Can I give birth after an abortion? How long can I have an abortion? What is the chance of becoming pregnant after an abortion?

The issue of family planning today can be addressed in various ways. There are many means to prevent the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy. In addition to them, there are special tests that allow you to determine the onset of ovulation and, on this basis, identify the most favorable days for conception. Unfortunately, the statistics are still not happy. Of 10 cases of pregnancy, 3-4 are abortions. It is good if the family already has children. It is much worse if young girls decide on such a step. It is they who later ask the doctors whether it is possible to give birth after an abortion.

pregnancy after medical abortion

What the law says

Today, every adult woman has the right to decide when and how many children to give birth to. If the pregnancy is unwanted, you can get rid of it surgically or with the help of special medications (required in a clinic). Only if the expectant mother is under 15 years old, the consent of one of the parents will be required.

How long can I have an abortion? If there are no other good reasons for this, other than the desire of a woman, then only until the 12th week. This is due to the fact that abortion in a later period is a great danger to the health of a woman. In addition, the fact that the fetus is becoming more and more like a person can not be discounted, he has formed all the organs and systems.

Aborted for more than 12 weeks. The exceptions are emergency situations or medical indications. Here we are talking about saving the life of a future mother.

give birth or not

The essence of the problem

In fact, the question is pretty deep. Judge for yourself if a woman has not yet recovered from a forced termination of pregnancy and rushed to interrogate a doctor whether she can give birth after an abortion, then, most likely, life circumstances prevailed over her natural desire to become a mother. But it has not gone anywhere. And if you do not deal with the problems, then the second and third pregnancies can end in the same way.

And the question is completely different if the abortion was done by youth. The woman already has a family, a loving husband, but she can’t get pregnant. Could this be the cause of abortion? Yes, and this is not uncommon. Doctors can be blamed, but the problem usually arises not during the operation itself, but because of subsequent complications, despite all the preventive measures. Predicting their appearance is quite difficult.

From the point of view of physiology

It is very difficult to unequivocally answer the question of whether it is possible to give birth after an abortion. Purely physiologically, there are no obstacles to this. Moreover, such an opportunity exists already in the first month, so it is very important to protect yourself from the very first day. Contraceptives are needed to protect already damaged health.

But in a healthy woman, pregnancy can occur even before the first menstruation, after 11 days, that is, in the middle of the cycle. The body sees abortion as the beginning of a new cycle. If there are no complications (the endometrium has grown in the uterus, ovulation has come on time), then nothing will prevent conception. In addition to the use of contraceptives. From this point of view, one can confidently answer positively the question of whether it is possible to give birth after an abortion.

can I give birth after an abortion

Is abortion dangerous

After such an introduction, it may seem that the operation is completely harmless. After all, the body is able to recover and be ready for a new conception in a few weeks. But this is just an illusion. Pregnancy after medical abortion is not excluded, as well as after surgical. But there are many ifs.

Any interference with the body’s natural processes is harmful. Especially when it comes to abortion. And by and large it doesn’t matter if the abortion was performed with surgical instruments, pills or a vacuum. The doctor acts blindly and can seriously harm the health of women.

Pregnancy complications are even worse. These are the remains of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity, not interrupted, but disturbed by pregnancy. As a result, inflammation, adhesions, obstruction of the pipes. In this regard, medical abortion is even worse, especially if the tablets were taken at home, without medical supervision. You yourself won’t know if the ovum has completely come out. And only when you feel deterioration in well-being or pain, seek the help of a doctor.

Can I give birth after an abortion?

What is the chance of becoming pregnant after an abortion?

So, this operation in itself is a violent process. It is accompanied by a hormonal failure, because the body is tuned to bear the fetus. You need to understand that this never passes without a trace. Even if it was possible after that to have a baby. Inflammatory and adhesive processes - this is what women have to face in 85% of cases.

After an abortion, the uterine wall becomes thinner. She cannot provide nutrition for the placenta. And the neck for the same reason refuses to hold the fetus. Its development may slow down, stop. There is a chance of a miscarriage. Of course, it is difficult to call it desirable consequences.

That is, there are problems not only in trying to get pregnant, but also with bearing the fetus. Of course, not everything is so gloomy. According to statistics, 98% of women under 40 shared abortion. And at least half of them safely gave birth after that. That is, the question remains open.

Is it possible to give birth after a medical first abortion?

For medical reasons

Not always abortion is a woman's choice. There are many examples when the cause was a frozen pregnancy. Often, the choice of the doctor in this case is not the surgical method, but the medication. Is it possible to give birth after the first abortion if it is done in this way? There is no reason to think otherwise. The doctor will take all precautions, conduct an ultrasound examination before and after, and also schedule a series of examinations. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that the procedure will go without complications. Of course, if the doctor in time notices signs of developing inflammation, then it will be quite easy to stop it.

Recovery Dates

If a woman dreamed of a baby, but he was not destined to be born, she usually wants to get pregnant again as soon as possible. You should not rush into this. The body suffered tremendous stress. Over the course of 6–8 weeks, he was rapidly rebuilding to the needs of a growing fetus, and suddenly he had to switch to normal mode. The hormonal background is broken, and it takes time to recover.

Therefore, give yourself time, go through the examination, and only after consulting with your doctor decide when to repeat the experiment. Everything is individual here. 1-2 months are enough for one woman, another will take from 6 months to a year.

What to do if a new pregnancy occurs immediately after the abortion? If you are ready to save it, then do not panic. The doctor must evaluate the condition of the woman and the development of the fetus. If all indicators are normal, then you can enjoy your happiness. Much worse, if it is again an unplanned pregnancy, the woman will insist on her termination. Such neglect of your health can turn into big problems in the future.

what is the likelihood of becoming pregnant after an abortion

Infertility after surgery

Unfortunately, such a diagnosis is also not uncommon. Therefore, the woman’s question: “Will I be able to give birth after an abortion” is not without reason. No one is safe from complications. What are the consequences of abortion:

  • hormonal failure;
  • metabolic disorders, which will lead to weight gain or loss;
  • breast disease;
  • psychological disorders: stress and depression;
  • inflammation of the internal genital organs;
  • erosion of the cervix, obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

Fortunately, modern medicine allows you to treat most diseases of the female reproductive system. The main thing - in time to seek help.

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