moreover, in breeds that are artificially bred, the percentage of allergies is much higher. Symptoms of an allergy can be very different. Sometimes the owner can even detect pus in the ear, which is accompanied by exhausting itching.

why does the dog have a red ear inside

An integrated approach to treatment

If the cause of the disease is an allergic reaction, then it is useless to use only ear drops. This will not help. An integrated approach is needed. And first of all, it is important to determine the allergen. Be sure to change your pet's diet. At first, you will have to keep your pet on a strict diet.

Breeds such as sharpei, English bulldog are prone to allergic reactions. The biggest problem is determining the allergen. To do this, the dog is transferred to a diet of rice without additives. After the improvement, you can start to introduce other foods one at a time. The interval should be at least 6 days. That is, we introduce boiled beef into the diet in addition to rice, in a week we try to add carrots and so on.

the dog has red ears inside and itches

Allergy Diet

When the product to which the body reacts is detected, it should be excluded from the diet for the rest of the dog’s life. This is a rather favorable scenario, because far more often the owners and doctors can’t determine what causes a negative reaction. If you are allergic to wheat, you must exclude bread and other products that include this cereal. An allergic reaction to chicken is very common . In this case, you will have to completely abandon the eggs and offal: the liver, stomachs and skin.


Do you think the dog cannot get an ear injury? Veterinarians assure us of the opposite, for active animals with long ears, this phenomenon is not at all rare. Sometimes ear hematoma develops. In this case, you need to go to the clinic, and not seek advice on how to treat the dog’s red ear. Inside, with a hematoma, a blood vessel ruptures, and sometimes more than one. Blood begins to accumulate between the skin and cartilage, forming whole cavities, the ear resembles a sausage.

If you notice that the ear is very swollen, then you can not wait. Go to the clinic, where the doctor will remove blood from the cavity and apply drainage. The operation is not dangerous, but if it is not performed, the consequences can be much more serious. The fact is that dogs do not have a sweating system. The body cools through the tongue, ears and abdomen. Therefore, the blood supply to these zones is very good.

a dog has a red ear inside than to treat

Inflammatory diseases

If the dog’s ear inside is red and smells, then it’s possible that you are dealing with otitis media. But the etiology of this disease can be different.

  • Inflammation can be caused by water.
  • The second most popular reason is drafts, so you need to make sure that the pet does not get cold.
  • In third place is an ear tick.

If you bathed a pet and after a while noticed that his ears are hot and red, then most likely he developed otitis media. Inflammation of the outer ear can be treated quite easily, but a deeper form of such a disease is dangerous due to its complications. With damage to the middle and inner ear, the animal may cease to navigate in space. This is because the inflamed tissue swells and puts pressure on the organ of balance.

You can not determine the pathogen yourself. Moreover, improper therapy will only worsen the condition of the animal. Therefore, only a veterinarian should be involved in the treatment. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs are usually used, physiotherapy is effective. But recently, homeopathic remedies have also gained popularity.

The effect of ear mite

If the dog has a red ear inside and squishes, it is very similar to the work of an ear tick. The consequences are the formation of a large amount of bad-smelling secretions. Diagnosis cannot be delayed. The sooner you start treatment, the more chances there are to quickly alleviate your pet’s condition. And vice versa, the more you postpone going to the doctor, the more likely secondary infections are. In this case, the disease will have to be treated for a long time, using special drugs. Of course, financial expenses cannot be avoided. This is an additional incentive to seek help on time.

Of course, every loving owner cares what to do. The dog has red ears inside, the test with a cotton swab shows a large amount of brown plaque, so you need to carry out anti-mite therapy. This requires the purchase of special drugs in a veterinary pharmacy. If several animals live in your home, then it is necessary to treat everyone, because the tick is very contagious.

First aid kit

Despite the fact that in most cases you should consult a specialist, you should always be ready to help your pet. Today we examined the main reasons why the dog has a red ear inside. So that you can properly care for your ears, you must constantly keep cotton pads and gauze napkins, cotton swabs and ear lotion in your medicine cabinet.

In the presence of itching and the development of the inflammatory process, powder for ears with an antipruritic effect, camphor oil, alcohol, baby moisturizing wipes are used. For treatment, Sofradex, Oridermil, Otipax, Dexamethasone are used - drops for dogs.

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