How to feed pigeons? Domestic pigeons: maintenance, care

Very beautiful and gentle birds - pigeons, domesticated them for a long time. Everyone knows that in ancient times, when there were no postmen at all, their work was carried out by carrier pigeons, which were able to deliver messages over long distances. At the same time, the birds never forgot the way.

pigeon birds

Famous historical figures such as Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan and others used natural mail delivery. The maintenance and breeding of pigeons is practiced by all peoples, in all countries these birds enjoy universal love. Pigeon breeding was most developed in China and India, a little later Northern and Central Europe joined these countries. These birds are very simple care, and feeding the pigeons also does not present any special difficulties for the poultry breeder. Of course, there are some rules and conditions for keeping beautiful feathered creatures, but for the sake of such homely beauty it is worthwhile to make a little effort and learn the secrets of dealing with gentle pets.

Beautiful birds - domestic pigeons

The white dove has long been considered a symbol of peace, prosperity and love. A person who has come into close contact with beautiful birds at least once will no longer be able to forget these wonderful impressions. Pigeons can simply bewitch with their gentle appearance, ease of flight and romantic coo.

care and feeding pigeons

In the modern world, keeping pigeons for breeding, training and participating in competitions is becoming increasingly popular. A variety of various breeds is striking in its beauty. Feeding poultry, caring for them, disease prevention - all these questions are of great interest to beginners in such matters as the breeding of ornamental birds. Now it’s easy to find out such information, the main thing is to follow all the rules so that the feathered pets do not suffer from improper handling.

Some people are enthusiastically engaged in breeding work, introducing new colors of plumage of birds, others raise pigeons for participation in sports competitions, but there are also such amateurs for whom just chatting with such beauty is a pleasure and relaxation. All pigeon breeders are united by a great love for celestial creatures that evoke only positive emotions.

In what conditions do pigeons be kept?

Domestic pigeons, like their wild brothers, always keep in packs, they just need contact with their own kind. Naturally, certain relations are established between members of the pigeon family. The territory of the dovecote and aviary is strictly divided into nesting sites, in the center of each of them is the nest itself. The male defends his territory and his female. Together, the birds eat food, drink water and sit down for the night.

vitamins for pigeons

Based on the foregoing, each pigeon breeder should seriously approach how to contain feathered pets and how to feed domestic pigeons. Every day, watching the flock, it is necessary to establish to whom which section of the dovecote belongs, where young people can rest, and where are the birds of the lowest rank. Very rarely, if absolutely necessary, it is possible to rearrange the nest box, it is also undesirable to very often replace one pair with another. Such actions are always accompanied by stress for the pigeons, because a hierarchy is established in the pack, into which a man invades so rudely.

If the birds are kept in a calm environment, then they behave similarly. They give the best results in sports and show their best in cages at competitions and exhibitions.

You also need to know how and what to feed the pigeons in order to accustom them to themselves. It is necessary to ensure that the birds are not afraid to take food from their hands and calmly respond to the cleaning of the dovecote. The very first rule to follow is to come to your pets in the same clothes. The second is to regularly feed them with their favorite treat - sunflower seeds. First, the seeds simply lie in the feeder, after a while they can be scattered around you, then carefully try to give food from the open palm.

If you need to catch this or that dove, then doing this in the afternoon is not recommended. The best time for this is twilight. If there is a need for capture in daylight, then the room must be darkened.

Pigeon Care

For feathered pets to feel comfortable, they need proper care. In the pigeon house you need to regularly clean the litter. Particularly in need of frequent cleaning are nests with chicks and young animals. Growing birds leave a lot of litter after themselves. Also, the poultry breeder should know that the eggs in the clutch must be clean. If the testicle is at least partially contaminated, then the shell in these places will not let air through, and the embryo may suffer from this. Easy cleaning should be carried out daily, thorough - once a week, general - 2 times a year, in spring and autumn in warm weather.

Every day you need to inspect your pets. This procedure is carried out during feeding. If the bird is in good health, then it quickly flies up to the feed and eats with appetite. Sick pigeons peck weakly or do not approach the feed at all and sit aside, covering their eyes and pulling their heads into their shoulders. Sick birds should be isolated immediately.

