So, we have a carpet that needs to be cleaned of pollution, and a means for cleaning it called "Vanish". How to remove stains and restore the old look to the flooring? First of all, the existing kit should be supplemented with a brush or sponge, a container for dissolving the product in water, we also need water and a vacuum cleaner directly.
Naturally, “Vanish” for carpets has very different reviews , this is typical for any means. It should be noted that the majority of negative opinions about the product are due to the fact that it was used incorrectly, trace
Therefore, the expected result after cleaning was not obtained. To avoid this, you need to follow some fairly simple steps.
First of all, you need to get rid of dust and small debris on the carpet, for this, an aggregate familiar to everyone called a vacuum cleaner is used. You can knock out the coating on the street, this option will even be more effective. It should be noted right away that if the carpet is not dusted before cleaning , stains may appear on it, which then will be very difficult to remove.
Now we proportionally breed "Vanish" for carpets. Reviews of it, by the way, often have a negative connotation precisely due to the fact that the product is not properly mixed with water and applied incorrectly. Therefore, this stage should be given special attention. To achieve the desired result, you need to mix one part of the product and nine parts of water, you can use any small container or just take the cap from the product. The water should be warm, but in no case hot, about 40 degrees.
Now needed
o Beat the solution until foam. It is used for cleaning. Here again, it should be noted that sometimes the housewives do not do this and apply the resulting liquid to the coating, it is not surprising that after that the reviews about Vanish for carpets are negative.
Now you need to take a large brush or sponge and apply foam to the entire carpet. If only one area is to be cleaned, then, accordingly, it needs to be distributed only in this place. Be sure to take into account that the coating should not be very wet - this can lead to stains or shrinkage.
After "Vanish" for cleaning carpets in the form of foam is applied to the desired area, you can proceed directly to cleaning. This should be done with the same brush or sponge. The foam is rubbed in a circular motion, special attention is paid to the most polluted areas. If heavily stubborn stains are present on the coating, a small amount of the product should be sprayed on them some time before cleaning.
After cleaning, the carpet should dry. For this
o It takes about 2-3 hours, but the best option would be to leave the product on it overnight. At this time, you should not walk on the floor and it is best not to be in this room if possible. While drying the carpet, it is recommended to ventilate the room.
Now you can begin the last step - vacuum the carpet. This is necessary in order to get rid of a dried product. It should be noted that “Vanish” for carpets will have positive reviews only if it is used correctly, but some nuances should be noted. Firstly, this product is not suitable for materials such as silk, brocade, suede and velvet, nor can it be used on handmade carpets. Secondly, before cleaning the Vanish carpet , it is better to check the product. To do this, it is enough to apply foam on a small area of the coating and be sure to wear gloves when cleaning.