Health Diet for Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most beautiful, but very crucial period in a woman’s life. She is waiting for the appearance of her baby. For his sake, she will have to change her lifestyle, and first of all it concerns nutrition. It is from the menu that the intrauterine development of the baby depends. That is why it is necessary to follow a diet during pregnancy. Thanks to her, the body of the future mother will be replenished with minerals and vitamins.

Be a diet or not

Disturbances are immediately heard - what diet? After all, you can eat a lot and as much as you like. You do not need to follow the figure, and health should not fail. But there is another opinion. Women are not indignant, but strongly adhere to proper nutrition, observing all the doctor's prescriptions. But still, what is the answer to the question: is it worth dieting during the most critical period in a woman’s life or not? It all depends on the goal that the young mother pursues.

The baby begins to grow inside her. This in any case leads to weight gain. There is only one moment, a woman can gain no more than fifteen kilograms during pregnancy. Exceeding this criterion causes problems not only during the bearing of the baby, but also during childbirth. These arguments are a plus in favor of a diet during pregnancy.

A woman in an “interesting” position should monitor her diet. This will help her improve her well-being, avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and quickly return to shape after giving birth.

Next, we will talk about what kind of diet should be followed during pregnancy. Let's start with a trimester meal.

Eat the right foods

First trimester

During this period, the foundations of the organs of the child are laid. The purpose of the trimester diet during pregnancy is to provide the body of the future mother with building material, to provide microelements, vitamins. In addition, control in nutrition helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and reduce the manifestations of toxicosis.

The first fourteen days a pregnant woman should consume at least two thousand four hundred kilocalories, the protein content in this period is in the range of 110-120 grams. The amount of animal and vegetable proteins is divided equally. Carbohydrates in the body should get no more than three hundred and fifty grams, and fat about seventy-five grams.

Power mode - fractional; meals - at least six times a day. Thanks to this order of eating:

  • Food absorption will increase, nutrients will be consumed better.
  • Frequent snacks prevent overeating.
  • Symptoms of toxicosis are reduced.
  • The work of the intestines is normalized.

Remember, the last meal no later than two hours before bedtime.

Second trimester

Nutrition - varied and balanced. The menu includes products with a large amount of vitamin A. They contribute to the development of bone tissue, skin, and the retina of the fetus. Folic acid is also necessary for the baby. Thanks to her, blood cells and the central nervous system are formed.

In the second trimester, there is almost no toxicosis. Mom’s better appetite. The baby in her womb begins to choose what he likes best from food. That's why a pregnant woman also changes her gastronomic habits. Just do not get involved in high-calorie foods and overeat. This does not benefit the baby, but only lays fat on the sides of the future mother. After giving birth it is very difficult to “get rid of” them.

Diet during pregnancy to reduce weight during this period is to reduce the use of confectionery products, fresh pastries, sweets.

Moms and babies love smoothies

In the second trimester, the fetus begins to breathe. A lot of oxygen should enter the pregnant body. So, she should walk more in the fresh air, do gymnastics.

The main rules of nutrition in the second trimester:

  • Eat at least five times a day.
  • The portions are small. Eat a little, but often.
  • Drinking fluid should be reduced to a liter and a half and a day.
  • The minimum amount of salt.
  • It is advisable to eat boiled, stewed, baked dishes.
  • Every day, with a diet during pregnancy, it is recommended to use a rosehip decoction. It is rich in vitamin C, which is needed for the placenta.

Third trimester

This is the most critical period. You will have to take care not only about the correct development of the baby, but also about his birth. A balanced diet is one of the components of a light birth. In this period:

  • Limit fluid intake. On the day its amount should not be more than a liter. A liquid is not only water, but also soups, tea, even fruit.
  • The use of salt is minimized, the restriction is five grams per day.
  • In the third trimester, it is advisable to switch to a vegetarian diet - less meat and more fruit.
  • The menu for a diet during pregnancy at this stage should not contain allergenic products: citrus fruits, nuts, red vegetables and fruits, honey.
  • It is necessary to do fasting days (two to three times a week). Suitable kefir, apple, kefir-apple diet. The essence of nutrition is as follows - eat these foods as soon as you want to eat. There should be no other dishes.

We talked about how to eat during pregnancy in the trimesters. But this is not enough. After all, a pregnant woman can suffer from diseases, excess weight. How to eat in this case?

We are gaining weight correctly

One of the diets during pregnancy for weight loss is called protein. This is a balanced diet, including an increased amount of protein, complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.

Thanks to this nutrition:

  • Controlled and normalized weight.
  • The fetus develops correctly.
  • The hemoglobin level in the blood is normal.
  • Anemia in mother and baby is prevented.
  • No swelling.

This type of diet during pregnancy for weight loss is recommended only in the first and second trimester. In the third, the amount of protein must be reduced.

The essence of nutrition is as follows:

  • Simple carbohydrates are excluded from the diet.
  • Complex carbohydrates - are included.
  • The basis of the menu is rich in protein products.

Meat - beef, lamb, rabbit meat. Chicken - only homemade.

Fish - it is better to give preference: tuna, salmon, som.

