Goldfish Diseases - Their Master's Care

aquarium fish disease

These wonderful sea creatures began to please the human eye 15 centuries ago, when they appeared in China, and then the Koreans began to breed an already domesticated individual in their reservoirs. The aquarium goldfish (in fact, crucian carp) continued their successful voyage towards the West and reached Russia in the 18th century. With its color (pink, bright red, yellow, white, bronze and black-blue), goldfish always pleased their owners. Only the diseases of the goldfish could upset them. In ponds, with proper care, individuals can reach a size of 35 cm, but in an aquarium, this is very doubtful.

Goldfish Disease

Conditions of detention

Aquarium fish, the diseases of which are most often provoked by the conditions of detention, will decorate your home for a long time, taking on the function of an element of decor. It is important for them to have access to oxygen, sufficient water, timely proper nutrition, and most importantly, the lack of inhabitants of the aquarium, which are characterized by aggressiveness and impulsiveness. If you do not create such conditions, all your efforts to breed fish will be futile. Children, as you understand, are especially upset when immovable goldfish are lying at the bottom of the aquarium, whose diseases were a complete surprise to you. Such a turn of events can spoil the mood of the baby for a long time, and, accordingly, to you.

Diseases of a goldfish can be recognized by its appetite, the luster of its scales, the brightness of its color, and, of course, its mobility. The owner of the aquarium should be alerted by the plaque on their body, the upper fin, inclined to the side, on the back, which should be located vertically, and most important and dangerous - various formations that indicate that the matter has already gone very far.

Goldfish disease

Major diseases

So, the diseases of the goldfish are manifested as follows:

  • cloudy scales with a velvety coating as a harbinger of scabies (it is immediately necessary to change the water in full);
  • tumors of different colors on the fins and skin under the scales, or fishpox (can not be treated; it is not particularly dangerous, and the appearance of the fish pretty much spoils);
  • Goldfish Disease

    dropsy, threatens with sepsis (the biggest threat of goldfish is cured only at the initial stage by moving them under running water and bathing every other day in potassium permanganate);
  • hyphae or white threads, flagellates capable of germinating in the body of a fish, then holes may appear in the head with the release of white matter (urgently take measures so that the fish does not lie on the bottom, from where it can no longer rise);
  • velvet disease - oodiniosis - with loss of color brightness, peeling of the mucous membrane, milky coating, fins sticking together (long-term treatment with drugs in the general aquarium is necessary for parallel treatment of all its inhabitants);
  • inflammation of the stomach as a result of overfeeding with dried bloodworms, daphnia and gammarus (the voracity of the goldfish has long been known, so feed should be fed as much as it can be swallowed for three minutes).

Aquarium Fish Diseases

If you create the required conditions and notice the slightest deviations in the behavior and appearance of the individual in time, then the diseases of the goldfish will not bother you. There are many lovers and specialists in the breeding of ornamental fish, especially in large cities. There are specialized markets or sections for the sale of aquarium fish. There are always people there who can get advice if you need it. Together you will overcome the diseases of the goldfish, and your nimble, lively “gold” in the scales will give everyone pleasure for a long time.

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