Guinea pig and cat in the same house. Do guinea pigs get along with cats

Despite rampant urbanization and the development of robotics, pets are still in demand. In addition to common cats and dogs, rodents are gaining more and more attention. These are rats, and chinchillas, and mice, and hamsters. Large guinea pigs are especially fond of people. These are beautiful, unpretentious animals that do not require much space. Of the minuses - they live for a short time, but noisy, social and outgoing animals. Many people are interested: can a guinea pig and a cat coexist? We will consider this issue a bit later, but for now let's talk about the basics of care.

Etymology of the name

Guinea pig and cat

Few guess why rodents were called guinea pigs. After all, they do not live in water. In fact, everything is simpler: Guinea was the birthplace of rodents, therefore they were called overseas, i.e. because of the sea. In different countries they are called differently. For example, in England it is an "Indian little pig." It’s not clear why pig. This is probably due to the unique sounds that the pet makes. Another version relates the proportions of the body and head of the animal. In Peru, these animals are actively eaten, but in Russia they are only pets. Moreover, domesticated guinea pigs have clearly lost their appeal in the form of food. Therefore, they perform only a decorative function.


There is a great variety of guinea pig breeds. With short, long, curly hair. And about the coloring and not worth remembering! In general, the size of the pet is 25 to 30 cm long. There is no tail, ears are hanging, and the muzzle is dull. Males can reach a weight of 1.5 kg, females a little less - up to 1.2. Several large groups are distinguished by the structure of their coat and color: smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired. There are sphinxes, that is, bald animals.


Guinea pigs are born in quantities of one to five pieces. Birth weight from 50 to 100 grams. The larger the litter, the less weight. Cubs are born covered with hair, with teeth and claws. They are kept together with their mother for a month, then they are sent to another cage.

Particular attention is paid to the sounds made by guinea pigs. This is a kind of whistle with which they immediately attract attention. It is worth considering that pets are extremely noisy, so if you are a lover of silence - these animals are not for you. But listen carefully to the sounds made. For each situation, they are different. For example, in the mating season, the male attracts the female with the sounds “chaf”.

Breed Overview

The Abyssinian guinea pig and the Abyssinian cat have nothing in common except the name. The peculiarity of this subspecies of the rodent in rosettes, that is, vortices of wool. A rosette on the nose is appreciated. There are colored and plain colors. Most often, pegashis are found. The length of the coat should not be more than 4 cm. By the way, if you do not know whether the guinea pigs and cats live in the same house, start both pets at the same time. So the animals will get used to and will relate to each other well.

How to wash a guinea pig

Another unusual breed of guinea pigs is alpaca. Yes, there is the same breed of lamas, a similar name is not given by chance. Representatives of this group have curly and long hair. For lovers of long-haired animals there is sheltie. And the breed of coronets has a kind of “crown” of wool on the head.

What is needed for a guinea pig?

Caring for rodents is not so difficult. First of all, you need to buy a spacious cage. The larger it is, the better for the pet. To do this, choose a cage for large birds. It will need to be redone a little, adding different shelves and passages. Aquarium will do. If you are worried about whether a cat can eat a guinea pig, cover the aquarium with a two-thirds lid. Be sure to get a drinker, as the animal should always have access to clean water.

Cat litter, hay or tyrsa are used as bedding. Remember that the pebbles must be large, otherwise there is a risk of getting into the respiratory tract. Regularly clean the pallet to prevent odors. It is optimal to do this once every two days. Completely change the soil once a week.

What Guinea Pigs Love

Guinea pig nutrition

There is a joke that guinea pig and cat are an ideal food chain. This is partly true. In the wild, small rodents often become food for large predators. But at home, this does not always work. Many cats are fond of guinea pigs, taking them for small dogs (by the way, do yorkies also weigh 1.5 kg than a guinea pig?).

Feeding the animal is not so difficult. It’s enough to remember that they are one hundred percent vegetarians. Half of the diet should consist of grass. In summer, it can be fresh, in winter - dried, you can also buy hay. Dandelions give as goodies. 30% of the diet consists of grain, for this it is better to buy special feed in a pet store.

The rest of the diet is fresh vegetables. Just do not get greenhouses, as they are poisoned by fertilizers. This negatively affects the pigs until death. Ideal to give apples, cucumbers, carrots.

Guinea pigs

In a small amount, you can give crackers. What do guinea pigs like as a treat? Pet shops have a wide range of special treats for animals. In a small amount, you can give dried fruits.

The animal must have clean water at all times. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to it. It is useful for young to dissolve calcium gluconate in water. Especially in winter. This is necessary for proper bone growth.

Remember that in no case should guinea pigs be given food from the table! This can be deadly for a pet! Nothing boiled, fried, spicy, etc.

How and how to wash a guinea pig?

Sooner or later, any person will face the question: is it necessary to wash a pet and with what frequency is it worth doing? Despite its name, the guinea pig does not like water and avoids rivers and lakes in the wild. Therefore, do not try to let the animal swim in the bathtub or basin. The main danger of such entertainment is not even at risk of drowning (all animals have the instinct to swim), but that the water will flood into the ears.

large guinea pigs

How to wash a guinea pig in this case? Remember that these animals are clean and spend a lot of time putting their hair in order. Therefore, do not try to bathe your pet often. Do this only if the coat is heavily soiled. Abuse of water procedures leads to hair loss. Try to follow a few recommendations.

