When the baby is six months old, every mother wants to know if it's time to add something tasty and healthy to her baby’s diet.
Beginning of feeding
There are many questions related to the new menu, for example, how to avoid allergies, stomach problems, and more.
Pediatricians of all countries recommend starting lure no earlier than six months. Only by this time the child’s digestive system is able to digest other foods.
Again, everything is individual here, because each crumb develops differently. If the baby is regularly sick, weak or prematurely born, then the start of complementary feeding should simply be postponed.
But if the baby is healthy, has gained more than two times in weight since birth, then there is no reason to delay with the addition of new dishes to his diet.
The supervising local pediatrician will tell you in detail where to start feeding the baby. Today, experts in the field of baby food are advised to start with vegetables and cereals. And only then add juices. Acids and sugars contained in fruits, the baby likes his bright taste. And porridge will give energy and vivacity. Then move on to fruit juices and mashed potatoes.
Starting with apple juice, offer the baby 2-3 drops on the first day, half a teaspoon on the second day, gradually bring up to 25 ml.
General rules for starting feeding:
- Every day, watch the baby. Allergies, malaise, fever - any of these symptoms - a reason to interrupt the process of introducing new food and consult a doctor.
- Also, the beginning of complementary foods should not coincide with the period of preventive vaccinations (from three to five days before and after vaccination).
- 37-38 degrees - the optimal temperature of the food.
- New meals should be given before main feeding.
- And most importantly: complementary foods are the gradual introduction of new dishes, we do not feed the baby with them. The baby only tastes, and the main food is breast milk or a milk mixture.
Observing these simple rules, you will save the delicate digestive system of your child.
The first lure. Where to start and how to continue?
So, the baby is growing, gradually there is a need for other foods, milk no longer provides all the necessary nutrients. The child is developing, he needs strength for growth and games.
A start has been made, now it’s important not to overload the menu with a wide variety of dishes.
Pumpkin, apple, banana, carrot, zucchini, zucchini - the very first vegetables, berries and fruits in the baby’s diet. Buckwheat, millet and rice porridge - from six months. Later we start to give cottage cheese, egg yolk.
It is important to remember that exotic vegetables and fruits should never be consumed as initial food. You can eat a child that grows in the area in which you live.
The beginning of complementary foods. A few more practical tips:
- Begin to give vegetable purees with a quarter of a teaspoon, daily increasing the volume by about 1.5-2 times, bringing it to the age norm in a week. At the same time, observe the skin of the child, his stool.
- Bringing up the volume of one type of vegetable to 50-100 ml, we proceed to the next. To introduce a new product once every one to two weeks, not more often.
- When introducing vegetables, you should remember that you can’t mix two new types! Only a monopure.
- The child’s food should not be salted or sweetened, and spices should not be consumed.
- A couple of months after the beginning of complementary foods, vegetable oils, especially linseed, can be added to vegetable purees.
To avoid problems such as constipation, diarrhea, allergies, diathesis and others, you should carefully introduce new dishes into the baby’s diet. Remember this! And let your child grow healthy and energetic!