We all do not very willingly turn to doctors - we usually listen to the advice of neighbors and friends, and often, having seen enough of the advertisements on TV, we run to buy a “panacea for all ills” at the pharmacy without consulting a doctor. This is not very good, of course. After all, the medicine does not treat the disease, but the person, and what helped one can have a detrimental effect on the other person. This is especially true for women in position. They especially need to be very careful and cautious in choosing medicines, because even the most harmless means can serve poor service during this period.
There are, of course, safe drugs, and we will consult with experts whether it is possible to use the Dr. IOM series during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman has a cold and she has a cough, then she needs anti-inflammatory and expectorant drugs. In this case , the cough syrup produced by Dr. IOM can help. Fortunately, the syrup contains only medicinal plants, such as basil, aloe, turmeric, licorice, elecampane, mint, and therefore is not harmful to the health of a pregnant woman and her baby. The syrup helps with coughing, diluting and eliminating phlegm.
Syrup Dr. IOM is recommended during pregnancy, can be safely used thanks to its herbal remedies. In addition to taking syrup, you can also drink tea with lemon. Vitamin C contained in lemon will only be beneficial. It is also good to add mint, linden blossom and rosehip to tea. It is also good to instill in the nose salty warm water. It helps with coughing the juice of black radish with honey. All these are natural remedies that will not have an adverse effect on the fetus and on the health of the mother.
Dr. IOM ointment during pregnancy can also be used calmly. The ointment, like syrup, contains plant extracts. These are thymol, camphor, menthol, eucalyptus and turpentine oil, as well as petroleum jelly. By applying ointment to the skin, you can remove the inflammatory process and destroy harmful bacteria. This drug also has no contraindications for use by pregnant women. With a cold, ointment should rub the back and chest, you can lubricate the areas around the nose.
What other drugs of the Dr. IOM series will not do harm during pregnancy? In addition to syrup and ointment, a roller pencil is allowed. If a woman who is expecting a baby has caught a cold, she is worried about coughing and a runny nose, she should use a roller pencil to rub her chest and back, and also lubricate the skin around her nostrils. These drugs can be used without danger to the health of the future mother and her unborn baby.
As for the lozenges, Dr. IOM - it is not recommended to use them during pregnancy. The fact is that the composition of the lozenges includes dyes and preservatives, which are completely useless to the future mother and can have a harmful effect on the fetus. It is better to choose safer means for treatment during this period in order to protect yourself and the unborn baby.
To avoid colds in the cold season, it is advisable to use cranberries, garlic, onions, gargle with sage and eucalyptus and make inhalations. During pregnancy, a woman’s immunity decreases, therefore, of course, it is difficult for her to avoid a cold, especially if she has to go to public places during her work and the risk of infection is high. Also, you can not supercool and risk your health. At the slightest ailment and temperature should consult a doctor. And with self-medication, do not forget that the drugs of the series Dr. IOM during pregnancy can provide an indispensable service. And a few more tips: you need to regularly air the room, you can chop the garlic and put it on a saucer in the room, it will protect against infection, thanks to the phytoncides contained in it.
Be healthy and do not get sick!