Cough in a baby without fever: possible causes and treatment methods. What to give a baby cough

When a child coughs, the parents immediately begin to suspect ARVI, but if the baby is not capricious, does not refuse food and sleeps well, then do not panic. Coughing without fever in an infant can be a physiological phenomenon. This is very common and in most cases is associated with the natural process of accumulation of mucus. But sometimes coughing fits indicate allergies, respiratory problems, or other serious problems. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right treatment as soon as possible.

The main types of cough

A cough in a nursing infant without fever may be dry or wet (depending on the presence or absence of sputum). Dry cough usually occurs at the onset of a respiratory viral disease. After a few hours, signs of a cold are added: runny nose, lethargy, poor appetite, fever, moodiness. Sputum with a dry cough is difficult or absent, which only increases the irritation of the mucous membranes. In children up to a year, such a symptom can be observed, because the cough reflex is still not sufficiently developed.

With a wet cough, sputum is actively formed, with the passage of which self-cleaning of the respiratory tract occurs. With bacterial infection, the mucus is green or yellow, with a viral infection it is transparent. A wet cough occurs already at the final stage of the disease, but if the recovery is long, then the symptom should not be ignored. Often without temperature, bronchitis or pneumonia can occur - dangerous diseases that require mandatory treatment under the supervision of a pediatrician.

cough in a baby without fever

Causes of Coughing in Infants

What can cause a cough in a baby without fever? The most common causes are as follows:

  1. Infections caused by a virus entering the body. At the very beginning of the disease, a dry cough occurs. Pathology can be localized in the upper respiratory tract (nose, nasopharynx, oropharynx) or lower (lungs, bronchi, trachea, larynx).
  2. Inflammation of ENT organs, bronchial asthma, adenoids. In this case, coughing may not be accompanied by fever.
  3. High concentration of harmful substances in the air. A cough in a baby without fever can begin if the baby is in a smoky or smoky room.
  4. Ingestion of foreign objects. These can be small parts of toys, dust, crumbs, food particles.
  5. Dry and high temperature in the room. There is irritation of the mucosa of the respiratory tract, as a result of which a cough begins.
  6. Diseases that are not related to the respiratory system. Attacks can occur with pathologies of the cardiovascular system or digestive system. Diagnosis in this case is complicated, so you have to undergo a comprehensive medical examination to identify the exact causes of the cough.
  7. Psychogenic or reflexogenic cough is a characteristic symptom of otitis media, the formation of sulfur plugs in the ear canal.
  8. Physiological cough in newborns is considered the norm. The baby may cough reflexively in the morning. So the airways are cleared of mucus.

Physiological cough

A cough in a baby without fever is a common physiological phenomenon that does not need to be treated. So the airways are freed from mucus. There is a physiological cough up to twenty times a day in the form of coughing. This occurs mainly in the morning or after sleep. Parents do not need to worry if the baby’s body temperature does not rise, the baby is not capricious, eats well and sleeps for a sufficient amount of time.

Ambrobene syrup instructions for use for children

Coughing may be due to the fact that during feeding a small amount of food enters the trachea. Infants can cough with crying (especially intense), due to the large amount of saliva during the eruption of the first teeth and the active development of the salivary glands. This condition is the norm.

When teething, a dry cough or cough with sputum in a baby without temperature can be observed. The reasons are, respectively, nasal congestion, due to which the mucous membrane becomes dry, or the accumulation of mucus. In order not to confuse the protective reaction of the body with a symptom of a disease, you need to pay attention to the accompanying signs of teething: irritation of the skin on the chin due to excessive salivation, separation of watery mucus without impurities and odor, absence of wheezing during coughing, redness and swelling of the gums capricious behavior. Possible diarrhea, fever.

Dry air cough

Excessive dryness of the air provokes a dry chest cough in a child (without fever and other signs of the disease). Especially the problem becomes relevant in the cold season, when the central heating system is turned on. In the room where the child is, the optimal air temperature is 22 degrees Celsius, the humidity level is at least 40%. To increase humidity, you need to carry out wet cleaning, ventilate the room (pre-dress the child warmer or move to another room), use a humidifier.

prolonged cough in infants without fever

Foreign body contact

A cough reflexively occurs when foreign objects get into the respiratory tract. It can be crumbs, small parts of toys, pieces of food. In infants, dust should not be excluded from the respiratory tract. With a sharp attack, urgent medical attention is required. To help the baby, you need to put the baby on her knees, tilt the body and gently tap on the back with the edge of the palm of the hand. Laying on the stomach helps. After the attack, a child must be examined by a specialist.

Respiratory system diseases

A barking cough in a month-old baby can be a symptom of dangerous diseases (false croup, laryngitis or bronchial asthma). Attacks begin suddenly and, as a rule, at night. The child is very scared and crying, begins to cough and suffocate. In severe cases, wheezing and shortness of breath are heard. Sputum does not go away, because of this the walls of the larynx are irritated, causing painful sensations. With the development of edema, a condition dangerous to the life of the child occurs. With a strong cough in a baby without fever and other symptoms of SARS, parents should immediately call a doctor - this can be a serious illness of the respiratory system. If there are no attacks, but the cough bothers, you need to visit a pediatrician to determine the diagnosis and start treatment on time.

Cough as a manifestation of an allergy

An allergic cough is a natural reaction of the body to the ingestion of allergens in the respiratory tract. Upon contact of the allergen with the mucosa, a reaction occurs that leads to inflammation. As a result, the mucous membrane swells and becomes irritated, leading to coughing. An attack can begin due to sputum, which begins to be actively produced.

dry chest cough without fever in a child

With an allergic reaction, the cough is dry, more often occurs at night or after an irritant enters the body, and can last several weeks. The attacks are sudden, additional symptoms of the disease (fever, moodiness, lethargy, refusal of food) are usually not observed. Sputum without pus, a light shade, is separated at the end of the attack.

