Curly Dogs: Breed Description

Each breed of dog is good in its own way. Standards imply the presence of certain characteristics of animals that are valued in them above all. If you decide to have a pet, then naturally consider those breeds that are of interest to you. Someone wants to get a good guard, someone wants a loyal friend, and someone is interested in the appearance and mind of the animal. According to many people, curly dogs are the cutest. It is about them that will be discussed in our article.

Bichon Frize

This little curly dog ​​has had many fans for centuries. The exact origin of the baby is unknown, but it is assumed that sailor travelers brought the breed to Spain. Little curly dogs in France immediately won the hearts of representatives of the royal court. Great popularity deprived the breed of elite status. Soon Bichon became something completely ordinary. A new wave of recognition befell the breed after World War II.

curly dog

Cute dogs with curly hair have a fluffy tail. Their size is very modest. At the withers, Bichons do not exceed thirty centimeters.

Character Features

Animals of this breed are sociable, funny and lively. They love to amuse their masters. But at the same time, they need a lot of attention from people. Bichons quickly adapt to a wide variety of living conditions. They feel happy in almost any environment. Dogs love to frolic on the street. But at the same time they are not very suitable for those people who spend a lot of time in the air.

Bichon is a breed of small curly-haired dogs that can be easily bred to those who have no experience in keeping and raising dogs. In addition, dogs get along well with other pets. Bichons are very easy to communicate and obedient. The breed is not dominant or domineering. But at the same time, dogs can be independent, behave noisily and bark a lot. In general, Bichon can be recommended as excellent companions and wonderful animals for the family.


A small curly dog ​​will require you to carefully care for your coat. The animal practically does not fade. But his fur must be combed daily, as it can get tangled. For the same reason, it must be cut once every few months in order to simplify care as much as possible.

curly dog ​​breed

It is worth remembering the need to bathe a white curly dog. The breed has its own characteristics of wool, which is why its representatives need frequent bathing. The number of water procedures directly depends on what kind of life the animal leads and how quickly its covers get dirty. You may need to bathe your dog once a month, or maybe once a week. If the dog walks along the street a little, then most likely he will not get dirty often. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the claws, ears and teeth.

Since animals are very active, it is necessary to give them additional exercises. However, do not forget about daily walks along the street.


Another famous curly dog ​​breed is poodles. This breed is one of the most popular in the world. In addition, poodles are famous for their intelligence. Some believe that this is a female breed. However, this is a profound error. In fact, poodles are strong athletic dogs. They are valued for beauty and intelligence. By the way, according to experts, poodles are the most intelligent dogs.

This breed is very ancient and has a rich history. Initially, dogs were considered exclusively hunting species. An interesting fact is that poodles come in different sizes. Therefore, if you like curly dogs, then you can pick up a pet of any size. Poodles are incredibly friendly and cute dogs, but if you need a guard dog, then this breed will definitely not suit you. In addition, animals need your attention. And large varieties will also require physical exercise. It should be understood that poodles are not tame dogs. Even dwarf representatives will not sit quietly in your arms, as they are incredibly active. They like long walks. In addition, poodles tend to always be with their owners.

Funny pets

Animals love to have fun and fool around. They swim very well. Such pets love all kinds of games. According to experts, a poodle is a wonderful family dog. He gets along well with the kids. Animals love noisy companies and fun. A very important feature of the character of the poodle is his desire to get along with all people.

little curly dog

As for the big curly dogs, they can sometimes serve as a watchdog. Agree that large species of breed, whose weight reaches 25-30 kilograms, inspire respect. Poodles have not only a beautiful appearance, but also a number of talents. One of them is hunting ability. In addition, animals have a wide variety of colors. There are not only black curly dogs, but also white, coffee, fawn, red, brown and others.

Poodle Care

Curly-haired dogs require special hair care. To make the animal look beautiful, the owner will have to pay a lot of attention to its integument. Despite the fact that animals are not prone to shedding, wool must be combed daily. In order to simplify care, a haircut is recommended about once every one and a half months.

Poodles are known for their amazing haircuts. Over time, many owners begin to cut their pets themselves, coming up with exclusive options. Fashionable haircuts are not a must. The main thing is that proper hair care is carried out, otherwise diseases can develop.

The smartest dogs in the world

As for training, poodles are incredibly smart and talented. They easily carry out all the necessary commands. Animals are incredibly active, and therefore love to play with the kids. It is worth noting that poodles need physical activity, so the animal needs to spend enough time. If you do not walk the pet well, then it can spoil household things, thus releasing the accumulated energy. In general, poodles are ideal animals for families.