Very often litter balls form on the claws of birds, which impede their movement. Such pigeons are picked up and these lumps are carefully removed from their claws.

In addition to proper care, winged pets need vitamins. It is also very important what kind of food for pigeons is used in one or another period of their life.

Feeding in the winter months

Each pigeon breeder should know how to feed pigeons in the winter. It begins in October, when the birds stop laying eggs. From that moment on, they need to feed them grain with a moderate protein content. This is done so that sexual arousal does not occur.

pigeon keeping

It is also necessary that the feed contribute to the formation of subcutaneous fat. This will help the pigeons maintain internal heat and serve as the starting material for building down and feathers when the time for molting comes.

Based on the above facts, we conclude that in winter the best food for pigeons is a mixture of barley with collapsed oats (70% / 30%). Another mixture of barley, oats, crushed corn and lentils (40% / 40% / 10% / 10%) is also great. Useful in cold weather for feathered beauties peeled and boiled potatoes in salt water. It is recommended to add clover flour, wheat bran and crushed lime to it.

After a day, they give flax and rapeseed seeds as top dressing, for about 15 pairs about 45 grams.

Breeding Feeding

How to feed pigeons during the breeding season? You must know the answer to this question. Indeed, at this time, birds need special attention. They should eat foods that are rich in minerals and protein. If pigeons feel a deficiency of the latter during the breeding season, this can lead to a decrease in the reproductive function and vitality of pigeons.

pigeon feed

The best food at this time is legumes. It is from them that the diet of birds should consist to a greater extent. Beans are bulk feeds; with their help, birds quickly become saturated. Be sure to include peas in the menu of pigeons during the mating season. The following feed mixtures are recommended:

1. Peas - 20%, vetch - 10%, wheat - 10%, millet - 20%, barley - 20%, corn - 10%, oats - 10%;

2. Vika - 20%, corn - 20%, wheat - 15%, millet - 10%, peas - 15%, barley - 10%, oilseeds - 10%.

How and what to feed young animals?

Another important point in pigeon breeding is the question of how to feed a pigeon chick at home. Depressed babies from their parents in the first weeks need enhanced feeding. Only when the iris of the pups becomes the same color as that of the parents can the portions of food be reduced. Young people are fed three times a day. In the morning and in the afternoon - small portions, and in the evening the chicks receive the bulk of the daily allowance.

how to feed a pigeon chick at home

It is recommended to wet the grains with fish oil, at least a few drops. So that the chicks do not lag behind in growth, they are fed large quantities of wheat, adding a little vetch, barley and peas to it. When young people are already flying, gathering in flocks, wheat can be given in smaller quantities, replacing it with peas and vetch.

Vitamins for pigeons

Like all living things, birds need healthy supplements to the main feed. Vitamins for pigeons should be given based on the weight of the birds, what is their state of health, and what physical activity the birds will face. In addition, the life cycle period is taken into account: growth, molting, egg formation, feeding of chicks.

Strengthening supplements are a must for sports pigeons. Feathered athletes are recommended multivitamins in the form of dragees, you can also dissolve them in drinking water. You need to give before and after the competition. In winter and under stressful situations, vitamins for birds are needed.

What is not allowed to feed pigeons

It is impossible to feed pigeons so that the birds do not get sick and die:

• fish contains a lot of easily digestible phosphorus, pigeons are not able to process it;

• the poultry organism cannot digest meat products; after eating meat, it can die;

• pigeons in the body have few sour milk bacteria, if you give them milk, this can lead to a decline in calcium and dysbiosis;

• cheese contains a lot of preservatives and fat, they are contraindicated for birds;

• The most forbidden product for pigeons is bread, especially black. The fact is that it causes fermentation in the stomach, which can cause digestive problems.

Interesting facts about pigeons

• Did you know that pigeons have unique eye sight! Neither the sun nor the bright reflections from the electric welding machine are capable of blinding them. Even laser flashes do not harm the pigeon's retina.

what to feed pigeons

• In the 11th-12th centuries, when there were no telephones or mail, the pigeon was priced at the same price as a thoroughbred stallion.

• In ancient times, a pigeon was considered a totem animal that patronized humans. In Australia, the bird favored only women.

• Christians consider pigeons to be God's birds. In ancient times, they were put into the graves of martyrs as a symbol of resurrection.

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