Throwing a pig in a bowl of water is a bad idea. So you only scare the pet. Better calm him down, iron, gently lower him into the water. As a bath, you can use a small basin or sink. Warm water should be on the paws of the animal. Also bathe one animal at a time, so you save nerves.

For shy ones at pet stores they sell dry shampoos. It is enough to apply the powder to the pet’s hair, wait for time and gently wipe the animal with a napkin. If you need to remove a small area of ​​dirt, just rub the stain with a wet towel.

Use a special shampoo for washing, as pigs have sensitive skin. Carefully place your pet in a container of warm water, iron and pour water from a cup. After lathering the animal and rinse gently. After the procedure, wipe with a towel and blow dry.

can a cat eat guinea pig

Guinea pig and other animals in the same house

Guinea pig and cat - enemies or friends? There is no single answer. Let's try to consider the psychology of rodents. In the food chain, they occupy the lowest link. They do not have active methods of combating predators. Despite the sharp incisors, they use them only in intraspecific contractions. But in fact, even here rarely comes to a bloody showdown. As a rule, enough intimidating poses and whistles.

With herd keeping of pets, you can observe the division into groups. As a rule, a group of females is formed around one male. All other males are driven away. If you keep pets together, you can note a funny tandem. They will stick together, move together everywhere.

If you want a guinea pig and a cat to live with you, get them at the same time. It is advisable that they both be cubs. So from childhood they will get used to each other and will perceive each other as companions, and not as competitors.

The situation is more complicated if the cat is already adult, and you decide to buy a guinea pig. For cats, rodents are natural prey, so the desire to dine is quite logical. Then put the cage in a hard-to-reach place, otherwise the cat's jumps and its raids on the guinea pig can seriously injure the animal psychologically.

Try not to let the guinea pig walk around the room if a cat or dog comes in. Even with a friendly attitude, large animals can play with a small animal so that it will have bone fractures. Nevertheless, a guinea pig and a cat can live in the same house.

Tips from breeders

Experienced guinea pig breeders recommend not putting an end to the joint keeping of animals, as much depends on the temperament of the cat. Watch your animal carefully. Is it active? Movingly? Does it exhibit hunting skills? As practice shows, rodents are of little interest to domestic city cats. Thoroughbred cats are usually phlegmatic and spoiled.

When you buy a guinea pig, try to let it out in the presence of a cat, but be on the lookout: when trying to bite a newly-born pet, you will need to quickly hide the rodent. A good sign, if a cat simply touches the animal with its paw - this is normal, it checks whether the new neighbor is aggressive. Dangerous sign - if you grab by the scruff of your neck and try to drag it away. In this case, it is better to walk the guinea pig and the cat separately.

To wean a cat from jumping onto a table with a cage, lay out orange peels or banana skins. The cat's paws will slip on the surface and it will fall to the floor. A couple of such failures - and she will stop trying to eat a neighbor. Pay special attention to the bars of the cage, because if the distance between them is more than 2.5 cm, then the cat can stick its paw in there and scare the guinea pig. Another option for “scaring away” is to arm yourself with a spray bottle of water. As soon as the cat gets to the cage with a pig, squeeze water into its face.

It is also noted that cats eat only small rodents. For example, mice or hamsters. Therefore, the larger the guinea pig, the less likely it is to be eaten. Only the young will be at risk. They can play a predator ...

Some cats mistake a guinea pig for their kitten and look after it like a baby. Dragging by the scruff of the neck, licking, feeding, etc. But try not to leave them alone, no matter how good their relationship may be.

Some breeders recommend letting the cat and guinea pig fight. This is a risky exercise, but it can help dot the dots. For example, the situation is simple with rats: when a cat is bitten by a rodent a couple of times, it loses any interest in catching it. Therefore, a guinea pig can also bite behind its paw, and the cat will lose interest in her.

It is noted that over time the cat gets used to the unusual neighborhood and does not respond to the pet. It can sleep on a cage, hiding its paws and tail. Guinea pig, in turn, can also not be afraid of the threat from a large predator.

Which animals are suitable for keeping together?

The ideal neighbor for guinea pigs is the parrot. Budgies are digging in the litter, riding on the back of a beast, watching him. But the proximity to other types of rodents is undesirable, as they have different behaviors, as well as competition. A good neighborhood option is a guinea pig and a dwarf rabbit. They are almost the same size, have similar taste habits, etc.

Remember that if you contain one guinea pig, then you definitely need to satisfy its need for communication. This does not require much effort: take your pet in your arms, talk to him, play. Without proper attention, the animal will quickly begin to lose mood, get sick and show apathy.

When you will choose a guinea pig for purchase, carefully examine the future pet. It should have a shiny, soft coat without bald spots. The skin should be free of wounds and scabs. Eyes - clear, no discharge. Look in what conditions live cubs. The cage should be large, clean, experienced breeders show the parents of the kids. Remember that competent breeders value their name and are responsible for breeding cubs. Do not chase cheapness, because, saving, you risk getting a sick animal. In the best case, you will spend a large amount of money on treatment, in the worst case, the animal will die.

Who to choose?

What kind of pets can be? Guinea pigs, cats, dogs, rats and many others. There are animals for allergy sufferers, without hair, with a different color and character. It is worth a little effort to find the desired instance. Guinea pig is an ideal companion that does not require special conditions. If desired, the animal can be brought along with a kitten, they can become inseparable friends.

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