Without eggs - not enough

Seafood can only be consumed in the first five months of pregnancy. Otherwise, the baby may have an allergy.

Eggs can be eaten, but carefully, in order to avoid an allergic reaction.

Milk and dairy products - low fat content.

Fruits vegetables.

The recommended amount of water is one and a half liters. Eat five times a day. Servings should be small.

A little more about weight loss

Despite the recommendations and restrictions, eating should still be tasty and varied. When compiling a diet, be sure to consider your addictions. An approximate diet menu during pregnancy, for weight loss.

  • Monday.

Breakfast - oatmeal, fruit juice.

Lunch - whole grain bread (dried), low-fat cheese.

Lunch - borsch, boiled beef.

Snack - fruit salad.

Dinner - pilaf with chicken, vegetable salad.

The second dinner is kefir.

  • Tuesday.

Breakfast - cottage cheese with dried fruits, jelly.

Lunch - scrambled eggs.

Lunch - fish soup, boiled fish, coleslaw and carrot salad.

Snack - baked apples.

Dinner - a stew of vegetables and turkey meat.

The second dinner is a milkshake.

  • Wednesday.

Breakfast - millet with pumpkin, milk.

Lunch - cottage cheese with prunes.

Lunch - cauliflower soup, baked chicken.

Snack - fruits.

Dinner - beef liver, dried bread, cucumber and tomato salad.

The second dinner is fermented baked milk.

  • Thursday.

Breakfast - muesli with yogurt.

Lunch - lazy dumplings.

Lunch - peasant soup, boiled tongue, apple and carrots (salad).

Afternoon snack - Greek salad.

Dinner - stewed fish, boiled broccoli.

The second dinner - baked milk.

  • Friday.

Breakfast - barley milk porridge, dried fruit compote.

Lunch - cheese, whole-grain bread plus butter.

Lunch - broth with meatballs, salad, beets plus prunes.

Afternoon snack - jelly. Beef preferably.

Dinner - liver (chicken), boiled rice.

The second dinner is fruit.

In the morning - oatmeal

  • Saturday.

Breakfast - milk porridge from rice.

Lunch - cottage cheese with carrots.

Dinner - fresh cabbage, boiled turkey.

Snack - omelet with vegetables.

Dinner - mackerel with vegetables.

Late dinner - fruit yogurt.

  • Sunday.

Breakfast - corn porridge in milk.

Lunch - boiled and dried bread tongue.

Lunch - a rabbit cooked in a pot, vinaigrette.

Afternoon snack - boiled egg and seaweed salad.

Dinner - cutlets of lean meat, boiled buckwheat.

The second dinner is berry compote.

The menu can be changed, but the main thing is that all the basic principles of nutrition are observed.

Salt-free diet

A salt-free diet during pregnancy is prescribed for edema and cramps in the calf muscles.

Its essence is as follows. You have to refuse for a certain period, and this can be from two to fourteen days, from salt. Most often, this type of food is prescribed in the third trimester. It is during this period that edema usually appears. How many days to eat food without salt, your doctor calculates. He also participates in the preparation of a sample menu.

A salt-free diet will help:

  • Reduce puffiness.
  • Make a better condition for the future mother.
  • Improve metabolism. So, this diet is suitable for weight loss during pregnancy.

For expectant mothers who adhere to this type of food, it is forbidden to eat fried, smoked dishes. It is necessary to limit the use of flour and confectionery products. It is advisable to exclude marinades, grapes, bananas, sausages, sharp cheeses, chocolate, nuts from the diet.

Only low-fat varieties of meat and fish are suitable. Do not give up fresh vegetables, olive oil, dairy products and cereal.


This is another problem that occurs during pregnancy. The child is growing. It begins to squeeze the internal organs that are at the top. Heartburn appears, intensifying every day. By childbirth it becomes completely "bad." In order to improve the condition, you should adhere to a diet during pregnancy from heartburn.

  • Eat small meals, especially after seventeen hours.
  • Refuse fried, smoked, fatty.
  • After eating thirty minutes walk, sit, but in no case go to bed.
  • Fresh heart-squeezed potato juice, a glass of milk, pumpkin seeds, milk porridge with butter will help with heartburn.
  • Do not eat acidic foods in the evening.
  • In the afternoon, do not eat food that causes heartburn.

When composing the menu, remember that there should be more vegetable protein than animal.

We offer a diet for a week during pregnancy, which will help a woman get rid of poor health. Why for a week? Because all products in this menu are interchangeable. See that they are correct, contain the necessary amount of minerals and vitamins.

Milk will help with heartburn


  • Steamed oatmeal, cottage cheese or omelet.
  • Weak tea, jelly, compote.
  • Berries, fruits.

Lunch - homemade yogurt, fruits.


  • Meat soup with vegetables.
  • Cutlets or meatballs. Garnish - boiled rice.
  • Fresh vegetable salad with olive oil.
  • Cottage cheese with fruits.


  • Compote or jelly.
  • Biscuit cookies.
  • Dried fruits, nuts.


  • Steamed vegetables or chicken stock.
  • A bit of fruit.

Before going to bed - a glass of kefir or milk.

