Fridge lock: views

No matter how strange it may look, but still in our life there are many situations where it is simply necessary to install a special lock on the refrigerator. This applies primarily to those people who live in communal apartments or dormitories. But, as experts say, in an ordinary apartment there are sometimes many reasons to put the above device. After all, we often open it throughout the day. The result is plump sides and extra pounds.

All kinds of locks for the refrigerator are described below.

Castle on the refrigerator of the last century

refrigerator lock from neighbors

The above goods are now popular among many buyers. At the end of the last century, residents of communal apartments actively used a refrigerator lock from neighbors. But in those days it was made independently. Two small ears were screwed to the refrigerator door, which were neatly painted. The usual padlock gave confidence to many families. They knew for sure that their “border was on a safe castle”.

Also in the Soviet Union produced refrigerators with a special lock with a locking mechanism. The handle of this refrigerator was like a car. It was she who closed the key.

Child lock on the refrigerator

fridge lock

Today on the market there are many types of very effective devices that are designed to reliably close the refrigerator.

When a child appears in the family, it becomes necessary to install the above device on the refrigerator. A special child lock is designed to lock the refrigerator door. It is a kind of device that consists of two parts. So, one of them is mounted on the door of the refrigerator compartment, the second - on its wall.

This device holds the refrigerator door securely and does not allow the baby to open it. But an adult without special difficulties can, if necessary, cope with this locking lock.

Electronic fridge lock

electronic refrigerator lock

The problem of protecting the refrigerator in our century of technological progress did not remain without a high-tech solution. An electronic lock is software that is capable of tightly closing a refrigerator in a specific period of time.

This device has several varieties:

  • Fridge lock with special code. In order to open the door of the refrigerator, you need to enter a code word or answer the specific question asked correctly. If the answer was incorrect, then a new question will be generated.
  • Device with alarm. This is a fridge lock with a special timer, which is set, for example, from 8 o’clock in the evening until, for example, 7 o’clock in the morning. If a person tries to open the door of the refrigerator at this time, he will hear unpleasant loud noises. Such a device will become just a lifesaver for those people who are trying to keep track of their figure and want to lose extra pounds.

Advantages of Electronic Fridge Lock

The above device is quite useful for both an ordinary family and the store owner:

1. Reliably protects the refrigerator door from unauthorized entry or theft.

2. A special remote control allows you to control the lock from a distance.

3. The presence of an alarm and a timer.

4. In some types of locks are equipped with motion sensors.

It should be noted that the electronic lock on the refrigerator is quite easy to mount. How to install it correctly is described in detail in the instructions. There is no need to call a special master, because everyone can install it.

The lock on the refrigerator will help to reliably protect the unit from the attacks of neighbors or children. In addition, he will become a wonderful ally in the struggle for a slim figure and slim waist.

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