The treatment of allergies is mainly medication. Antihistamines are used: "Erius" in the form of syrup is allowed from one year, "Cetrin" in syrup - from two years, "Zirtek" (drops) - from six months, "Zodak" (drops) - after a year. From a month old, Suprastin (intramuscular injection) can be used. In addition, expectorants, inhalations are prescribed. In severe allergic reactions in a hospital, the use of corticosteroids is possible. How to treat a cough in a baby without fever, only a doctor can determine. Self-medication is categorically unacceptable.

Tactics for treating infants

How to treat a cough without fever in an infant? Before giving a baby any medicine, you must definitely get a pediatrician consultation. Coughing may be a physiological phenomenon. In this case, there is no need for therapy. Sometimes a symptom can be removed if you increase the humidity level in the room or just walk more often. But a cough can also indicate a serious illness. Then you need a carefully selected treatment.

Cough Remedies for Infants

In most cases, infants and one-year-olds are treated with drops and syrups. These are safe forms of medication. What to give a baby cough? You need to use the drug that the pediatrician recommends. All cough medicines are divided into three main groups:

  1. Mucolytics. Available on the basis of ambroxol, hydrochloride, acetylcysteine, or bromhexine, which dilute sputum. Cough syrups “Fluditek”, “Mukodin”, “Bromhexine”, “Ambrobene”, “Lazolvan” “Flavamed” are safe for children under one year old. Use only after consulting a pediatrician. With dry, prolonged cough in a baby without a fever. The listed syrups contribute to the discharge of sputum, which is absent with dry cough.
  2. Antitussive. They are prescribed for dry cough, which occurs in the form of seizures. Medications reduce the cough reflex. Most drugs can be prescribed only from two years. Sinecode and Panatus cough syrups are allowed for children under one year of age, but therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.
  3. Expectorant. Effective for wet cough with difficult discharge of sputum. Breasts are usually prescribed syrups based on extracts of plantain or ivy. The composition includes additional plant components: thyme, licorice, ledum, coltsfoot, elecampane, thyme, oregano, anise, marshmallow. Pediatricians often recommend “Doctor IOM”, “Bronchicum”, “Doctor Theiss”, “Gedelix”, “Prospan”. The last drug is allowed from four months of age. When applying, you need to monitor the reaction, because allergies are possible. If puffiness or skin rash appears, medication should be discontinued.
coughing and sneezing in a baby without fever

Syrup "Ambrobene" for children

Instructions for use allow the use of the drug in the form of a syrup from the first days of life. The drug is prescribed not only for coughing, but also to prevent adhesion of the alveoli and as a prophylaxis of bronchitis. The effect of the drug begins 30 minutes after administration and lasts 6-12 hours. For a stable and long-lasting effect, it is necessary to use Ambroxol for at least four days.

The instruction for the use of syrup for children regarding the dosage contains the following recommendations: for infants and children up to two years old - 2.5 ml (half of the measuring cup that comes with it) at most twice a day, from two to six years - the same dose at most three times per day, from six to twelve years, you can give 5 ml two or three times a day. The usual course duration is five days.

What to give a baby cough? Doctors most often prescribe Ambrobene in the form of a syrup, but it is possible to use the solution for oral administration or injection. If for some reason it is impossible to use the medication orally, injections are prescribed. The daily volume of the drug up to 24 months is 1 ml, the number of injections per day is 2. If we are talking about a solution for internal use, then the daily volume is 2 ml, two doses per day. A cough in a baby (without fever and associated symptoms of SARS) will be relieved within a few hours.

Since Ambrobene is used to treat even infants, the list of contraindications is very short. You can not use any form of medication for bronchial asthma, tablets are prohibited with a lack of lactase and children under six years old, syrup is contraindicated in case of glucose intolerance. You can not use Ambrobene for epilepsy and convulsive syndrome, use with caution in case of impaired renal function, liver disease, exacerbation of peptic ulcer. Dose adjustment is required for kidney disease.

cough with sputum in infants without fever

The drug is prescribed for pneumonia and bronchitis, COPD, for the relief of respiratory distress syndrome. Indications for use are inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract with difficulty expectoration of sputum. “Ambrobene” prevents stagnation of mucus in the bronchi, ensures the elimination of pathological secretion, prevents the cilia of the bronchial epithelium from sticking together, increases the amount of mucus, which helps to restore the balance of sputum components.

First aid child

Coughing and sneezing in an infant without fever and other signs of acute respiratory viral infections require a pediatric consultation. Before the arrival of a doctor, you can alleviate the condition of the child at home. It is shown abundant drinking (a newborn can only be doused with water, and with natural feeding - often offer breasts, from six months you can give a decoction of linden or rosehips, dried fruit compote), walks in the air (if there are no more symptoms of the disease besides coughing, and the general condition normal), safe inhalation (with a dry cough, doctors advise filling the bath with hot water, adding soda and sitting in the bathroom with the baby in her arms). It is necessary to control the humidity and do not wrap the baby in warm clothes.

cough in a month old baby

Prevention of cough in infants

Coughing without fever in a baby can be very dangerous, so parents need to take preventative measures. From the first days of the baby’s life, contact with infectious patients should not be allowed, you need to abandon pets and flowering indoor plants (in the first year of the baby’s life), regularly conduct wet cleaning, provide fresh air, often wash hands, temper the baby. A nursing mother should provide a complete diet and take suitable vitamins.

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