This diet is suitable during pregnancy to reduce body weight.

Nutrition for gastritis and peptic ulcer

Now let's talk about the nutrition of a pregnant woman who suffers from peptic ulcer and gastritis.

  • Fractional nutrition, up to seven times a day.
  • Food should have a liquid or semi-liquid state. No toasting.
  • The restriction in the use of salt and fast carbohydrates (jam, confectionery).
  • Refuse spicy, smoked dishes.
  • Recommended - milk, cottage cheese, kefir, butter.
  • Do not give up milk soups, meat and fish meatballs, vegetable stew.
  • The daily diet is varied and nutritious.
  • Food should be at room temperature.

With an exacerbation of the disease, a diet with bed rest should be combined.

Take decoctions of medicinal herbs daily.

To achieve a positive effect, you should drink water two hours before meals, three hundred milliliters three times a day.

Nutrition for pyelonephritis

At the moment, we will talk about what kind of diet during pregnancy in women suffering from pyelonephritis, is used.

  • During the acute stage, the amount of fluid increases to two liters. The exception is the appearance of edema. It’s good to drink cranberry juice.
  • The amount of salt is not limited.
  • For constipation, they are best suited: prunes, dried fruit compote, beets.
  • Bread - slightly dried or from flour of the first, second grade. Unfinished cookies, pancakes, pancakes without salt.
  • Soups Their number at a time should not exceed four hundred grams. For a pregnant woman with a disease, pyelonephritis is suitable: dairy, vegetarian, soups on a vegetable broth. They are seasoned with: cream, butter, low-fat sour cream.
  • Meat. On the day it is recommended to consume no more than one hundred and fifty grams. Low-fat varieties are suitable.
  • From fish, you can eat: cod, hake, pike perch, saffron cod. They are boiled or cooked from them a steam souffle.
  • Milk. Non-acidic cottage cheese, curd dishes, kefir or yogurt, yoghurts are non-acidic and non-greasy.
  • The eggs. One or two a week.
  • Fats. Unsalted butter. Refined oil is used as an additive to dishes.
  • Any noodles, small pasta.
  • Baked or raw vegetables. It is necessary to limit the use of white cabbage, onions.
  • In salads use sausages - only boiled, without fat. Spices in a small amount.
  • Sweets - limit if you gain weight quickly.

It is impossible:

  • Fresh bread, pastries.
  • Strong meat, mushroom broths.
  • Canned fish and meat.
  • Pickles and pickled products.
  • Coffee, chocolate.
  • Alcoholic drinks, horseradish, mayonnaise.
Water is always needed

Adhering to this diet during pregnancy, you can improve your condition.

Diabetes Nutrition

Experts prove that it is possible to defeat the disease. To do this, follow the doctor's recommendations. An endocrinologist and a gynecologist make up a menu for a pregnant woman. Since taking antidiabetic drugs in an “interesting” position is prohibited, proper nutrition is the only way to get rid of the problem.

What should be the diet for diabetes during pregnancy?

The diet includes:

  • From three hundred to five hundred grams of carbohydrates per day.
  • One hundred twenty grams of complete proteins.
  • Fat - no more than sixty grams.
  • The caloric content of food per day is not less than two thousand five hundred and not more than three thousand kilocalories.

The basics of eating a pregnant woman with diabetes:

  • Fractional nutrition. Three main meals plus three snacks.
  • Per day, you need to eat as a percentage: fifty percent carbohydrates, thirty percent protein, twenty percent fat.
  • Try to drink one and a half liters of water.
  • Avoid digestible and simple carbohydrates. The most dangerous are sweets, cakes, cookies, oatmeal porridge.
  • Give up sugar.
  • Between the last and first meals should not be more than ten hours.

A protein diet during pregnancy is one of the best for diabetes.

Listen to pregnant

Every woman who is expecting a baby can tell a lot about life in this period. They talk about proper nutrition. Opinions sound different, but they all come down to one thing - the baby should be born healthy.

What are the reviews about diet during pregnancy?

Some give advice - if you ate correctly before pregnancy, then you should not change your habits in an "interesting" position. Only harm yourself and your child’s health.

Some support the view that each pregnant woman should have her own individual diet. Which one? Only a doctor can tell.

Women with kidney problems are advised to drink cranberry juice during pregnancy. It is a diuretic. It is done as follows: cranberries, mashed with sugar, poured with boiled water.

With toxicosis, to relieve the condition, one should eat something, such as cookies, without getting out of bed.

One more tip from young mothers. During pregnancy, caffeine should be discarded. Its use can lead to problems. It is best to replace coffee and black tea with herbal decoctions.

Everything is right and necessary


Basic rules for proper nutrition during pregnancy.

  • You can’t starve.
  • The menu should be varied.
  • Eat freshly squeezed juices.
  • Do not forget about soups, include them in your diet.
  • Eat fermented milk products.
  • Do not give up meat. Prefer low-fat varieties.
  • Fish should also be eaten lean.
  • The eggs are healthy. They should be in the diet, but not more than three per week.
  • The use of sugar and salt is desirable to limit.

Also, foods containing iron must be present in the diet.

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