Vitamin E during pregnancy and during its planning
You need to start preparing for the birth of a child in advance, that is, long before his conception.
An important role for the unborn child is able to play the vitamins that his mother will drink . At first glance, they are not related to the conception of a child and his birth. However, in fact, taking vitamins in the preparation and planning of pregnancy plays a very important role. Vitamin E is especially important during pregnancy.
The health of the unborn child directly depends on how healthy the mother’s body is. As a rule, when a woman finds out about pregnancy, she begins to carefully monitor her diet, take medications containing vitamins. And it is right. However, it is even more important to approach the beginning of a pregnancy already prepared .
The fact is that as soon as an embryo begins, the embryo immediately begins to use the reserves available in the mother’s body for its development. From the very beginning of life, a child requires a lot from his mother. From her body, he draws the necessary substances that help to properly lay the formation of the vital organs of a growing man. Deficiency of such substances necessary for the embryo can lead to congenital malformations. Therefore, you need to be very attentive to the advice of doctors.
Vitamin E during pregnancy (tocopherol)
Vitamin E plays a particularly important role in planning pregnancy. It is one of the essential drugs for the mother to take.
Vitamin E has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood circulation, microcirculation, improves trophic tissue. Tocopherol is involved in metabolic processes, stabilizes cell membranes. Therefore, it is so important for the normal growth of the fetus.
Vitamin E has a positive effect on blood coagulation and the entire circulatory system. It also increases the intensity of muscle work, accelerates the healing process. By the way, tocopherol is called a vitamin of youth, since it slows down the appearance of age-related pigmentation and fights against early aging.
Vitamin E for pregnant women : beneficial properties
The general strengthening effect of this vitamin is beneficial for both the expectant mother and the baby. The required amount of vitamin A contributes to the normal functioning of the ovaries.
- In the event of pregnancy, he maintains the necessary hormonal background. This is very important because it can protect against spontaneous abortion. According to statistics, a sufficiently large number of miscarriages is provoked precisely by a lack of tocopherol in the body. Vitamin E during pregnancy helps in many ways to avoid this.
- During pregnancy, this vitamin is involved in the formation of the placenta and the maintenance of its normal functioning.
- Helps synthesize lactation hormones (prolactin).
- Helps prevent possible hemolytic anemia in newborns.
Sources of Vitamin E
Natural sources include plant products, among which in the first place are vegetable unrefined oils (soybean, sunflower, peanut, cotton, corn, sea buckthorn). In principle, tocopherol is inherent in all products of plant origin, especially it is abundant in wheat, bean, rye, rosehips, tomatoes, parsley, peas, and soy. Peanuts, oatmeal and almonds are also rich in it. Of the products of animal origin, the largest contents of E are distinguished by liver, meat, milk and eggs.
How to take vitamin E during pregnancy dosage
The most appropriate is taking the vitamin as directed by your doctor, who is able to correctly determine the dosage.
The usual daily dose is 7 - 10 IU, during pregnancy it increases to 10 - 15 IU. In the first months, the dose should not exceed 13 IU, at a later date you can bring up to 20 IU. However, we repeat again, the main thing in this matter is the doctor’s recommendations. You can not prescribe a drug for yourself.
You can take E as a single drug or as part of various vitamin complexes.