Russian black terrier

Another curly breed of dog is the Russian Black Terrier. You can already guess from the name that the breed was bred in Russia. It happened in the fifties. Service dogs have great physical strength. In addition, they tolerate different climatic conditions. In 1981, the breed standard was approved. Dogs possess fighting qualities, unique grace, intelligence and devotion. It is believed that the breed was bred by order of Stalin. She has a lot of advantages and can be a wonderful pet. The breed is young enough. Black terriers can be not only watch dogs, but also home companions. Animals very quickly adapt to any conditions. In addition, do not require special care.

The breed was created specifically for service in any climate. For this reason, animals have a powerful structure and increased efficiency.

The breed was bred as a service. For ordinary people, animals became available only in the seventies, when the army had a sufficient number of such dogs. Beautiful dogs entered the world stage only in 1975. After that, the breed came to world fame.

Animals were bred for work, so they can get bored from idleness. If you dream of such a dog, then it is worth remembering that you will have to actively engage with him and load the pet with work. Even if you do not have much time, you still need to organize at least half-hour classes for the dog. If the terrier lives in the city, then the load for it should be even greater. Sometimes animals are stubborn, so the owner must be firm in education. In addition, early socialization is important for a pet, because dogs are suspicious of nature.

Care for the Russian Terrier

Caring for Russian terriers is not very simple. Their thick and long hair should be combed regularly, at least several times a week. The procedure itself is quite complicated and lengthy.

In order to prevent dogs from suffering from otitis media, hair near the ears should be cut regularly. It is also worth removing excess vegetation on the paw pads. Animals do not molt very actively, therefore, in this respect they do not cause problems, especially if the hair is combed regularly. You can bathe a dog no more than once a month. More frequent water treatments can cause skin irritation.

dogs with curly ears

Russian terriers love street walks. And in winter, dogs can even fall out in the snow. Large dogs need good physical exertion. In addition, such pets are very smart, and therefore it is necessary to deal with them. They are very attached to the owners, but at the same time they will not bother, seeing a bad mood.

English cocker spaniel

We have all known dogs with curly ears since childhood. This is an English Cocker Spaniel. The breed was bred in the early nineteenth century in the UK. Initially, animals were to become ideal hunting assistants. After the official recognition of the breed, animals incredibly quickly dispersed around the world.

The main distinguishing feature of the dog is the long hanging ears with wavy hair. Animals have very developed muscles, so they can get great trophies on the hunt. Dogs' coat is long enough, but not curly or curled. Animals can have different colors: spotted, black, roan.

dog with curly hair

Cocker Spaniels are very smart, cunning and at the same time kind. All these positive qualities determine her character. In addition, the hunting past left an imprint on the behavior of dogs. This is worth remembering if you are going to keep the animal in a city apartment. On walks, dogs will not miss a single interesting subject, exploring everything by smell.

Animals of this breed are distinguished by obedience. But at the same time in dogs there is no desire to curry favor or any kind of slavish submission. The dogs feel an inner nobility. They are incredibly playful, they love noisy companies. With other dogs, the animal behaves like a wind-up. Dogs are very fond of playing with the kids, participating in all the fun activities. Sometimes, even during the game, animals are too active and cannot stop playing out.

The pet's cheerfulness makes him a very good companion. Dogs are easy to learn and get along well with other pets. But sometimes they can be unfriendly with small animals, the hunting past of the breed still affects.

Cocker Spaniel Care

Cocker spaniels can live in urban apartments, due to their modest size. But animals need careful care. Bathing dogs too often is not worth it; it’s quite enough just to wash your paws after walking. However, a true hunter can also get very dirty during a walk, recklessly driving through mud and puddles. Then swimming can not be avoided.

little curly dog ​​breed

The hair of the animal must be maintained in good condition, combing it regularly. The process becomes quite complicated during the first molting of the animal. At this time, a lot of fluff comes off the animal, it must be removed on time and correctly so as not to spoil the further process of hair growth.

Proper care and require long ears. They can get dirty during walks or during meals. It is worth remembering that the pet needs a special food stand, thanks to which the ears will not fall into the bowl. The Cocker Spaniel periodically needs to trim the hair on its legs, as well as pluck out long hairs on its face.

Cute hunters

Cocker Spaniels are great hunters who can track down game. They can dive into the water in search of prey. Of course, hunting instincts of dogs are not always in demand now. Most people see animals as a companion. But still do not forget about the capabilities of your pet. By the way, dogs can drive animals by voice, so they are used even in the process of hunting wild boars and hares. But cocker spaniels are more in demand when hunting forest game. The fact is that dogs move along the forest swamps perfectly.

white curly dog ​​breed

Do not neglect the fact that dogs take a bloody footprint well, even if it is left long enough. All instincts are laid in the animal from the beginning. But still, if you want to raise a hunting dog, then it is worth training the animal in basic commands.

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, all curly dogs have incredible friendliness and sociability. Let the animals vary greatly in size and appearance, but they are all very loyal to the owners and have a cheerful disposition, for which they are popular.

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