Have a child appeared in your house? With this momentous event, you will have to change a lot in your daily routine. Particular attention should be paid to watching TV. At first glance, the baby watches with great interest the flickering on the screen, is distracted and calms down. This effect is liked by parents who can go about their business at this time. However, first of all, you need to consult a doctor and find out whether the baby can watch TV.
The opinion of pediatricians
Very often, each doctor has their own view on a number of issues related to prevention and treatment. However, speaking about whether the baby can watch TV, they show amazing solidarity. Up to a year, it is not recommended to turn on the blue screen in the room where the baby is. Try to do your business at a time when the baby is resting, and watch your favorite TV shows in the evening when the baby is sleeping in his crib. However, mothers often do not follow these recommendations and, at every opportunity, offer the child to watch a colorful cartoon. Why not do this, we'll talk now.
Early development
Speaking about whether a baby can watch TV, it is very important to remember physiology. Leading neuropsychologists authoritatively declare that watching TV shows up to a year slows down development and causes addiction. It seems to you that the child does not yet understand what is happening on the screen, and many believe that changing bright pictures, on the contrary, has a positive effect on him, as he stimulates the brain. This is actually not the case. Of course, the white walls do not stimulate development, but there are many pictures of stimuli or toys that can be alternated among themselves. But a dynamic picture with sound next to which children always pay attention causes overwork and exhaustion of the nervous system.
What in return
As you can see, the answer to the question of whether a baby can watch TV is definitely negative. Despite the fact that the baby does not catch the point, he likes the colorful blinking. However, such viewing does not give any benefit. TV is a powerful emotional irritant, so do not be surprised if the baby starts to wake up often at night.
Up to a year, the child's life should be very busy. The brain grows and requires food for its development. Therefore, it is very important to buy cognitive toys with which you can build some semantic series. But most useful is listening to music. She teaches a sense of rhythm, which means that very soon the baby will begin to move in time and try to sing along. Therefore, music can play at home almost constantly.
The dangers
Of course, the desire of parents to turn on the blue screen is understandable. They have a lot of housework, meetings and friends, problems that need time to resolve. However, every day the time that the baby spends in front of the TV becomes more and more. A two-month-old child can lie all day and look at the flickering of images on the screen while her mother is spinning around. As a result, normal communication with the baby is minimized, that is, limited to hygiene procedures and feeding. The situation is far from being as harmless as it might seem at first glance. The child grows deprived in communication, which means that his development lags far behind the age norm. The baby does not develop motor skills, speech is delayed.
Main harm
It is how newborn children see flickering on the screen. As soon as the colorful cartoon turns on, a shower of incoherent images and a deafening sound row falls upon the child. Moreover, due to age, he cannot catch the general meaning. Directly, the harmfulness itself depends on the duration of the stimulus. The more time the baby remains in front of the blue screen, the more it is dangerous for his health. Since newborn children see not a meaningful picture, but only a series of images, attention is quickly dulled. As a result, we have attention deficit disorder, as well as its low level. Recently, this has become a real generation problem.
Today, experts are constantly conducting research, studying the effect of television on the child. As a result, they are increasingly coming to the conclusion that the less the baby will spend time in a room with working appliances, the better for his health. It is not a proven fact, but there are suggestions that the TV adversely affects the somatics of a young child. Frequent presence near a working device provokes impaired vision and the digestive system. To date, numerous studies are being conducted on small pets. These are hamsters, guinea pigs and decorative birds. Permanent stay in a room with a working TV depressing effect on their body, causing premature death. Of course, animals and humans are very different from each other. However, it is better not to risk the health of your baby.
After a year
The child is growing, he is already in his second year, and now he is already quite able to use the remote control himself. However, wait to transfer control to him. After a year, pediatricians are allowed to show children cartoons that are intended for children of this age. These are usually short stories, not too bright and not overloaded emotionally. Almost all of them contain short songs. Often, high-quality educational material includes a demonstration of pictures of animals and birds, letters and numbers, objects of the surrounding world. A two-year-old, as well as a two-month-old, the child needs constant communication with his mother, he should feel the warmth of his hands, an affectionate voice every day, and not from time to time.
After two years
A child and a TV are a problem that has appeared only in our time. More recently, on blue screens it was possible to watch the news in the morning, then one short cartoon, and after that until the evening, nothing but the grid was broadcast. In the evening for the children there was a program of "Good night" and a short cartoon was shown. And today everyone has a large package of cable television, where at least 2-3 channels watch cartoons all day. Plus unlimited access to Internet resources. Therefore, the task of parents is to control their children.
After two years, it is permissible to watch cartoons a day for no more than 30 minutes a day. Be sure that each view should have a certain theme. After that, be sure to discuss what you saw, draw heroes and come up with your own names for them. You can cut each and put on a mini-performance. Only in this way watching cartoons will be not only safe, but also useful.
Recommendations for parents
After reading our article, you will understand that in one apartment a child and a TV can get along quite peacefully, you only need to correctly manage the daily routine, and also follow a number of recommendations. During viewing, the distance to the blue screen should be at least two meters. In the evening, it is advisable not to turn it on at all, and if free time falls only at this time of day, then be sure to turn on the light. Otherwise, the load on the lens will be too high.
The second point: you can not feed the baby for watching the cartoon. Children get used to it very quickly and will soon refuse to eat without an interesting series. In addition, it must be borne in mind that while watching TV, the child’s brain is busy, which means that there is a violation of eating behavior, and the resulting nutrients will not be absorbed as needed.
If a child watches TV at different times, it will be difficult for him to develop a certain mode. And again the experience of Soviet television comes to mind. On weekends, in the morning, they showed one series of an interesting cartoon, and on weekdays there was only a short evening show before bedtime. All the guys knew the routine very well and waited for a certain time. Try to install the same system at home, for example, turn on the TV or computer in the morning, when the baby just stands up and concentrates well.
How to wean a child from a bad habit
Unfortunately, most parents later realize that the child began to spend too much time in front of the blue screen. But trouble can be prevented if you know that you can babies. The more you spend time in the fresh air, walk in the park, play pads and other children's games, sing songs to him and tell tales, the healthier the baby will grow. Having lost time, weaning from the magic box is no longer so simple. In principle, this problem has only one solution. It is necessary to turn on the TV or computer as rarely as possible and help the child optimize his leisure time, fill it with interesting activities.