The presence of mucus in the dog's feces should be cause for concern for the owner. This symptom occurs during the development in an animal of serious disorders in the functioning of the stomach, damage to its walls and mucous membranes, as well as during the inflammatory process.
If the animal begins to defecate with impurities of blood or mucus, you should immediately bring it to the veterinarian for examination and determine the cause of what is happening, because such a problem does not resolve on its own.
Possible reasons
Mucus in the feces of a dog appears exclusively in cases of severe disruption in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. There can be many prerequisites for this. However, the most common cause of mucus in the feces of a dog is the lack of proper and balanced nutrition. Violations in nutrition include:
- sharp transitions from natural feed to dry (or vice versa);
- feeding the dog spoiled or low-quality products;
- regular overfeeding.
In cases where the dog, especially if it is already old, is regularly fed with foods with high fat content, which creates an enveloping effect in the stomach, feces become orange and mucous streaks will be present in it. White bowel movements interspersed with mucus indicates a violation of the liver. Mucus in the feces of old dogs is quite common. The reason for this is the inability of the body to cope with large loads on the gastrointestinal tract system.
Another common cause of mucus in the feces of a dog is poisoning or illness, accompanied by mucous secretions. Frequent diarrhea in a dog is the first sign of serious poisoning, which is accompanied by copious discharge of mucus during bowel movements. Most often, it occurs as a result of the dog eating food found on the street or simply spoiled.
Considering diseases that are accompanied by mucous secretions in the feces, several of them should be distinguished, since it is they that become the most common cause of mucus secretion in feces. Such diseases include: colitis, dysbiosis, helminthiasis and pyroplasmosis.
Colitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the large intestine. The causative agents of this disease are bacteria that live in the gastrointestinal tract of the animal. Their active reproduction provokes the development of inflammation in the stomach, which is the reason for the presence of mucus in the feces of the dog. In addition, this process is accompanied by severe pain, which causes her frequent urge to defecate. During this, there is a mixture of feces with mucus.
The main symptom of colitis in a dog is its rapid attempts to defecate, which do not bring results. All of them are accompanied by severe pain. Sometimes, as a result of an unsuccessful attempt to go to the toilet, stains of mucus mixed with blood remain after the dog.
Often, inexperienced owners confuse the development of colitis with constipation and attempt to independently treat the pet, but they do not realize that thereby only aggravate its condition. In the absence of professional treatment, colitis turns into a neglected form, which is accompanied by vomiting.
Often, in order to diagnose colitis, it is enough for the veterinarian to examine the animal using palpation. In cases where touching the rectum causes pain, the doctor may argue that this is due to colitis. For complete confidence, he most often prescribes a dog x-ray of the stomach.
This is a violation in the microflora of the stomach or intestines. Adverse factors can affect the amount of natural microflora in the dog’s stomach. It either decreases or disappears altogether. The empty "niche" is occupied by a different microflora, which does not fit the animal’s stomach. The reasons for the development of a dog with dysbiosis can be:
- diseases
- certain medications;
- frequently occurring stresses.
Among the medications that cause the development of dysbiosis, antibiotics are distinguished, because of their action, the natural environment of the stomach is disturbed, which allows bacteria such as salmonella or Escherichia coli to develop.
Often, the disease is accompanied by a sharp decrease in appetite, lethargy, apathy. In addition, an upset stomach in a dog may also be a consequence of the development of this disease. The likelihood is high that mucus will be present in the feces of an animal with dysbiosis. The treatment of dysbiosis should not be delayed, because the lack of natural microflora is a very dangerous condition for the dog.
Helminthiasis disease
The most common disease among dogs is helminthiasis. Parasites are able to exist in the body for several years and not manifest themselves. The only way to avoid the disease is to conduct timely deworming of the dog.
Among the many symptoms of infection of the animal with parasites, the main ones are a state of lethargy, weight loss, frequent vomiting. In addition, an upset stomach in a dog may also indicate the presence of helminths in the body.
When they die, the latter leave the body of the animal with feces in the form of a mucous mass. This is a fairly common occurrence - mucus in the feces of a dog infected with parasites, it can appear in the process of getting rid of them.
Such a disease in a dog develops as a result of a bite by an infected tick. The animal has the appearance of shortness of breath and apathy, as well as the mucous membranes acquire a yellow color. In addition, there is a sharp increase in body temperature, frequent urge to vomit, diarrhea begins, in which blood and mucus appear. Symptoms of pyroplasmosis may vary depending on its severity and degree. In the absence of timely treatment, a dog may die several days after a bite.
Before making a diagnosis explaining the presence of mucus in the dog’s feces, the veterinarian needs to be examined. If necessary, verification may be supplemented by rectal examination. In addition, the owner will need to pass the feces and blood of the dog for analysis. Feces are examined in order to detect worms, if available, and blood, to detect the presence of infection in the body.
A colonoscopy may also be prescribed. It is carried out if there is a suspicion of the development of tumors or polyps in a dog in the intestine, or in case of severe damage to this organ. X-ray examination is less commonly prescribed.
Colitis Treatment Scheme
After the veterinarian determines the diagnosis, the treatment procedure begins. Therapy depends on the cause of the presence of mucus in the feces.
Symptoms and treatment of colitis in dogs are closely related, since the therapy is exclusively symptomatic. Additionally, the animal nutrition is adjusted. Often, veterinarians prescribe sulfasalazine and loperamide. Also, suppositories, enemas and rectal suppositories can be prescribed as additional methods of therapy. Treatment of especially severe cases involves the use of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs.
Treatment of dysbacteriosis in dogs involves complex therapy. Prescribed drugs that have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and populate it with the necessary microorganisms. Taking probiotics for dogs with this disease is a prerequisite for treatment. But not only they are included in complex therapy.
In addition to probiotics, dogs, in order to cleanse the intestines, are given preparations of the homeopathic group.
Helminthiasis treatment
In cases where the cause of mucus in the feces of the dog is parasites, deworming is urgently required. Currently, there are various medications that can get rid of larvae, eggs and adult parasites. When treating dogs with such drugs, the dosage should be strictly adhered to. The choice of the drug is a very important point, since most drugs that fight with various types of worms are toxic to the dog. The same drugs, which are more harmless to the animal’s body, have a narrow specialization and will help get rid of only one type of parasite. In order to prevent infection of the dog with helminths, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive therapy. Most often, veterinarians prescribe Azinox, Helminthal for adults, and Drontal and Dirofen for puppies.
Tumors and polyps
In the event that the reason for the presence of mucus in the stool is associated with a disease of the digestive system, the treatment will directly depend on the diagnosis. However, it is imperative that you follow a strict diet.
If tumors or polyps located in the intestine become the cause of the problem, surgery will be necessary.
Therapy of pyroplasmosis
If the dog has a pyroplasmosis disease, the veterinarian will prescribe the use of Ketazol and Dexamethasone. They are introduced to the animal under the skin. You should also clearly follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. Taking an excessive amount of the drug can lead to even greater problems than before.